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IT Project Case Study- Challenges and Solution

Assessemnt 2 - Presentation

Presented by Varun
Parayil Anil
Project Overview"-Making It Work For You"

• A $425 million IT initiative by Transport for NSW.

• Aimed to revolutionize the agency's technology infrastructure.

• Faced significant challenges like achieving a third of its goals despite substantial

• A case study reflecting the complexities of large-scale IT project management.

Budget Management- Problem
and Solution

A significant portion of the budget $348 million out of $425 million was
consumed, but only a third of goals were achieved, indicating a lapse in
budget planning and control.

Implement a more rigorous financial control system, including frequent

S. budget reviews, adjustments aligned with project milestones, and utilizing

Earned Value Management (EVM).
Scope Management- problem and

The project's scope had to be revised, highlighting issues of scope creep and
misalignment between project execution and initial objectives

Develop a clear and detailed project scope statement, regularly reviewed and

S. updated with stakeholder input, and implement a formal change management

Project Evaluation and Monitoring-
Problem and Solution

The deteriorating service delivery and credibility indicate deficiencies in
project evaluation and monitoring, leading to the project not meeting its

Establish robust Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and regular status

S. reporting systems; adopt a project management information system (PMIS)

for decision-making.
End User Requirements-Problem and

Only a third of the user goals have been met, showing a misalignment with
end-user needs and inadequate integration of user requirements.

Conduct a comprehensive requirement gathering process, use techniques like

S. user interviews and surveys; ensure regular user feedback loops throughout
the project.
Leadership and Team Dynamic
-Problem and Solution

The report criticizes team dynamics and highlights the need for stronger
leadership, indicating challenges in navigating complex projects and
ensuring team cohesion.

Provide leadership training and team-building activities; focus on clear

S. communication, fostering an inclusive environment, and addressing team

Technical and Governance Challenges-Problem
and Solution

The project faces technical complexities in integrating IT systems and
governance issues, including compliance with standards and effective
stakeholder management.

Involve experts in technical and governance areas from the start; conduct

S. regular compliance audits and engage stakeholders effectively.

Key Learning
• Necessity of effective leadership and positive team dynamics in navigating project
• Importance of precise scope definition and proactive scope management to prevent scope
• The need for rigorous budget management and regular financial reviews.

• Necessity of being adaptable and flexible in response to evolving project challenges.

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. (2013). PMBOK Guides.

Hendry,K. (2018,March 26). NSW Transport’s $425m IT overhaul hits the skids. (n.d.). iTnews.

O’Sullivan, M. (2018, March 25). $425m IT upgrade for transport agencies veers off the rails. The Sydney Morning Herald

Burke, R. (2013, November 25). Project Management. John Wiley & Sons.

Kendrick, T. (2015). The Project Management Tool Kit: 100 Tips and Techniques for Getting the Job Done Right. New York:

Müller, R. (2017). Governance, governmentality and project performance: the role of sovereignty. International Journal of
Information Systems and Project Management.

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