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1 Sautéing
• A French word used to describe a method for cooking foods in
a shallow pan using high heat.
• The food is cooked in the pan uncovered, in a small quantity
of butter or oil.
• Unlike stir-frying where the food is continuously turned, when
sautéed the food is turned only once in the pan in order to
cook both sides.
• If the food, such as a thin cut of meat, is turned more than
once, the cooking method is considered stir-frying or pan-
frying rather than sautéing.
• Once the food has cooked (usually only 2 or 3 minutes per
side), it is removed from the pan and a sauce can be quickly
made with the pan drippings.
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2 Roasting
• Roasting is a dry heat method of cooking,
where hot air from an oven, open flame, or
another heat source completely surrounds the
food, cooking it evenly on all sides.
• Roasting is a great way to take advantage of
the extra flavor that a process called the
Maillard reaction is responsible for, giving
roasted food its toasty brown color and sweet,
caramelized flavors.
• It's a simple and straightforward way to cook,
letting the heat do most of the work for you
with little need to interfere.
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3 Searing
• Searing is a cooking technique that exposes
ingredients (typically meat) to a high temperature to
create a crisp browning on the outside.
• This method enhances the flavor of the dish and is
often done in a small amount of oil, butter or fat.
• By cooking the surface of the food on high heat, a
crispy, brown exterior is achieved, while maintaining
the tenderness and moisture of the dish.
• Searing also adds another layer of flavor, and
improves the texture of the ingredients through
• The result is a deep caramelized crust that is ideal for
preparing meat.
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Why tomato plant is
considered as a fruit and not
a vegetable?
The botanical classification: Tomatoes
are fruits.
• A botanist would use the botanical classification, which is based
on the plant's physiological characteristics, like the structure,
function and organization of the plant.
• Therefore, botanically speaking, a 'fruit' is the seed-bearing
product that grows from the ovary of a flowering plant or, in
other words, a fruit is the plants' way of spreading its' seeds.
• A botanical fruit would have at least one seed and grow from
the flower of the plant.
• With this definition in mind, tomatoes are classified as fruit
because they contain seeds and grow from the flower of the
tomato plant.
The botanical
The Culinary classification:
Classification: Tomatoes
Tomatoes are
are fruits.
• Foodies, nutritionists,
• A botanist and chefs use the culinary
would use the botanical classification, which is based
classification system,
on the plant's which defines
physiological fruits and
characteristics, vegetables
like the structure,
function depending on their
and organization of theuses
plant.and flavor profiles.
• Therefore,
• From a culinary botanically speaking,
perspective, a 'fruit' ishave
vegetables the seed-bearing
a tougher
texture, arethat growsinfrom
blander the ovary
flavor, and areof ausually
flowering plant or, in
other words, a fruit is the plants' way of spreading its' seeds.
• Tomatoes can fruit
• A botanical be would
sweet and enjoyed raw. Yet,
at least one seed and grow from
tomatoes areofalso
the flower used in savory dishes, which is why
the plant.
• With
they are usually classified
this definition as vegetables.
in mind, tomatoes are classified as fruit
• Generally,
they contain
areseeds and grow
not used from theand
in desserts, flower
theyof are
closely plant.to other fruit-vegetables, so it makes sense
for tomatoes to be classified as vegetables.

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