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Section Three

Peak / Phase

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Peak / Phase Analysis

• Objectives
– Define peak / phase data.
– Describe reasons for monitoring.
– Describe and interpret display formats.

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Peak / Phase Analysis

• General Description
– Peak/Phase data defines the location (in
degrees) of a machine’s vibration peak
with respect to a fixed reference mark.
– Reasons to collect peak/phase data
• Provides data regarding resonance
• Proves useful for field balancing.
• Helps diagnose various machinery faults.

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Peak / Phase Analysis

• Phase Data:
– Phase can be defined in two ways
• First, phase is that part of a cycle (0° to 360°)
through which a particular part of a machine
travels relative to a fixed reference point.
• Second, phase refers to the location in degrees
that marks a machine's high vibration peak and
its frequency relative to a fixed reference mark
on a rotating component of the machine. This
second type of phase is also known as
synchronous phase.

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Peak / Phase Analysis
Synchronous phase refers to 1xTS or any harmonics.
Photo T



Phase  = •2 
 tT (radians)
x 
Phase  = •360



Single Channel Phase Measurement (@ 1XTS)

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Peak / Phase Analysis
• Specific Fault Types
– Unbalance
• Static unbalance shows a zero degree phase shift across
the rotor radial-to-radial or horizontal-to-horizontal, a 90
(±20) phase shift from vertical to horizontal at the same
bearing location.
• Dynamic unbalance shows a phase shift across the rotor
radial-to-radial or horizontal-to-horizontal related to the
heavy spots on each end of the rotor. If the heavy spots
are 180 out of phase on each end, then the phase
measurements will also be 180 out of phase.

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Peak / Phase Analysis
• Specific Fault Types
– Misalignment
• Angular misalignment typically shows a 180° (± 30°)
phase shift across the coupling in the axial direction.
• Parallel misalignment tends to show a 180°(± 30°) phase
shift across the coupling in a radial direction.
• Bearing misalignment (cocked bearing) shows a 180°
(± 30°) phase shift from one side of the bearing to the
other or from the top of the bearing to the bottom.

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Peak / Phase Analysis
• Specific Fault Types
– Looseness and Soft Foot
• Phase reading with looseness will be erratic from point to
point around the machine train. A soft or loose mounting
foot usually shows a phase shift from the foot itself to the
foundation. This shift is often greater than 90°. Also, a
soft foot shows a phase difference from the other
machine feet.
– Resonance
• Typically, for a lightly damped system, the phase shifts
180° as the turning speed moves through the resonant
frequency with approximately a 90° phase shift occurring
at the resonant frequency.

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Peak / Phase Analysis
• Phase Measurements
• Phase is measured by using the once-per-revolution pulse
as a reference point. Depending on the machine fault, a
machine’s structure moves either as one unit, in phase, or
separately, out of phase.

Pk=3 mils Pk=3.5 mils

Phase=20° Phase=110°

Transducer shifted 90° yields a 90° shift in phase.

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Monitor (Synchronous) Peak/Phase Lab
Press the Analyze key to display the Analyzer Functions
menu. Highlight 6) MONITOR MODE and press Enter.

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Monitor (Synchronous) Peak/Phase Lab
Highlight 5) MONITOR PEAK/PHASE and press Enter.

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Monitor (Synchronous) Peak/Phase Lab

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Monitor (Synchronous) Peak/Phase Lab

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Monitor (Synchronous) Peak/Phase Lab
When you finish data collection, press Enter to show the Display
Functions menu. Highlight 6) SAVE DATA and press Enter.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
First: The machine has to have a long enough coastdown time
to do this.

To view the collected data, follow the same procedure used to

monitor the 1xTS peak and phase data. Press the Analyze key.
Highlight 6) MONITOR MODE and press Enter to continue.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
Highlight 5) MONITOR PEAK/PHASE and press Enter.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
1 order is 1xTS, Bandwdith of 0.10 or 10% for a machine
running 30Hz or 1800 RPM would be 3Hz or 180 RPM.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
With the machine running, the Monitor Peak/Phase menu displays
the amplitude and phase data on the machine before the machine
is shut off.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
You can monitor the amplitude and phase as the machine coasts
down to a stop as the power to the machine is shut off.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
The machine is near resonance at this point. Notice how the
amplitude has reached over 2 In/Sec and the phase has shifted
115 degrees.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
As the machine coasts to a stop, the amplitude is negligible and
the phase has shifted more. Press Enter to exit the data scan.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
Note: To avoid inadvertently losing data, it is best to store the data
right after data has been collected.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
After data is stored, view the Peak vs. RPM data by selecting 1)
PEAK VS RPM and pressing Enter.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
The resonance appears in the data at a turning speed of 937.9
RPM. Press Enter to return to the Display Functions Menu.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
Select 2) PHASE VS RPM to view the phase change with respect
to speed.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
The phase has gone through about a 180° phase shift with about
a 90° phase shift at resonance.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
Highlight 3) NYQUIST PLOT and press Enter to view a polar plot
of the data. Bode plots (Peak or Phase vs. RPM) yield important
information about resonance. The presence of runout or a bow in
the shaft, however, can significantly alter the appearance of the
plots. Nyquist plots, on the other hand, remain unaffected by
runout and bowed shafts. Use nyquist plots to confirm any
conclusion based on Bode plots.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
The illustration below shows the important features of the
Nyquist plot. Note that any loops in the plot are evidence of
the other resonant frequencies.

90° Residual

(Critical Frequency) 180°

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
If the machine happens to be running and you wish to collect
more data, press 4) COLLECT MORE DATA. If you collect
more data, you may want to clear the data before continuing.

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Coastdown / Startup Tests
• Interpreting the Coastdown Results
– Resonant frequencies on a particular machine do not
change unless degradation occurs (e.g., cracked welds or
eroded grout).
– Resonant frequencies should remain the same before and
after a rebuild unless you make structural or component
modifications. If the before and after frequencies do not
coincide, most likely the machine was not assembled
properly. Loose, missing, or improperly fitted components
can cause resonant frequencies to shift.
– Machines that experience frequent bearing failures or
structural cracking often operate at or near a resonant
frequency. Use coastdown analysis to verify this condition.

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Viewing Stored Peak and Phase Data
Press the Analyze key and highlight 6) MONITOR MODE and
press Enter.

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Viewing Stored Peak and Phase Data
Select item 5) MONITOR PEAK/PHASE and press Enter.

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Viewing Stored Peak and Phase Data
Press F6 to display the stored data list. Highlight the data set of
interest and press Enter to display the data.

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Viewing Stored Peak and Phase Data
Select the desired plot and display function. In this
case, select 1) PEAK VS. RPM.

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Viewing Stored Peak and Phase Data
The peak versus RPM data displays here.

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It is important to be able to monitor the amplitude and phase data
at different multiples of turning speed. This is another tool for
doing “investigative” vibration analysis. Phase is a useful tool for
analyzing many of the common faults in machinery. It also helps
the analyst to visualize the operating movement to diagnose the
root cause of the vibration.

Monitoring the amplitude and phase data during a coastdown or a

startup test is a powerful analysis tool for confirming the presence
of a resonance. Remember to look for the amplitude increase
relative to the frequency as well as the phase change relative to
the frequency.

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