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This is to certify that this English investigatory project on the
topic has been successfully completed By DAKSH RAJ of
class XII-A under the guidance of MRS. NEETU KAUSHIK
MAM for fulfilment of the ALS Project Work.
DATE: 31 JAN 2024
I extend my sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the
completion of this investigatory project on "Vanishing Stripes:
Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Tiger Extinction."
My profound appreciation goes to my subject teacher Mrs. NEETU
KAUSHIK mam whose guidance, expertise, and support were
invaluable throughout this endeavor.
I am thankful to Dr. Harjinder Kaur, Principal, KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA
3BRD CHANDIGARH AFS for providing us with the necessary resources
and facilities to conduct our research effectively.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my peers and classmates for
their constructive feedback and encouragement throughout the
project's development.
The objectives of "Vanishing Stripes: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of
Tiger Extinction" investigatory project could include:
•Investigate Causes: Analyze the primary factors contributing to the decline of tiger
populations, including habitat loss, poaching, human-wildlife conflict, and climate
•Examine Consequences: Explore the ecological, environmental, and societal
impacts of tiger extinction on biodiversity, ecosystems, and communities dependent
on tiger habitats.
•Raise Awareness: Increase public understanding of the urgency of tiger
conservation efforts and the importance of preserving these iconic species for future
•Propose Solutions: Investigate and propose practical solutions for tiger
conservation, such as habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures, community-
based initiatives, and international cooperation.
•Evaluate Interventions: Assess the effectiveness of past and current conservation
interventions aimed at protecting tiger populations, identifying successes,
challenges, and areas for improvement.
Tigers, majestic predators of the wild, are facing an
unprecedented threat of extinction. Once roaming vast territories
across Asia, these iconic big cats are now dwindling in numbers,
their existence hanging in the balance. The phenomenon of tiger
extinction not only raises alarm bells for conservationists but
also unveils a broader narrative of ecological imbalance and
human-induced disruptions. In this investigatory project, we
delve into the intricate web of factors contributing to the
vanishing stripes of tigers, unraveling the root causes and the
profound consequences of their disappearance. Through
meticulous examination and analysis, we aim to shed light on
this pressing issue, advocating for urgent action to safeguard the
future of these apex predators and the ecosystems they inhabit.
Why are Tigers Important?
These beautiful, powerful cats inhabit diverse landscapes,
from rainforests to grasslands, savannahs to mangrove
forests and high-elevation habitats, so they play an important
role in many ecosystems that supply nature and people with
water, food and room to roam.
As top predators in the food chain, tigers help keep their
habitats balanced by preying on other animals, mainly
herbivores. Too many herbivores would lead to overgrazing
and degradation of the ecosystem.
Tigers also drive economies. Where tigers exist, tourists go.
And where tourists go, money can be made by communities
with few alternatives for income. Tiger conservation projects
help provide alternative livelihoods for rural communities.
To safeguard tigers, we need to protect large swaths of forest
across Asia where they live. By protecting these biologically
diverse places, we can also preserve many other endangered
species that live there. And, forests protected for tigers are
known to store more carbon than other habitat types, helping
to mitigate climate change.
Historical Context
Tigers, once widespread across Asia, have faced a steady
decline in population over centuries. Historically, these majestic
predators roamed vast territories, from the dense jungles of
Southeast Asia to the snowy expanses of Siberia. However,
human activities such as deforestation, hunting, and habitat
destruction have contributed to their decline.
Decline of Tiger Populations: Historical records and
archaeological evidence suggest that tiger populations have
been declining for centuries. Factors such as habitat loss due to
agriculture, urbanization, and logging, coupled with
indiscriminate hunting for their pelts and body parts, have led to
a significant reduction in tiger numbers.
Factors Contributing to Historical Declines:
Habitat Loss: As human populations expanded, forests were cleared for
agriculture and settlement, depriving tigers of their natural habitats.
Hunting and Poaching: Tigers have been hunted for their skins, bones,
and other body parts, driven by demand in traditional medicine and
the illegal wildlife trade.
Human-Tiger Conflict: Encroachment into tiger territories has led to
conflicts between humans and tigers, often resulting in retaliatory
killings of the animals.
Understanding the historical context of tiger declines provides
valuable insights into the root causes of their current endangered
status. It underscores the urgency of conservation efforts to
mitigate further population loss and preserve these iconic species
for future generations.
Causes of Tiger Extinction:

(1)Habitat Loss: Deforestation, urbanization, and

agricultural expansion are destroying tiger habitats, leaving
them with insufficient territory and prey.
(2)Poaching: Illegal hunting driven by the demand for tiger
parts in traditional medicine and luxury goods continues to
decimate tiger populations.
(3)Human-Wildlife Conflict: Encroachment of human
settlements into tiger territories leads to conflicts, often
resulting in retaliatory killings of tigers.
(4)Climate Change: Rising temperatures and changing weather
patterns are altering tiger habitats, reducing prey availability
and increasing vulnerability to diseases.
(5)Lack of Conservation Efforts: Inadequate enforcement of
wildlife protection laws and insufficient funding for
conservation projects contribute to the decline of tiger
Consequences of Tiger Extinction:
(1)Ecological Imbalance: Tigers are apex predators,
crucial for maintaining ecological balance in their
habitats. Their disappearance can disrupt entire
(2)Loss of Biodiversity: Tigers play a vital role in
biodiversity. Their extinction could lead to cascading
effects on other species within their ecosystems.
(3)Economic Impact: Tourism centered around tigers
generates revenue, and their extinction could adversely
affect local economies.
Conservation Efforts
(1)Protected Areas and Habitat Conservation:
•Highlight the importance of establishing and managing
protected areas for tiger conservation.
•Discuss successful conservation initiatives and challenges
in habitat restoration and connectivity.
(2)Anti-Poaching Measures:
•Discuss strategies for combating poaching and wildlife
trafficking, including law enforcement, intelligence
gathering, and community-based conservation.
Role of International Organizations

International organizations play a crucial role in

addressing the issue of vanishing tiger populations and
exploring the causes and consequences of tiger
extinction. Here's how these organizations contribute:
(1)World Wildlife Fund (WWF): The WWF is actively
involved in tiger conservation efforts, focusing on habitat
protection, anti-poaching measures, community
engagement, and advocacy for stronger wildlife
protection laws. They also support research initiatives to
better understand tiger populations and their habitats.
(2)Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES): CITES
plays a significant role in regulating international trade in
tiger parts and products to prevent illegal trafficking and
poaching. Through its agreements and regulations,
CITES helps monitor and control the trade that poses a
threat to tiger populations.
(3)Global Tiger Forum (GTF): The GTF is an
intergovernmental organization dedicated to the
conservation of tigers and their habitats. It facilitates
collaboration among tiger range countries, sharing best
practices, coordinating conservation efforts, and advocating
for tiger conservation on a global scale.
(4)Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA): AZA-accredited
zoos and aquariums contribute to tiger conservation through
captive breeding programs, research, education, and public
outreach. These institutions also support field conservation
projects and collaborate with international partners to protect
tigers in the wild.
(5)United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):
The UNDP supports sustainable development initiatives
that aim to address the root causes of tiger habitat loss
and human-wildlife conflict. They work with governments
and local communities to promote sustainable land-use
practices and alternative livelihoods that reduce pressure
on tiger habitats.
In conclusion, "Vanishing Stripes: Exploring the Causes and
Consequences of Tiger Extinction" has provided a comprehensive
understanding of the threats faced by tiger populations and the
broader implications of their decline. Through our investigation, we
have identified habitat loss, poaching, human-wildlife conflict, and
climate change as primary drivers of this crisis
It is evident that the extinction of tigers not only threatens the
biodiversity of our planet but also jeopardizes the delicate balance
of ecosystems and undermines the well-being of communities
dependent on healthy habitats. However, our exploration has also
revealed the potential for positive change through conservation
efforts, including habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures, and
community engagement.
As students and future leaders, it is our responsibility to advocate for
the protection of tigers and their habitats. By raising awareness,
supporting conservation initiatives, and promoting sustainable
practices, we can contribute to the preservation of these iconic species
and the ecosystems they inhabit.
In conclusion, let us recognize the urgency of the situation and
commit to taking meaningful action to ensure that the vanishing
stripes of tigers are not lost forever, but rather remain a symbol of
hope and resilience for generations to come.


-vistas ( chapter 2)

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