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ECE 3610: Introduction to

Course Outline

• Basic Concepts of Electric Power Systems, Chapter 1

• Mathematical Concepts in Power System Analysis, Chapter 2

• Magnetic Circuits and Transformers, Chapter 3, 4

• Fundamental Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion, Chapter 5

• Induction Machines, Chapter 6

• Synchronous Machines, Chapter 7

• Control of Machines with Power Electronics

• Renewable Energy Systems, Chapter 11, 12
• Two methods are commonly used to generate bulk electric power using electrical

generators which convert mechanical power of the primer mover (turbines) into
electrical energy.
• Water under hydraulic pressure to provide the mechanical energy to rotate a
hydraulic turbine whose shaft is coupled to the generator shaft. The efficiency is
between 80% - 90 %.
• Fuels (coal, nuclear) in which boilers convert the energy of the fuel into heat
which transforms water into high temperature, high pressure steam which drives
the steam turbines. The conversion efficiency is between 30% to 40 %.

Figure 1 : Hydroelectric Power Plant

• The Electric power generated by this plant depends on the amount of water
flowing through the hydraulic turbine (Q) and on the water pressure head
(H). The plant capacity, expressed in kW is given as
• P = 9.81 Q H ɳ
• Q = Rate of flow in m3/s
• H = Pressure head of water in m
• ɳ = Efficiency expressed as a fraction of one
• The hydraulic turbine converts the kinetic energy of the water coming out
of the reservoir into mechanical energy to drive the generator shaft.
• To increase power output, the pressure head (H) of the water has to be
increased by building dams or diversion canals.
Pumped-Storage Power Plant

Figure 2 : Pumped-Storage Power Plant

Pumped-Storage Power Plant
• The hydraulic turbine and the generator shaft are connected together and
run at the same rotational speed ns . This speed depends on the frequency
of the generator and the number of poles as given below
• ns = 120f/ p
• ns = rotational speed of the generator in rpm
• f = frequency of voltage generated (60 Hz in the US, 50 Hz elsewhere in
the world)
• p = Generator number of poles – always even

Figure 3 : Thermal Power Plant


Figure 4: Coal Fired Power Plant

• The fuel in the form of pulverized coal, gas or atomized oil is burned at 1500-
2000⁰C degree centigrade in the furnace.
• Large amounts of heated air are introduced by fans in order to improve fuel
• The heat produced raises the temperature of water, converting it to steam and
increases the temperature and pressure to the operating level.
• Hot gasses are removed from the steam generator by induced fans and
brought out to the atmosphere through the stack.
• Steam is produced in the steam generator (boiler, nuclear reactor).
• Water flows through small diameter steel pipes designed to withstand high
• Modern power plants operate at temperatures of 600⁰C at a pressure of 30
MPa ( 1 MPa = 106 N/m2 )
• The steam is passed through the nozzles to transform the internal energy of
the steam into kinetic energy, leaving the nozzles, enters the turbine rotor

Figure 5 : Nuclear Reactor

• The heat released by the nuclear fission is used to
produce the steam that rotates the turbine driving the
electric generator.

• Nuclei of uranium are split when bombarded by neutrons,

and other products of the reaction scatter at extreme high
velocities, and they trigger a chain reaction in which the
nuclei are split continuously. A large amount of heat is
generated during this process.
• The nuclear fuel are rods of uranium placed in
the reactor core and the amount of heat
generated is controlled by raising or lowering
the control rods in the reactor.

• A coolant such as light water runs through the

rods, which takes the heat by convection at high
speed ( 3-7 m/s) to drive the turbine.

Figure 6 : Power System Structure

One line Diagram of a Power System

Figure 7 : One line Diagram of a Power System

• Generator (13.8 kV – 24 kV)
• Transmission System (138 – 765 kV)
• Sub-Transmission System ( 34 -138 kV)
• Distribution System (4 - 34 kV)
• Primary Feeder (240 V, 208 V, 120 V)
The Components of the Transmission
• Large generators have voltages in the range of 13.8 – 24 kV
• The voltages are stepped up to the transmission line voltages in
the range of
• 115 – 765k V.
• 115, 138, 230 kV High Voltage
• 345, 500, 765 kV – Extra High Voltage
• 1000 – 1500 kV – Ultra- High Voltage
• High voltage transmission results in lower current transmission,
resulting in lower losses in the transmission lines.
Distribution Sub-Transmission Lines

Figure 8: Distribution Substation

Distribution Sub-Transmission Lines
• The transmission line goes to the bulk substation and the
voltage is stepped down to 34.5 – 138 kV depending on
the transmission voltage.
• The next step down is to the distribution substation where
the secondary transformer voltage at the bulk substation is
between 4 – 34.5 kV – generally 11 – 15 kV which is the
primary of the distribution substation.
Distribution Sub-Transmission Lines
• This voltage is distributed through transformers to
industrial loads at 12 kV (line-line) .
• The distribution transformers also supply single wire
circuits for residential use at 240 V between wires and
120 V between each of these wires and the third wire
which is grounded.
• There are also three phase, four wire systems rated 208 V
Y/120 V delta or 480 V Y/277 V delta.

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