SLM Research 1 q1 w1 Students

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1. Submission of SLM Output is
every Saturday 12 noon
2. Other Outputs as scheduled
3. Late submission = deductions
4. GClass= G01 Bautista, Corazon
Learning Competencies:
The learner:
1. define research
2. describe the characteristics
of research and the purpose
for conducting such ; and
3. explain the importance of
research in the daily life of an
Why write a research
• opportunity to acquire knowledge
• learn how to access multiple resources,
• how to select the most valuable information,
• how to credit those resources in the research paper.
• enhance critical thinking skills in analyzing,
synthesizing, and organizing information.
• You will be expected to weave information together
in a meaningful and powerful way.
“Therefore, a research paper should consist
primarily of your own writing and should not be a
series of quotations.”
Operational Definition in Research

• The specific way in which a variable

is measured in a particular study is
called the operational definition.
• lend credibility to the methodology
• reproducibility of the results of the study
Another study may identify the same
variable differently, making it difficult to
compare the results of these two studies.
Definition in Research

• Careful and detailed study into a specific

problem, concern, or issue using the scientific
• This is best accomplished by turning the issue
into a question, with the intent of the
research to answer the question.
Content of a Research Paper

• A clearly stated thesis statement

• Convincing textual evidence from a variety
of outside sources, including direct
quotations whose sources are credited
• A clear organization that includes an
introduction, body paragraphs, and
• A Works Cited list, or Bibliography, that
provides a complete listing of research
Characteristics of Research

1. A systematic approach must be

followed for accurate data.

Rules and procedures are an integral part of

the process that set the objective.

Researchers need to practice ethics and a code

of conduct while making observations or
drawing conclusions.
Characteristics of Research

2. Research is based on logical

reasoning and involves both inductive
and deductive methods.
Characteristics of Research

Deductive reasoning requires one to start with a few

general ideas, called premises, and apply them to a specific
situation. Recognized rules, laws, theories, and other
widely accepted truths are used to prove that a conclusion
is right.
Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more
specific. Sometimes this is informally called a “top-down” approach.
We might begin with thinking up a theory about our topic of
interest. We then narrow that down into more
specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow down even further
when we collect observations to address the hypotheses. This
ultimately leads us to be able to test the hypotheses with specific
data – a confirmation (or not) of our original theories.
Deductive reasoning
Characteristics of Research
Inductive uses a set of specific observations to reach
an overarching conclusion; it is the opposite of
deductive reasoning.
Inductive reasoning works the other way,
moving from specific observations to broader
generalizations and theories. Informally, we
sometimes call this a “bottom up” approach
(please note that it’s “bottom up” and not
“bottoms up” which is the kind of thing the
bartender says to customers when he’s trying
to close for the night!).
Characteristics of Research

In inductive reasoning, we begin with specific

observations and measures, begin to detect
patterns and regularities, formulate some tentative
hypotheses that we can explore, and finally end up
developing some general conclusions or theories.
Characteristics of Research

3. The data or knowledge that is derived is

in real time from actual observations in
natural settings.

4. There is an in-depth analysis of all data

collected so that there are no anomalies
associated with it.
Characteristics of Research

5. Creates a path for generating new

questions. Existing data helps create more
opportunities for research.

6. Analytical in nature. It makes use of all

the available data so that there is no
ambiguity in inference.
Characteristics of Research

7. Accuracy is one of the most important

aspects of research.

Accuracy is measured in the instruments

used, the calibrations of instruments or tools,
and the final result of the experiment.

Rubric Points 1-10

Engages the reader (hook) and develops reader interest by

establishing context

The writer’s voice is distinctive; word choice is varied and precise


Sentences are varied in structure and length; errors are minor and

Total (/30)
What Is the Purpose of Research?
1. Exploratory - It is conducted to handle
new problem areas which haven’t been
explored before.
2. Descriptive - Descriptive research
focuses on expanding knowledge on current
issues through a process of data collection.
3. Explanatory - Explanatory research or
causal research is conducted to understand
the impact of certain changes in existing
standard procedures. Conducting
experiments is the most popular form of
casual research.
What Is the Purpose of Research?

1. Exploratory - It is conducted to handle

new problem areas which haven’t been
explored before.
Exploratory research is an unstructured
study, which you can conduct to investigate or
explore a research question or problem that is
still in the preliminary stage.
The purpose of this investigation is to come up
with an appropriate research framework and
data analyzation methodology.
What Is the Purpose of Research?

2. Descriptive - Descriptive research

focuses on expanding knowledge on
current issues through a process of data
Descriptive research is called an
observational research method as none
of the variables in the study are
influenced during the process of the
What Is the Purpose of Research?
3. Explanatory - Explanatory research or causal
research is conducted to understand the impact of certain
changes in existing standard procedures. Conducting
experiments is the most popular form of casual research.
Causal studies focus on an analysis of a situation
or a specific problem to explain the patterns of
relationships between variables. Experiments are
the most popular primary data collection
methods in studies with causal research design.
What Is the Purpose of Research?
What Is the Purpose of Research?

Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Explanatory Research

Research approach used Unstructured Structured Highly structured

Research conducted Asking research questions Asking research questions By using research
through hypotheses

When is it conducted? Early stages of decision Later stages of decision Later stages of decision
making making making

Purpose of Research

Research is truth seeking

To discover new facts about known phenomena

To find answers to problems which are partially

solved by existing methods and information
Why Research is Important to Students?

1. Enhances knowledge

2. Clarifies confusion

3. To have a proper understanding of the subject

4. To learn about the methods and issues

5. Understand the published work

6. Learn to create a balance between collaborative and

individual work

7. To know the interest

Why Research is Important to Students?

8. To know how the original study originated:

It can also define as an investigation
because the student eventually ends up with
expanded research.

9. Understanding the rationale:

By engaging in the process of research,
the students understand the concept in an easier
manner as the rationale of the topic know in a
better manner.
Why Research is Important to Students?

8. To know how the original study originated:

It can also define as an investigation
because the student eventually ends up with
expanded research.

9. Understanding the rationale:

By engaging in the process of research,
the students understand the concept in an easier
manner as the rationale of the topic know in a
better manner.
Pros and Cons of Research
I. Essay: (Use a separate sheet of paper or your
notebook for your answer)
Question: Besides from the lesson provided above,
what are other reasons makes research important
a. Advancement of Society
b. Humankind
c. Environment

II. Directions: Write the pros and cons of research.

The pros are the good things and the cons are the
bad things about the topic.

1.How do you decide on a research

topic? (Advance reading only)
2.Formulate an improved definition
of the word “research”.
This could be an artwork, a clay
sculpture, a finger painting, a
digital drawing, a poem, or song
and a short explanation.
(submission date: Sept. 24, 2021)
2. “Research” is like baking.
End of Lesson

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