SEPI 1.4 The Birth of Democracy in India

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The post-colonial experience from secular democratic

procedure to Islamic Democracy

The Muslim Indians struggle against

Imperialist hegemony
Topic which are important
• How democracy has been introduced?
• Notion of justice a) metaphysical , b) political.
• Notion of state a) perfectionist state, b) anti-
perfectionist state.
• Constitution
• Objective resolution
• Islamization of constitution
• Islamic ideology council
• Federal Shariate court.
• Justice ----------
• Fairness ---------
• Justice as fairness ????
• System of Justice ---- individual will.
• The objective is to establish a harmony between -- System of Justice ----
individual will.
• Metaphysical Notion of justice ( religious) claims that harmony will be
established if individual surrender his will to the will of God/supreme
• Metaphysical Notion of justice ( secular) ex Plato’s theory of Justice, you
derive notion of justice from a philosophical perspective.
• political Notion of justice ( secular) (System of Justice ---- individual will)
claims that harmony will be established if individual assert his will as per his
own notion of justice.
Sources of Law
• Will of the God/ will of arc-angle
• Will of the people. --- democratic form of governance.
• matrix

Central Idea
• The central idea of this presentation that
Indian Muslims have shifted from secular form
of democracy to religious democracy.
• English have superior ideology as compare to their Muslim Competitors In
• Modernity is the ultimate survivors.
• Socio-political and economic structure is to re-structured because it
cannot solve the problems of Muslims.
• Modern-Man= 1) He is anthropocentric 2) considers reason as the
ultimate source of knowledge/morality. 3) freedom is a non-contestable
• Anthro = human
Indians were ruled by Muslim Monarchs

• Monarchy the source of law will of Monarch.

• how to control Monarch , Islam was one of
the most powerful source , and the religious
domination has expressed itself throughout in
Muslim history.
God centric
• Society
• Knowledge
• Morality
• State God
• Law value
• Relationship
• Legitimacy
• Society
• Knowledge
• Morality
• State Rational Man

• Law value
• Relationship
• Legitimacy
From Bullet to Ballot : the trajectory of democracy

• Hundred years of Indian Muslims Struggle to reinstate monarchy.

• Defeat of Palssey 1757
• Defeat of Buxar 1764
• Defeat of Mysor( Tippu Sultan) 1799
• Defeat of Awadh Wajid Ali Shah 7 February 1856
• Defeat of war of Independence 1857 .
• Marx s was against imperialism, according to the locals will not be able to sustain their
• Village society ----- self sustained society ----- non- progressive
Rakshasbhuvan Maratha Empire
Nizam of Hyderabad
Battle of Buxar 1764 Buxar
Hector Munro Combined armies
of Nawab Mir Qasim(Bengal),Nawab Shuja-ud-
daulah(Awadh)& Mughal emperor Shah Alam

Battle of Maonda and Mandholi 1767

Maonda and Mandholi
Jaipur Bharatpur
Battle of Poona 1781 Pune
Maratha Empire British East India
Battle of Lalsot 1787 Lalsot
Jaipur and Jodhpur Mahadaji Shinde

Battle of Malpura 1800 Malpura

Sawai Pratap Singh Daulat Rao
Battle of Panamarathukotta 1802
Wayanad Pazhassi Raja's forces
British East India Company
Battle of Assaye 1803 Assaye
British East India Company
Maratha Empire
War of Independence and British Imperialist Concern

• Indian Vs British Imperialist.

This system of governance was instituted on
28 June 1858, when, after the Indian
Rebellion of 1857, the rule of the British East
India Company was transferred to the Crown
in the person of Queen Victoria (who, in 1876,
was proclaimed Empress of India)
The Idea of Self governance introduced by the English
in Sub-Continent

• The Notion of self governance has questioned the identity issue

in sub-continent.
• This idea has questioned the monarchical rule as well as
developed the identity crises which by implication neutralizes the
collective opposition against the colonial Power.
• The major division between Hindus and Muslims.
• Late on the two nation theory was an attempt to reconcile this
Identity crises.
• By implication it also accepts that six hundred years of Muslim
rule in Idea was illegitimate.
• Since under democratic rule they will never rule Sub-continent
Structural exposition of state


Perfectionist State Anti-perfectionist

Metaphysical State
justice Political justice

Priority of right
Religious Secular over good

Priority of Good Democratic political

over right procedure
The Islamization of Constitution

• The role of Objective resolution

The nature of the relation between objective resolution and
Human rights frame- work

• The priority of Good over right Vs The priority

of right over good.
• How to resolve the possible contradiction
between will of the people and will of the
The Role of Supra-constitutional bodies
• Islamic Ideology council
• Federal Shriate Court

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