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Decision-Making Log

January 29th Decisions

Payton Shays

Sorry it’s on
paper, I wasn’t
Decision-Making Process
Types of decisions: Who assists in decision making
● Different class period decisions ➢ Sometimes solo decisions, sometimes intervention
(some are further ahead, some
specialist and classroom aides help
require more differentiation)
➢ Sometimes solo decisions, sometimes require help
● Lesson Prep Decisions (what to teach from either IS or other middle school ELA teachers
and how to teach it)
➢ Often requires help and ideas from my two assistant
● Coaching Decisions (practice, coaches and the 7th grade coach. We often make
games, banquet, etc.)
decisions together as a team
● Decisions about students ➢ Student decisions often require immediate
(punishments, behavior, etc.)
response/action so they are mine alone to make
Decision-Making Process; Cont.
I feel as though I don’t put much thought into my decision making process. I mostly either rush to
decisions or think about them way too much. With most classroom decisions, I tend to make decisions in
the moment based on the information I currently have. When it comes to coaching decisions or lesson
planning, I am more thorough since I normally think through them before having to decide. In class
students often require immediate decisions to be made and often don’t give as much respect to a teacher
who doesn’t make up their mind (in my experience so far). Whereas with coaching I come to a decision
with the help of the rest of the coaching staff. I often bounce ideas off of them and we decide as a group
what is best rather than me having to do it on my own. It feels mostly like daily classroom decisions rely
on me alone; however lesson planning decisions, coaching decisions, and some student decisions allow
me to get feedback from peers and co-workers first before having to come up with one. I am a big
proponent of getting help and assistance from others in order to make the best decision. The only
downfall to this is that sometimes I think too far into it and struggle more to make a decision based on my
own ideas.
Decision-Making Strengths
Class Period Decisions Lesson Preparation
● I excel at making proper decisions when ● I created a specific curriculum
it comes to responding to student map with our DOC in order to
questions about work, music, etc. guide me in what to teach and
when to teach it. My lessons are
● If students don’t finish or finish early I
well thought out.
often make quick decisions about where
to go next with class when it doesn’t go ● I have gained good knowledge on
as planned which keeps my classes time that specific things take and
organized often plan proper amounts of work
for each period.
Decision-Making Strengths; Cont.
Coaching Student Decisions
● Collaborating with other ● I succeed in reflecting on
coaches and making the best decisions I make. If I
decision for the situations at have to make a quick
decision and don’t like it
● As assistant AD I know lots later on I try to make it
of info to guide me in the right any way I can and
correct choices when it do it better the next time.
comes to dealing with
difficult players/parents.
Decision-Making Challenges
Class Period Decisions Lesson Preparation
● I struggle to decide on or choose ● I too often focus on if the
the proper punishment in split students will “like” the lesson
second decisions during class rather than if it will benefit them
● I often let my mood dictate my
decision making with many in ● I don’t always make lessons as
class decisions rather than what is specific as I should because I
best for all worry the kids will not like the
specifics and then they end up
not following directions.
Decision-Making Challenges; Cont.
Coaching Student Decisions
● I often make decisions that ● I often struggle with
are to my benefit rather than disciplining students in the
my players (like canceling moment. I react with emotion
practices). rather than thought out
decisions. Often when I have
● I need to have more of a plan
time to reflect I think of other
to follow for practices rather
alternatives I could have
than just deciding in the
moment what to work on.

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