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Tim Dosen Pengampu

TM10 dan TM11

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 1
[1] Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values

[2] The characteristic Equation

[3] Diagonalization

[4] Eigen Vectors and Transformation

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 2

Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 3

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

Contoh: Apakah u dan v adalah eigenvectors dari A.

u merupakan eigenvector dari
eigenvalue -4
namun v bukan eigenvector karena
Av bukan perkalian dari v

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 5

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
• Sebuah matrik A, x merupakan eigenvector dan  adalah
eigenvalue terkait jika Ax = x
• A merupakan matrik square dan determinant dari A - I harus sama
dengan nol
Ax - x = 0 iff (A - I) x = 0
• Trivial solution jika x = 0
• Nontrivial solution terjadi ketika det(A - I) = 0
• Apakah eigenvectors itu unique?
• If x adalah eigenvector, maka x juga eigenvector dan  adalah
A(x) = (Ax) = (x) = (x)
02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 6



Page 8
Latihan : Find the eigenvalues of A, and for each eigenvalue, find an eigenvector where

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 9


02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 10

Characteristic Equation

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 11


If A and B are n x n matrices, then A is similar to B if there is an invertible matrix P

such that P-1AP = B, or, equivalently, A = PBP-1.

Changing A into P-1AP is called a similarity transformation.

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 12


Similar matrices have the same eigenvalues

Let A and B be similar matrices. Hence there exists a matrix C such that B = C–
The characteristic polynomial of B is |B – In|. Substituting for B and using the
multiplicative properties
B  Iofdeterminants,
C 1 AC  I weC get1 ( A  I )C

 C 1 A  I C  A  I C 1 C
 A  I C 1C  A  I I
 A  I
The characteristic polynomials of A and B are identical. This means that their
eigenvalues are the same.

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 13


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02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 15

Let A be an n  n matrix.
(a) If A has n linearly independent eigenvectors, it is diagonalizable.
The matrix C whose columns consist of n linearly independent eigenvectors
can be used in a similarity transformation C–1AC to give a diagonal matrix
D. The diagonal elements of D will be the eigenvalues of A.
(b) If A is diagonalizable, then it has n linearly independent eigenvectors

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 16

Diagonalize the following matrix, if possible

That is, find an invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that A = PDP-1

Step 1. Find the eigenvalues of A

The eigenvalues are 1 = 1 and 2 = –2

Step 2. Find three linearly independent eigenvectors of A

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 17

Step3. Construct P from the vectors in step 2

Step4. Construct D from the corresponding eigenvalues

AP = PD is equivalent to A = PDP-1
where P is invertible

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 18

  4  6
(a) Show that the matrix A   3 5  is diagonalizable.
(b) Find a diagonal matrix D that is similar to A.
(c) Determine the similarity transformation that diagonalizes A.

(a) The eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvector of this matrix

  1   2
1  2, v1  r   2  1, and v 2  s  
 1  1
Since A, a 2  2 matrix, has two linearly independent eigenvectors, it is

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 19

Solution (b) A is similar to the diagonal matrix D, which has diagonal elements
1 = 2 and 2 = –1. Thus
  4  6 2 0 
A  is similar to D   
 3 5  0  1
(c) Select two convenient linearly independent eigenvectors, say
 1   2
v1    and v 2   
 1  1
Let these vectors be the column vectors of the diagonalizing matrix C.
  1  2
We get C
1 1 
1   1  2   4  6   1  2
C AC    3  1 
 1 2   5  1 
 1 2    4  6   1  2  2 0 
        D
 1  1  3 5  1 1  0  1
02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 20
If A is similar to a diagonal matrix D under the transformation C–1AC, then it can
be shown that Ak = CDkC–1.
This result can be used to compute Ak. Let us derive this result and then apply it.

D k  (C 1 AC ) k  (C 1 AC )  (C 1 AC )  C 1 Ak C
         
k times

This leads to
Ak  CD k C 1


02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 21

Diagonalize the following matrix, if possible

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 22


02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 23

Linear Transformations

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 24

Linear Transformations

02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 25


02/12/2024 Teknik Informatika ITS 26

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