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● On 9th May 1857, on the parade ground of Meerut, 85 Indian troopers

were court martialled.
○ Their Crime -These troopers had refused to load their rifles with the new cartridges.
○ A rumour had spread that the new cartridge contained the fat of cow and pig.
● The rebellion began on 10 May 1857 in the form of a mutiny of sepoys of
the Company's army in the garrison town of Meerut, 40 mi (64 km)
northeast of Delhi.

● This war was not spread throughout India but it was limited to few areas
mainly Meerut, Delhi, Kanpur, Lucknow etc.
● Meerut
● On 6th May, 1857 A.D. 85 out of 90 Indian soldiers at Meerut refused to
bite the greased cartridges with their teeth.
○ These 85 soldiers were court-martialled and imprisoned for 10 years. They were stripped
off their uniforms in the presence of the entire Indian crowd. It was too much of a
disgrace and this incident sent a wave of indignation.
○ On 10th May 1857, the Indian soldiers at Meerut broke into open revolt. They released
their companions and murdered a few European officers.
○ On the night of 10th May the mutineers marched to Delhi and reached there on 11th
May.Soon the Indian civilians joined the mutineers and killed about 50 Europeans.
● The news spread like wildfire. The already simmering anger against
British burst out into a violent storm.
● The revolutionaries reached from Meerut to Delhi on 11th May, 1857 and
the small British garrison at Delhi was not able to resist and consequently
fell into their hands within 2 days.
● The Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was proclaimed Emperor of
India. In order to regain Delhi, Sir John Lawrence sent a strong British force
commanded by John Nicholson. After a long siege of four months, the
British recovered Delhi in September 1857 A.D.
● The Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was captured, his two sons and
a grandson were shot dead before his eyes and he was sent to Rangoon
where he died in the year 1862 A. D.
● At Kanpur the struggle for Independence was led by Nana Sahib Dondu Pant
(The adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II).
● A number of British fell into his hands and he showed great kindness to them.
But when he heard about inhuman attitude of Gen. O’Neil towards Indians, he
became very furious and killed all the British. General Havelock captured
Kanpur after defeating Nana Sahib in a hotly contested battle on June 17,
● Later on, Nana Sahib, with the help of Tantya Topi, recaptured Kanpur in
November, 1857 but not for a long time and British defeated them once again
in a fierce war from December 1 to 6, 1857.
● Nana Sahib fled towards Nepal, where he probably died, while Tantya Tope
migrated to Kalpi.
● The struggle for independence at Lucknow was led by Nawab, Wajid Ali Shah.
● The Chief Commissioner, Sir Henry Lawrence, sought refuge with 1000 English
and 700 Indian soldiers inside the Residency.
● The Indians did not make any concession and killed most of the Englishmen,
including Sir Henry Lawrence and the notorious English General O’Neil.
● At last, the Commander-in-Chief General Collin Campbell, marched towards
Lucknow and captured it after a fierce battle in March 1858
Jhansi and Gwalior
● The leader of the revolutionaries in Central India was Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi.
● General Sir Huge Rose attacked Jhansi in March 1858 but the brave Rani
Laxmi Bai kept the British General unnerved for quite some time.
● A fierce battle was fought between the British and the revolutionaries under
Rani Laxmi Bai and Tantya Tope from June 11 to June 1 8, 1 858.
● But the personal velour of Rani and Tantya Tope could not match the resources
at the command of the British.
● Tantya Tope was betrayed by the Gwalior Chief Man and fell into the hands of
the British. He was subsequently hanged on April 18, 1859.
● In Bihar, the Revolt was led by Kunwar Singh, a zamindar of Jagdishpur.
● Though he was eighty years old, he played a prominent part in the revolt.
● He fought the British in Bihar and then joined Nana Sahib’s forces and took part in
various encounters with the English in Oudh and Central India.
● He died on April 27, 1858, leaving behind a glorious record of valour and bravery.
Causes of the Revolt of 1857
● Political Causes
● Social Causes
● Religious Causes
● Economic Causes
● Military Causes

● British Policy of Expansion (Outright Wars, Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine of

Lapse, Annexation of Awadh)
● Disrespect shown to Bahadur Shah
● Treatment given to Nana Saheb and Rani Laxmi Bai
● Absentee Sovereignty of the British

● British Policy of Expansion: The British expanded their political power in

India in four ways:
○ By Outright Wars:
■ To expand their territory in India, British fought many wars. Example: War of Buxar,
Anglo Mysore War, Third Anglo Maratha War, Second Anglo-Sikh War etc.
○ System of Subsidiary Alliance: Lord Wellesley introduced this system in which Indian
States were brought under the British control without annexing them. Under this system
Indian rulers agreed to:
■ Accept British as Supreme Power, End foreign relations and wouldn't enter any
alliance/wars, British resident at their HQ & wouldn't employ any European without
■ Maintain British troops at their own cost,
■ Virtually lost Independence.

● Doctrine of Lapse:
○ Lord Dalhousie annexed many Indian states using Doctrine of Lapse according to which
heirs adopted without consent of the Company could inherit only the private property of
the deceased ruler and his territory would come under the Company's rule. Example: In
1853 Ruler of Jhansi died without natural heir. Widow Rani was retired and their adopted
son Anand Rao wasn't recognised as successor to throne. Similarly, States of Satara,
Nagpur, Udaipur etc had same problems.
● On the pretext of Alleged Misrule (Annexation of Awadh):
○ Lord Dalhousie annexed Awadh on 13 Feb 1856 on the pretext of Alleged Misrule. British
broke their promises given to ruling chiefs. People had to face more hardships, had to pay
higher taxes & revenues, problems of unemployment rose, property were confiscated,
75000 sepoys were worst affected & didn't like what British did in Awadh

● Disrespect shown to Bahadur Shah:

○ Bahadur Shah- A mughal ruler was under protection of the Company but after his death,
Lord Dalhousie announced that ruler's widow Zeenat Mahal and successors cant use Red
Fort as Palace and in 1956 Lord Canning announced that the successors can't use
imperial titles. This hurt sentiments of Muslims.

● Treatment given to Nana Saheb & Rani Laxmi Bai

○ Baji Rao II- the last Peshwa was under the protection of Company but after his death they
refused to pay the grant to the ruler's adopted son i.e. Nana Saheb. He was sent to
Kanpur away from Poona. He then travelled to different parts of country to create
awareness about British policies.
○ Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi- victim of Doctrine of Lapse became bitter enemy of the
British. Other rules also had a doubt in the British.

● Absentee Sovereignty of the British (India’s Wealth Drained to England)

● India was being ruled by British from England.
● Unlike other rulers like Mughals who spent the revenue collected from
India in India. But in case of the British, Indians felt that wealth of India was
drained to England and wasn't used for the welfare of Indians.
1. Interference with Social Customs: Sati, Widow Remarriage Act, Western
education to girls wasn't welcomed by masses.
2. Apprehension about Modern Innovations like Railways & Telegraphs:
Indians misunderstood that telegraph poles were erect to hand them and in
railways higher castes were made to seat with lower castes.
3. Policy of Racial Discrimination: Disrespect & Ill-treatment was given to Indians.
4. Corruption in Administration: rich were allowed to go away after crime and poor
were looted & tortured.
5. Oppression of the Poor: Beating, Torture and Imprisonment
6. Fear regarding Western Education: Pandits and Maulvis feared that it is done
to convert their children to Christians.
7. Taxing religious places: lands belonging to temples and mosques

1. Exploitation of Economic exploitation

2. Drain of wealth
3. Decay of cottage industries and handicrafts
4. Growing unemployment
5. Inhuman treatment of Indigo cultivators
6. Poverty & Famines
7. Economic decline of Peasantry
8. Decline of landed Aristocracy

1. Exploitation of Economic exploitation:

○ India was forced to export cotton, silk at cheaper rate to England
○ Forced plantation of Indigo and Tea
○ Indians had to accept ready made British goods
○ Indian products had high import duties in England
○ Indian handmade products couldn't compete with machine made British products.
○ Problem of unemployment increased
○ India had no agricultural surplus which raised the prices of raw material in India

2. Drain of wealth:
○ After Battle of Plassey, British stopped bringing gold to India. Raw material was bought in
England from the surplus revenues of Bengal and started looting India' raw materials,
resources and wealth. The transfer of wealth from India to England is called Drain of
3. Decay of Cottage Industries and Handicrafts:
○ Heavy duties killed Indian Cottage Industries and Handicrafts.
○ Imported British goods worsened their condition
○ Export of cotton and silk was ceased
○ Art of spinning and weaving was killed creating severe unemployment
○ Absence of royal buyers- Princes, Zamindars etc.

4. Growing unemployment
5. Inhuman treatment of Indigo cultivators: forced plantation of Indigo,
other crops were destroyed if didn't follow the orders and cattle were taken
away as punishment.
6. Poverty & Famines:12 Minor Famines, British didn't bother
7. Economic decline of Peasantry: Peasants had to pay heavy taxes &
land revenues.
8. Decline of landed Aristocracy: Hereditary landlords & Taluqdars' 2000
estates were confiscated (who couldn't produce evidences of ownership)
and auctioned. Merchants and moneylenders bought these estates and
exploited tenants.

1. Ill treatment of Indian Soldiers

2. Lower Salaries
3. Deprivation of Allowances
4. Less Chances of Promotions
5. General Service Enlistment Act
6. Larger Proportion of Indians in the British Army
7. Faculty distribution of Troops
8. Poor performance of British Troops

1. Ill treatment of Indian Soldiers: Indian soldiers were ill treated, poorly fed & badly
housed. Didn't bother about their sentiments and didn't allow to keep beard, wear
turbans etc.
2. Lower Salaries: Indian soldiers were paid eight times less salaries than British
3. Deprivation of Allowances: British empire was spread across the nation and soldiers
had to serve in areas away from their homes without extra payment and additional
Bhatta (foreign service allowance) Free post facility for Sepoys was also taken off.
4. Less Chances of Promotions: All higher posts were reserved for British (irrespective
of their performances). Indians soldiers had thin chances of promotions. They couldn't go
above the post of Subedar. With promotions future of Indian soldiers was bleak

5. General Service Enlistment Act: It was considered as Taboo for Brahmin to

cross the sea. In spite of that British sent Indians overseas on duty. Didn't
bother about the sentiments.
6. Larger Proportion of Indians in the British Army: in 1856, 2,38,000 Indian
soldiers worked in British army as compared to 45,322 British Soldiers.
7. Faulty distribution of Troops: Strategic important places like Delhi &
Allahabad had no British armies and was held by only Indian soldiers. When
England was busy fighting wars outside Indian soldiers decided to strike British.
8. Poor performance of British Troops: Without support of Indian soldiers,
British army was weak this fact was realized by the Indian soldiers. Also in
various other wars British had to face defeat this broke the myth that British
were invincible.

1. End of East India Company's Rule

2. Queen Victoria's Proclamation
3. End of Mughals and Peshwas
4. Relations with Princely States
5. Policy of Divide and Rule
6. Widening Gulf between Hindus and Muslims
7. Racial Antagonism
8. Increased Racial Bitterness
9. Religious Changes
10. Foreign Policy
11. Changes in the Army★
12. Economic Exploitation
13. Rise of Nationalism

1. End of the East India Company's rule:

○ Crown took over the charge from Company Secretary of State for India was appointed
who reported to British Parliament.
2. Queen Victoria's Proclamation:
○ 1 Nov, 1958 at Allahabad the transfer of governance was done. Lord Canning became the
first Viceroy of India. Promised not to intervene in social and religious matters, would bring
equality, pardon soldiers, best for Indian industries etc.
3. End of Mughals and Peshwas:
○ Bahadur Shah II went to Yangon and Nana Saheb went to Nepal. Two foes of British came
to an end.

4. Relations with Princely States: Policy of Annexation and Doctrine of

Lapse were abandoned.
5. Policy of Divide & Rule: After 1858, British started Divide and Rule
Policy. Caste against Caste, Princes against people and Hindus against
6. Widening Gulf between Hindus and Muslims: British sowed seeds of
hatred among Hindus & Muslims.
7. Racial Antagonism: British believed that they were superior and
maintained distance from Indians. Railways, Parks, Hotels etc had seats
"Reserved for Europeans Only'

8. Increased Racial Bitterness: British believed that Indian aren't trust

worthy and remodeled the structure of Indian government based on the idea
of a superior race.
9. Religious changes: British rulers declared that they would not intervene
in religious affairs, customs and traditions.
10. Foreign Policy: India foreign policy was decided by British with two
aims: a) protection of its Indian empire and b) expansion of British economic
& commercial interests.

11. Changes in Army: to avoid another uprising Indian army was

reorganised after 1858 in following manner:
1. No. of Indian troops was decreased to 1,40,00 and No. of European troops was
increased to 65,000.
2. European troops were kept in key locations.
3. Policy of excluding Indians from officer positions was strictly followed.
4. Weapons were never placed under the charge of Indians.
5. Divide and Rule policy was practiced during the recruitment in the army. Discouraged
nationalism through caste/religion discrimination in regiments.
6. Soldiers weren't allowed to read newspapers & journals.

● Economic Exploitation:
1. India became a colony to export raw material and import finished goods.
2. Salaries of soldiers, military officers, Council members was taken from India's
3. Peasants were bankrupt/poor during British rule. (Indigo peasants)
4. Indian cottage industries and handicrafts collapsed
5. Indians had to pay heavy taxes, revenues and dividend to British.

● Rise of Nationalism:
1. Uprising of 1857, paved way for the Rise of the National Movement.
2. Sacrifices made by Rani Laxmi Bai, Nana Saheb, Mangal Pandey inspired Indians.
3. Started a tradition of resistance to the British rule.
Drawbacks of First War of Independence

● Lack of planning, organisation and leadership

● Lack of common cause
● Lack of participation from all sections of the society
● Lack of resources
● • Lack of nationwide dimensions
● Beginning of the movement before the fixed date (May 31, 1857)

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