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Ministry of science and education

Abylai Khan university of international relations and world languages

Faculty of translation and philology
Chair of English philology

Comics in educational

Done by: Badalova S. Musaeva R.

Checked by: O. Shabdiz
Some years ago kids would slip comics inside their textbooks to read on the side.
Comics were considered recreational reading at best, but usually adults saw them
as mind-numbing tripe. Times have changed, and as comics and graphic novels
become more accepted as a legitimate form of art and literature, they are making
their way into classrooms. Many parents and teachers, however, still remember
the stigma that comics had when they were young and are asking, "Why should
kids read comics?"
Literature review
on Science in comics
Although some studies have emphasized
that comics and animated cartoons offer a
distorted and stereotypical view of science
and scientists, many common fiction
comics actually contain references to
accurate scientific ideas and facts. For
example, a variety of valid chemistry
principles, equations and processes are
referred to in comics as diverse as Donald
Duck and Marvel Classic Comics. Perhaps
not surprisingly, then, fiction comics can
be effectively used in enhancing learning
“Science comics as tools for
about biochemistry – using
science excerpts
education and from
manga comics helps students memorize
communication: a brief,
concepts. exploratory study” by M. Tatalovic
“Three E’s of Comics”

The comic format conveys large amounts of

information in a short time. This is especially
effective for teaching content in the subject areas
(math, science, social studies, etc.).

“Three E’s of Comics”
Comics impart meaning through the reader’s active
engagement with written language and juxtaposed sequential
images. Readers must actively make meaning from the
interplay of text and images, as well as by filling in the gaps
between panels.

“Three E’s of Comics”
Processing text and images together leads to better recall
and transfer of learning. Neurological experiments have
shown that we process text and images in different areas of
the brain: known as the Dual-Coding Theory of Cognition.
These experiments also indicate that pairing an image with
text leads to increased memory retention for both. With
comics, students not only learn the material faster, they
learn it better.

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Benefits of comics

Because graphic
novels require
readers to actively
decode and
comprehend both
text and images
and the interplay
between them,
students must use
thinking skills such
as inference and
synthesis. The Secret Science Alliance and the Copycat Crook
“Comics provide authentic language learning
opportunities for all students…. The
dramatically reduced text of many comics
make them manageable and language profitable
for even beginning level readers.”

- Stephen Cary, second

language learner specialist

Also according to Cary, comics motivate reluctant readers. They engage students in a
literary format which is their own. Comics speak to students in a way they understand and
identify with. Even after students learn to be strong readers comics give students the
opportunity to read material which combines images with text to express satire, symbolism,
point of view, drama, puns and humor in ways not possible with text alone.
Graphic texts are complex, effective teaching
tools because they require readers not only to
passively receive information, but to interact
with both text and images to construct
meaning, and that is the key to the magic.
Words and pictures work
1. Dorrell, L., Curtis, D., & Rampal, K.. Book
worms without books? Students reading
comic books in the school house
2. Hutchinson, K. An experiment in the use of
comics as instructional material.
3. Sturm, James. Comics in the classroom.

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