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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad Affiliated


A report on – Smart Security System

Under the subject of

Design Engineering – 1A
B.E. II, Semester-III (Computer Engineering

Submitted by:
Group: GIT_CE_DE1A_44
Serial Number Name of Students Enrollment Number

1. Kabir Shah 190120107147

2. Rudri Trivedi 190120107170
3. Devanshee Vyas 190120107181
4. Simran Kaur 180120107163

Guided By
Prof. Sneha Jani
Assistant Professor

Prof. Archana Singh

Head of the Department

Academic Year


Security is becoming a major issue everywhere. Home Security is becoming necessary nowadays as the
possibilities of intrusion is increasing day by day. Safety from theft, leaking of raw gas and fire are the
necessary requirements for home security system. However, the GSM (global system for mobile
communication) based security systems provides enhanced security as whenever a signal from sensor occurs, a
text message is sent to the desired number to take necessary actions. Here we are using an antitheft reporting
system which will report the owner by ringing alarm and send a text message. Also, for the safety system in
case of fire or gas leakage, it will notify the owner by sending an SMS and also by ringing an alarm.



Team Information I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures IV
Symbols and Abbreviations V

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 About Domain/Area 1
1.2 About the Definition 1
1.3 Users 1
1.4 Modules and Functionalities 2

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Observation on Domain 3
2.2 Literature review related to your definition 3
2.3 Problem Summary 4

Chapter 3 Design Consideration to detail design Part

3.1 AEIOU 5
3.2 Mind Map 7
3.3 Empathy 8
3.4 Product Development Canvas 9
3.5 Ideation Canvas 11
3.6 Rough Prototype 12

Chapter 4 Conclusion & Future Work

4.1 Conclusion 13
4.2 Future Work 13

Appendix A Canvas
References 14


List of Figures

Figure No. Name Page No.

3.1 AEIOU Canvas 6
3.2 Mind Mapping 7
3.3 Empathy Canvas 8
3.4 Product Development Canvas 10
3.5 Ideation Canvas 11
3.6 Rough Prototype 12


Symbols and Abbreviations

Start / End

Relation between representative






Chapter 1 Introduction

1. About Domain Area

The security domain operates using numerous practices, such as concentric and layered protection,
redundancy, crime prevention through environmental design, and psychological deterrence. All concepts share
a common purpose: keep the adversary away from the target. The nature of the target is somewhat beside the
point. It can be a person, such as a celebrity; an object; information, such as a trade secret; a structure, such as
the Government Offices; a Jewellery Shop, such as Malls; or Home. Although thief attack techniques tend to
vary, they have one thing in common: the need for access to the target.

2. About the Definition

A domain is a particular field of thought activity or interest is specially. One over which someone has control
influence or rights. Sometimes domain has the area that is have control by smart security system. This project
purpose a micro controller base antipoaching system. Employing wireless sensor network technology. Which is
capable of detecting then by monitoring and the thermal sensor which can detect the unknown person who is
trying to enter your home then it will buzzer an alarm and the direct notification will be send to the owner of
the house.

3. Users

In summary of users, we describe in general impression and elements.

In general impression we describe this
• IT Companies for their Data Security
1. In malls by security guards
• Smart security is also a platform provider
• To detect any security violation or report data leakage in bank

1.4 Modules and Functionality

Smart security systems, on the other hand, are proactive, featuring a wide range of capabilities to further
protect your home. For example, alerts can be received from anywhere via your smartphone, iPad, and/or
desktop computer, providing critical updates on recent activities in and around your home. If the back door was
left open by mistake, for instance, you’ll be notified, so you won’t have to worry about anyone wandering
around while you’re sleeping or at work. If your toddler makes his or her way to the front door in the middle of
the night, you will be alerted, too, as motion sensors will be activated. As aforementioned, smart security
systems can notify you regarding various activities on your property. Cameras can view what’s happening
when you’re not there and enable you to monitor your home, as well as your loved ones inside, ensuring their
safety at all times .You can receive a text message your teenage son walks through the front door at 2:31 p.m.
after getting off the school bus, for example. You can even check in again throughout the afternoon via
security camera to ensure he's doing his homework rather than playing video games or spoiling his dinner.


Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1 Observation on Domain

Safety and security of any living or working place is one of the most primary concerns. The advancement of
technology has increased the safety and security of people along with their belongings. One of the reasons for
the rise of the smart home is the increasing risk of burglary and robbery and the busy lifestyle. The busy
lifestyle of people is leading to the necessity of controlling the devices at home remotely and increasing the
necessity of keeping surveillance over their homes. With advancement of internet technology lifestyle of every
person is changing constantly. After using this domain in real we observe that
1) Data leakage is less
2) There is decrease in robbery
3) It is also a platform provider
4) It also helps in any security violation commands to other IOT devices
5) It is used as a home guard in smart home automation

2.2 Literature Review Related to Your Definition

This paper presents a comprehensive description about different home automation systems and technologies
from a security standpoint. The work highlights various security flaws in existing home automation systems. In
our work, we address how the concept of security and the meaning of the word “intruder” have evolved over
time. We examine the challenges in home automation security from the point of view of b o t h the homeowner
and security engineer. The work goes on to explain why home automation systems are such attractive targets
for an attacker. We point out the role of user interfaces in security. Various home automation technologies
considered in our work include context-aware home automation systems, central controller-based home
automation systems, Bluetooth-based home automation systems , Global System for Mobile communication or
mobile-based home automation systems, Short Messaging Service-based home automation systems, General
Packet Radio Service-based home automation systems, Dual Tone Multi Frequency-based home automation
systems, a n d Internet- based home automation system.


2.3 Problem Summary

1) High maintains cost.

2) There should be clarity in the footage of surveillance camera
3) Requiring periodic service.
4) Network connectivity should be good
5) Difficulty in Connectivity of sensor with monitor.
6) Difficult to design.


Chapter 3
Design consideration to detail design part


1. Activity
Activities are goal-directed sets of actions—paths towards things people want to accomplish. What are the
modes people work in, and the specific activities and processes they go through?
i.e.: sensor device, lightning control, temperature monitor, AI control.

3.1.2 Environment
In environment there is observation of style, material and devices there is also elements there features and
special notes.
i.e.: IOT devices, remote control, data availability

3.1.3 Interaction
In interactions there is general impression, observations of who is interacting with whom, what? There is scene
of interaction that mean how it is being done.
i.e.: Person will provide NFC tag and password, door will open by servomonitor, servomonitor accurate to
display, LCD display to home devices

3.1.4 Object
In object there is a general impression of what components are involved? And how they are involved? There is
inventory of key objects.
i.e.: PC/PHONE/LAPTOP, camera, microphone, biometric scanner, buzzer alarm

3.1.5 User
In object there is a general impression of what components are involved? And how they are involved? There is
inventory of key objects.
i.e.: Voice commands, Bluetooth control, sensor data processing, 24 hours and 7 days monitoring, transmitter
sent SMS.


Fig 3.1 AEIOU Canvas


3.2 Mind mapping

Mind map are graphical representation of information in contrast to the traditional liner notes you make in text
document. Mind map let us capture thought, ideas & keywords on a blank canvas where we can organize them
in a two-dimensional structure the main idea is always located in the centre of the map a thus always clearly
visible. mind mapping is easy to understand overview of our project.

Fig 3.2 Mind Mapping


3.3 Empathy

Empathy canvas consists of happy and sad sides of the product, Activities that are to be done, Users of the
product and the stakeholders.

Fig 3.3 Empathy Canvas


3.4 Product Development

Product development canvas deals with:

Purpose: Why the product was design? People: For whom the product was design?
Product Experience: How was the product after using it?
Product Function: What was the function of product? Components: What things were used to make the

Reject, Redesign, Retain: It consists of what things were rejected by the user, what changes are to be done and
what things need not to be done.

A product is design and made after keeping all above things in mind. It consists of starting from observing
things around us and shaping them into the idea.

Product development phase includes the product features, the likes and dislikes of features, the requirements of
product and its needs.

The product development phase also depends on customer needs and their preferences and their requirements to

The special features are also the important for the product which makes the product different and unique in its
own way.


Fig 3.4 Product Development Canvas


3.5 Ideation Canvas

Ideation canvas consists of activities that are done at that absent involved in the activity, under what situation
the observation and interaction was done with the people and at what location also what are the possible
solutions that come to the mind.
Ideation Canvas deals with four things:

1) People: It include the people who are include during interaction for the product Thinking and people who
will be the users of the final project.

1) Activity: Activities which will be done to complete the thinking. The software should be safe, bug free,
regularly backed up, easy to use, feedback capable and improvable for better performance.

1) Situation/Context/Location: This deals with under which situation a context was presented to the interacting
people at what place is recorded.

Fig 3.5 Ideation Canvas


3.6 Rough Prototype

3.6 Rough Prototype


Chapter 4 Conclusion & future work

1. Conclusion

In recent times, smart homes have moved into the focus of scientific and technological research and development. Most
everyday- life technical devices are controlled by microprocessors. Home automation integrates such devices into a
network. The network allows the devices to coordinate their behaviour in order to fulfil complex tasks without human
intervention. Intuitive user interfaces allow easy access to the functionality of a smart home. A variety of domains
contribute to the evolution of smart homes

2. Future Work

1) To detect any security violation commands to other IOT devices

2) Used in malls and jewellery shops
3) Develop custom python application
4) Used by family members
5) Used as a home guard
6) Generate real time alerts
7) Reports the data leakage
8) It is used in IT companies



1M. N. Jivani, "Gsm based home automation system using appinventor for android mobile phone",
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,
2M. Yan and H. Shi, "Smart living using bluetooth-based android smartphone", International Journal of
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3V. Govindraj, M. Sathiyanarayanan and B. Abubakar, "Customary homes to smart homes using internet of
things (iot) and mobile application", Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon) 2017
International Conference On
4B. M. Krishna, V. N. Nayak, K. REDDY, B. Rakesh, P. KUMAR and N. Sandhya, "Bluetooth based wireless
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5N. David, A. Chima, A. Ugochukwu and E. Obinna, "Design of a home automation system using arduino",
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
6S. Manohar and D. M. Kumar, "E-mail interactive home automation system", International Journal of
Computer Science and Mobile Computing
7R. Suryavanshi, K. Khivensara, G. Hussain, N. Bansal and V. Kumar, "Home automation system using
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8S. Haque, S. Kamruzzaman, M. Islam et al., "A system for smart home control of appliances based on timer
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10S. Anusha, M. Madhavi and R. Hemalatha, "Home automation using atmega328 microcontroller and
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