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Trends in periodic table

Metallic and Non-metallic Properties

In the periodic table a zigzag line, across the table, separates
the metals from the non-metals.

Metals such
And the non-
as Mg, Al, Fe
metals such
are located
as F, S, N are
on the left
found on the
side of the
right side.
Metallic and Non-metallic Properties

They have both properties Some

of metals and non-metals. examples are
The elements which lay on Tellurium etc.
the zigzag line on the
periodic table are called
metalloids also known as the
Metallic and Non-metallic Character

Fluorine is

is most
Metallic and Non-metallic Character
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Metallic and Non-metallic Character
e t a llic
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, a s to p
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Guess the chemical element

The ability of an atom in a

MOLECULE to attract shared
electrons to itself.

Electronegativity does not

have any unit
Electronegativity values of elements according to Pauling’s scale

The most active

metal Francium has
a 0.7 value
The most active
nonmetal Fluorine
has a 4.0 value

From top
to bottom
down a
From left to right across a period
of elements, electronegativity
Atomic radius

Atomic radius is the distance

from the nucleus to the
outermost stable electron
Atomic radius

Going from top to

bottom within a
group on the
periodic table, the
radius increases.

Atomic radius

As you move down

the periodic table,
elements have more
protons and forms
an electron shell, so
atoms become
Atomic radius

Going left to right across a period on the periodic

table, the radius decreases. Why?
Atomic radius

As you move across a row of the periodic table, there are more
protons and electrons. Electrons are held more closely to the
nucleus, so the overall size of the atom decreases.
Ionization energy
It is the amount of energy required to remove an electron
from the outermost shell of an atom or molecule.
Table 1: Ionization Energies of certain elements (1st IE, 2nd IE, etc)

Element 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Na 496 4562
Mg 738 1451 7733
Al 577 1817 2745 11580
Si 786 1577 3232 4356 16090
P 1060 1903 2912 4957 6274 21270
S 999.6 2251 3361 4564 7013 8496 27110
Cl 1256 2297 3822 5158 6542 9362 11020
Ar 1520 2666 3931 5771 7238 8781 12000
The most…
Francium is most active metals
The most active nonmetal is Fluorine
The metal with the highest electrical conductivity is silver.
The most ductile metal is gold.
The element with the highest electronegativity is fluorine.
The lightest element is hydrogen.
The lightest metal is lithium.
The heaviest metal is osmium.
The hardest metal is Chrome.
The most difficult melting metal is tungsten.
__________________ is an __________ of an atom to _________ electrons.
The atom with the higher electronegativity _______ electrons more
strongly. Electronegativity depends on charge of nucleus and _________
between the nuclei and electrons. Electronegativity _______________ from
left to right across a period and ______________ from ______ to
___________ in a group.

Distance, pulls, attract, decreases, increases, top, bottom,
ability, electronegativity, distance
Metallic and Nonmetallic Properties
About 80% of the elements in the periodic table are metals. Only the eleven
elements, H, C, N, O, P, S, Se, F, Cl, Br, I and __________are
________________. However B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po and At are
_______________. Metallic ________________ increase from top to
bottom and from right to left in a periodic table. Nonmetallic properties
_________ from bottom to top and from left to right in a periodic table.

Metalloids, nonmetals, noble gases, properties, increase
Atomic Radius
___________________ is the distance between the nucleus and the
________________. It affects the melting point, boiling point,
_______________ of elements and the ability of losing or gaining electrons
by atoms. Two factors affect the atomic radius of elements: number of
energy levels and nuclear charge. Atomic radius increases from top to
________ within a group, and it decreases from _____ to right across a
period in the periodic table.

Density, outer shell, atomic radius , bottom, left

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