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Cause and Effect

What are cause & effect essays?

 A cause and effect essay looks at the reasons (or causes) for something, then discusses the
results (or effects). For this reason, cause and effect essays are sometimes referred to as
reason and result essays. They are one of the most common forms of organisation in
academic writing.
 Sometimes the whole essay will be cause and effect, though sometimes this may be only
part of the whole essay. It is also possible, especially for short exam essays, that only the
causes or the effects, not both, are discussed
A cause-effect essay tells how one event (the cause) leads to
another event (the effect). A cause-effect essay can do one of two

• It can analyze the ways in which one or more effects result

Organization from a particular cause.

Methods (Focus-on-Effects Method)

• It can analyze the ways in which one or more causes lead to a

particular effect.
(Focus-on-Causes Method)
 In other words, your essay may focus more on the effects of a cause or more on
the causes of one effect. Either approach provides a useful means of discussing the
possible relationship between the two events. It is not a good idea to mix several
causes and several effects in an essay because your focus may become unclear.
 In cause-effect essays, it is easy to suggest that because one event
preceded another event, the former event caused the latter. Simply
because one event follows another one sequentially does not mean
that the two actions are related.

 For example, people often complain that as soon as they finish

washing their car, it starts to rain. Obviously, washing a car does not
cause rain. Writers need to be sure that the causes and effects they
describe are logically connected.
If your assignment is to write a cause-effect essay on the topic of global warming, you could write two kinds of
In a focus-on-effects essay, you would write about the threatened habitat of polar bears as a result of global
warming and the melting of large parts of the Arctic Circle.
Your essay might include five paragraphs and look like this:

hook- connecting information- thesis
Body Paragraph 1
Effect 1: the threatened habitat of polar bears
• being on the verge of extinction
Body Paragraph 2
Effect 2: the melting of large parts of Arctic Circle
• floods worldwide

Conclusion Paragraph 5 restated thesis suggestion/opinion/prediction

In a focus-on-causes essay, you would write about the causes of global warming. In this case, the organization for thi
essay could have five paragraphs and look like this:
Introduction: hook- connecting information- thesis
Paragraph 2
Cause 1: human activities
• carbon dioxide from vehicles
• not recycling (requires creating more products from scratch)

Paragraph 3
Cause 2: increased industrial activity
• greater carbon dioxide from burning fuels to run factories

Paragraph 4
Cause 3: deforestation
• Increased human population requires more space, so trees are cut down.
• Fewer trees mean less oxygen, which causes a higher percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Conclusion: restated thesis, suggestion/opinion/prediction

Activity 1 Identifying Topics for Cause-Effect Essays

Read these eight topics. Which could be good topics for cause-effect essays?

1. the reasons that the earth’s weather has changed so much in the last century
2. Bangkok versus Singapore as a vacation destination
3. a trip to visit my grandparents
4. the increasing use of computers in schools
5. explaining dietary guidelines for children
6. how to play the piano
7. why a student received a scholarship
8. why the birth rate is falling in many countries
The Structure of Cause and Effect Essay

 In the Introduction, try to give the reader a general idea of what the cause and effect essay
will contain. For an experienced reader, a thesis statement will be an indication that you
know what you are writing about. It is also important to emphasize how and why this
problem is relevant to modern life.

 Hook, background info and thesis statement should all be sufficient and rich in content.
You may need to make some research on the topic. You may provide some general facts,
your own personal experiences about the topic.

 In the Body, provide plenty of details about what causes which led to the effects. Once
again, if you have already assembled all the causes and effects with their relevant examples
when writing your plan, you shouldn’t have any problems. However, there are some things
to which you must pay particular attention.
 To begin with, try to make each paragraph the same length: it looks better visually.
 Then, try to avoid weak or unconvincing causes. This is a common mistake, and the reader
will quickly realize that you are just trying to write enough characters to reach the required
word count.
 Moreover, you need to make sure that your causes are actually linked to their
effects. You need to be able to demonstrate that each cause was actually relevant
to the final result. As mentioned before, writing the Body without preparing a
thorough and logical outline is often a mistake.

 The Conclusion must be a summary of the thesis statement that you proposed in
the Introduction. An effective conclusion means that you have a well-developed
understanding of the subject. Notably, writing the conclusion can be one of the
most challenging parts of this kind of essay. You typically write the conclusion
once you have finished the Body, but in practice, you will sometimes find that a
well-written conclusion will reveal a few mistakes of logic in the body!

 Pay attention to the language you use. Informal writing is not the best choice for this type
of essay because they are academic works. But be aware that using obscure vocabulary and
complicated constructions can make your essay difficult to read.
 Express your own opinions on a topic, not ones that belong to a researcher. The best way to
do this is to be familiar with all the different research on the theme and use your critical
thinking skills to construct your own arguments about the problem.

 Don’t think you can write an excellent essay if you haven’t investigated the topic
thoroughly. Dedicate time to reading the works of researchers who have studied the
problem before you. If you do this, your readers will see that your essay is well-researched,
and you will look more professional.
 Don’t let the essay become illogical. This can happen to both beginners and advanced
students. Beginners often don’t know enough to make the essay exciting and convincing,
while more advanced students sometimes try to write everything that they know (ideas,
history, theory, or facts). Make sure that your essay is logical, clear, and concise.

 Topic: More and more women are now going out to work and some women are now the
major salary earner in the family. What effect does this have on families and society?

In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of domestic chores such as cooking or
cleaning. Women's liberation and feminism have meant that this situation has been
transformed and in contemporary society women are playing an almost equal role to men
in terms of work. This has had significant consequences, both in terms of the family, for
example by improving quality of life and increasing children's sense of independence,
and also for society itself with greater gender equality.
Although the earning capacity of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a man, she can
nevertheless make a significant contribution to the family income. The most important consequence of this is an
improved quality of life. By helping to maintain a steady income for the family, the pressure on the husband is
considerably reduced, hence improving both the husband's and the wife's emotional wellbeing. Additionally, the
purchasing power of the family will also be raised. This means that the family can afford more luxuries such as
foreign travel and a family car.

A further effect on the family is the promotion of independence in the children. Some might argue that having
both parents working might be damaging to the children because of a lack of parental attention. However, such
children have to learn to look after themselves at an earlier age, and their parents often rely on them to help with
the housework. This therefore teaches them important life skills
As regards society, the most significant impact of women going to work is greater gender equality. There are an
increasing number of women who are becoming politicians, lawyers, and even CEOs and company managers.
This in turn has led to greater equality for women in all areas of life, not just employment. For example, women
today have much stronger legal rights to protect themselves against domestic violence and sexual
discrimination in the workplace.

In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some important changes to family
life, including improved quality of life and increased independence for children, as well as affecting society
itself. It is clear that the sexes are still a long way from being equal in all areas of life, however, and perhaps
the challenge for the present century is to ensure that this takes place.
Writing Process
How to write the essay in 10 steps
 Step 1: Choose a topic
 Step 2: Brainstorming
 Step 3: Make Research (if necessary)
 Step 4: Write the thesis statement
 Step 5: Make an outline
 Step 6: Write the introduction
 Step 7: Write the body
 Step 8: Write the conclusion
 Step 9: Edit and check
 Step 10: Submit your essay
Step 1: Choose a topic

For cause and effect essay, you will be given some topics by your tutor.
Examples of cause and effect essay topics:
Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of
What are the main effects of this epidemic?
Alcoholism cause and effect essay
Cause and effect essay on cheating
Cause and effect essay on illegal immigration
Cause and effect of overpopulation essay
Cause and effect essay on divorce
Causes and effects of drug abuse essay
 What are the effects of overcrowding in cities?
 What effects can one person have on the government?
 Why do many people prefer foreign goods?
 What are the causes of credit card debt?
 Discuss how people’s childhood experiences influence their lives.
 What are the effects of sudden wealth (such as when a person wins the lottery)?
 What are the effects of poverty?
 What are the causes of a recent political crisis?
Step 2: Brainstorming

 Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s now time to choose which angle you’re going
to write from: the cause or the effect angle. Let’s say you chose the legalization of
gay marriage. You can choose to examine either the causes or the effects. It might
not be immediately obvious which is the better angle to take, so in order to
choose, try a simple brainstorming exercise:
 Make two lists, one for causes and one for effects
 Write down all the possible causes of the legalization of gay marriage
 Write down all the possible effects of the legalization of gay marriage
You can make a list like this one:

Causes of obesity:
inactive lifestyle (relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at
work, inactive leisure activities)
unhealthy eating habits (eating fast-food, drinking high-calorie beverages, consuming
large portions of food, eating irregularly)

Effects of obesity:
physical health problems
loss of productivity
depressions and mental disorders
Step 3: Make research

 Now that you’ve chosen your topic and your angle, you’re ready to do some
research for your paper. When researching, choose credible sources (sources
written by experts on the topic, not personal blogs or unverifiable sources).

 Remember, the more research you do, the more successful your essay is likely to
be. As you read more on the topic, you’ll discover common trends and questions
that tend to be discussed about your topic. This will be helpful when it’s time to
write your thesis.
Step 4: Write the thesis statement

 The first thing you should do after choosing your topic is to work out your thesis statement. The thesis
statement should answer the question: why should I care about this topic? For example, if you chose the
closing of your favorite burger restaurant, your thesis statement shouldn’t be personal:
The closing of my favorite burger restaurant made me sad because I miss their burgers.
 It should make people who have never even been there see the significance of its closing. For example:
The growth of large-scale franchises such as Burger King, McDonald’s and Wendy’s makes it hard for smaller
scale operations to compete, resulting in the closing of small businesses and ultimately, providing fewer
choices to the consumer.
 This shows the reader why they should care about the closing of the burger restaurant. It also serves as a
springboard to lead you into the meat of your research and lets readers know what they can expect to learn
from reading your paper.
Thesis Statement Examples:

 The recent increase in childhood obesity has resulted in children suffering from
numerous health problems, including high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol,
and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

 There are two main reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded;
one economic, the other socio-cultural.

 The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in
our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications.
Step 5. Make an outline

 Do not start writing an academic paper of any type without an outline. It is a mini-
plan for you and the reader. To understand how to write cause and effect essay
outline, one should brainstorm, collect the best ideas related to the studied field,
and use the chosen points to prepare an effective plan. Do not write out the
completed sentences.
The following example is an outline for an effect essay about the effects of the computer on life.

Thesis statement: The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound change in our lives are
in the economic field and in the field of communications.

1 st body: economic effects

1. computers in business
2. computers and national economies

2 nd body: effects on communication

1. e-mail
2. globalization
Step 6: Write the introduction
Topic: Overcrowding cities

 Why are Cities Becoming Overcrowded? The fact that the world’s cities are
getting more and more crowded is well-known. Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo,
Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-cities’, because of their
enormous size and huge populations. There are two main reasons why these and
other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other socio-cultural.
Step 7: Write the body
First, the primary cause of cities becoming so crowded is economic. As a country
develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these
areas. Frankfurt, Istanbul, Bombay and Sao Paolo are all the economic centres of their
countries. For example, Tokyo was the motor for Japan’s rapid economic development in
the 1960’s and 70’s; as a result, its population increased rapidly. People moved to Tokyo
because they could find employment and establish economic security for themselves and
their families there.

Second, another factor in the huge increase in urban populations is the socio-cultural
factor. Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational
and personal reasons. The better universities are always located in big cities and this
attracts thousands of students every year, and these students stay on and work in the city
after they graduate. Moreover, young people will move to the city as the villages and rural
areas are more custom and tradition oriented. Therefore, young people believe this is an
obstacle to their personal freedom.
Step 8: Write the conclusion

 In conclusion, economic and cultural factors are the major causes of huge urban
population. People will always move to the areas which provide opportunity and
to the places which can give them the freedom they desire.
Step 9: Edit and check
 Write the title of your essay. Your title should not be a full sentence. It should be a short phrase related to the
topic. You may also use a question as the title.
 After you write your first draft on a Word document, you should read it once and check the grammar, sentence
structure and punctuation. Take into consideration;
-tense agreement rules
-subject-verb agreement rules
-vocabulary variety
-use of conjunctions and transitional words (use variety of them)
-use of complex, compound and complex-compound sentences

 Correct the spelling mistakes if there are any.

 Don’t use colloquial language (every day, informal language)
 Don’t ask questions to yourself or to the reader. (except for the hook)
Step 10: Submission

 Submit that self-checked version of the first draft via Turnitin.

Example Essay…

What effects has the computer had on our lives?

The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of the computer. The
computer revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing
exponentially and computers are beginning to influence and take over nearly every
aspect of our lives. Computers are clearly changing and affecting society in many
ways. The two main areas in which computers have brought about a profound
change in our lives are in the economic field and in the field of communications.
Body P. 1

The computer has led to immense changes in economic and business life. First,
businesses now have to be computerised or they risk failure. Every big corporation
bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For
example, Coca-Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and
services, yet they all share one basic property – without computers their operations
would collapse. Second, computing is an economic dynamo. Japan, China, India and
many other countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies upwards.
Furthermore, the developed world is moving from an industrial-based economy to a
computer and IT-based one.
Body P. 2

It is not just in business that computers have affected us so profoundly;

communication has been revolutionised totally. Firstly, whereas before, people wrote
letters, which would often take weeks to reach their destinations, or speak on the
phone, which was terribly expensive, now they e-mail. For instance, instead of
waiting weeks for a letter now, we can read it instantly, seconds after it’s been written.
Secondly, many people use computers to communicate with people all around the
world using chat rooms and chat programs, this was impossible before the computer
became widespread. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometres away
from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want
using e-mail and/or chat rooms.

In conclusion, computers have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways and it
is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the
future, if the computer continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and
methods of communication will undergo even more radical changes.
Extra Tips & Tricks

 During the process of writing a good cause and effect essay, remember these useful tips from experts to make the
essay complete and sound:
 Keep in mind the main goal of writing. Decide whether the purpose is to inform or argue with the opposing views.
 Make the essay sound more powerful and persuasive with the help of supporting evidence grabbed form the collected
primary sources. Identify the specific terms or professional phrases, present facts & statistics, offer vivid examples
(from personal life or sources), tell jokes, and contact with the audience like you are performing in front of them.
 Focus on immediate and direct things that lead to something. Restrict the process of writing a cause and effect essay to
causes interrelated with each other based on the period of time, relatedness, etc. The indirect ones happen later and are
correlated indirectly. They are not as important.
 Qualify/Restrict the claims about reasons & outcomes: qualify the arguments with phrases like “it seems likely” or
“the evidence may tell” unless a clear, time-tested, approved evidence is available in any source.
Avoid these mistakes!
 In the end, do not forget to assess the efficiency of the essay by asking some questions:
 Which of the causes/outcomes should be emphasized? Are there single or multiple causes/effects and is a chain
reaction present?
Cause / Effect Essay Specific Vocabulary

 Obesity is a cause of / a reason for premature death.

 Media coverage affects / influences voting patterns.
 Media coverage leads to / gives rise to / brings about changes in voting patterns.
 Voting patterns are affected / are influenced by media coverage.
 Stress causes / produces / results in low exam scores.
 Low exam scores are caused by / are produced by / result from stress.
 Low exam scores are a consequence of / are a result of / are due to / the effect
of stress
 When / If there is constant economic instability, currency crashes occur.
 As a result of / As a consequence of constant economic instability, currency
crashes occur.
 There is constant economic instability. As a result, / As a consequence, /
Consequently, / Thus, / Therefore, / Hence, / For this reason, currency crashes
 Because / Since / As some areas face extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property.

 Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to the fact that some areas face extreme weather conditions,
there is damage to property.

 Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to extreme weather conditions, there is damage to property.

 Owing to / On account of / Because of / Due to extreme weather conditions, damage to property occurs.
Transition Words to Show Effect / Result

So & Therefore
So and therefore are used to show an effect or result.
It was raining, so we stayed home.
I woke up late; therefore, I didn’t eat breakfast.
I have a headache. Therefore, I will stay home tonight.
Jesse’s new girlfriend was allergic to cats. Therefore, he had to give his beloved cat Fluffy
Thus & Hence
We sometimes use thus & hence to show an effect or reason. Thus and hence are used in
formal writing more often than in speech.
It was sunny; hence, we went to the beach.
There was a lot of traffic; thus, we were late.

As a Result Of
As a result of is a transitional phrase and can be followed by a noun phrase or an independent
We were late as a result of the traffic. (noun clause)
We were late as a result of driving through traffic. (noun clause)
We were late; as a result, we missed the beginning of the movie. (independent clause)
Because, since, as, and so
‘Because’ shows reason/ cause.
The game was cancelled because it was raining.
I took notes for you in class today since you were absent.
As Monday is a holiday, we have decided to leave town for the weekend.

‘So’, on the other hand, shows result/ effect.

It was raining, so the game was cancelled.

 He stole money from the company, and consequently, he was fired.

Cause and effect words that are followed by nouns
‘Because of’, ‘due to’, and ‘owing to’ are linking words that also show cause, but they must be
followed by a noun instead of a verb phrase.

 The game was cancelled because of the rain.

Here, we use a noun, the rain, after the linking words ‘because of’. ‘Due to’ and ‘owing to’ are
used the same way.
We lost the contract due to Edgar’s careless mistakes.
The business went bankrupt owing to a combination of bad luck and bad decisions.
Combine the two sentences using an appropriate transition word or phrase.
1. We stayed inside. There was a tropical storm.
2. Tracy failed the exam. She didn’t study.
3. Dave had a car accident. He was sending a text.
4. Mike is a good volleyball player. He wins many games.
5. My flight was delayed. I didn’t make it home in time for the wedding.
Cause and Effect Examples in Sentences
 When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.
 A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place
to live.
 Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work.
 The moon has gravitational pull, consequently the oceans have tides.
 Since school was canceled, we went to the mall.
 John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.
 When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die.
 The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, so we ordered dessert.
 Since helium rises, a helium balloon floats.
 There has been an increase in greenhouse gases, therefore global warming is happening.
 Betty completed each task perfectly, therefore she was promoted.
 Some believe dinosaurs died out because a large meteor hit the earth.
 I had to get the mop since I spilled my juice.
 Tsunamis happen when tectonic plates shift.
 Fred was driving 75 in a 35 mile zone, therefore he got a speeding ticket.
 Because of changes in classifications, Pluto is no longer a planet.
 Maria didn't follow the recipe correctly, so the cake did not come out as expected.
 The weather forecast called for rain, so he took his umbrella.
 Because of a price increase, sales are down.
 Water is formed when two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine.
 The baby was crying, so Dad picked him up.
 I learned to play the drums quickly because I took lessons from a pro.
 The batter couldn't hit the softball because he didn't keep his eyes on the ball.
 When the manuscript is edited, the company will publish it.
 Because the cat was frightened, he arched his back and fluffed his tail.
 A peacock will spread his feathers so he will attract a female.
 Since the electricity went out for most of the day, the ice cream in the freezer melted.
 As the wind speed increases, the sail boat moves faster.
 When nuclear fusion stops or starts, a star explodes.
 Wind is produced when the surface of the Earth is heated unevenly.
 Because of inflation, the dollar is worth less than before.
 Since the refrigerator was practically empty, we had to go to the store.
Exercise: Cause and Effect Essays

What are the causes and effects in each of the following sentences ?

 1. After the dog bit her, we had to take her to the hospital.
 2. Her computer stopped working due to a virus.
 3. The police arrested him because he committed a crime.
 4. She set fire to the curtain first before the whole house burnt down.
 5. If she gets accepted to university, she will become a doctor.
 6. Unless she finds a replacement, she will be fired.
 7. Owing to the lack of customers, the restaurant closed down this week.
 8. Since she is scared of clowns, she never goes to the circus.
 9. He passed his first year at university; as a result, his parents bought him a car.
 10.She is lazy, therefore, she has failed all of her subjects.
 11. Since the movie “The Same Old Story” was not very successful, the producers decided
not to make a sequel.
 12. Due to very low enrollment, Dr. Spark’s course will be offered only in the summer.
 13. Ruben’s sandwich bar received glowing reviews. Consequently, more people wanted to
try his famous cucumber and apricot jam sandwich.
 14. The newlyweds misplaced their passports. As a result, they had to cancel their
honeymoon in Iceland.

Use the following ideas to compose sentences that follow a pattern from the suggested
columns (refer to the table you completed today).
Example: The fight was cancelled. There was a strike.
(A) There was a strike. Consequently, the flight was cancelled.
(B) As a result of a strike, the flight was cancelled.
(C) Since there was a strike, the flight was cancelled.

He lost his ticket. He couldn’t board the plane.

(A) He lost his ticket. Consequently, he couldn’t board the plane.
(B) As a result of losing his ticket, he couldn’t board the plane.
(C) Since he lost his ticket, he couldn’t board the plane.
 There was a thick fog. The traffic had to slow down.
 (A)
 (B)
 (C)
For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer.

 1. I love living in Australia ______________ the weather.

a. because b. since c. as d. because of

 2. The increase in the number of cars on the road has resulted ________ more and more
traffic jams.
a. in b. to c. at d. for
3. “He got to work really, really late ‘cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect word is
‘cos short for?
a.due to b. because c. as d. since

4. Keith lost his job due ________ cutbacks in the department.

a.for b. at c. to d. by

5. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been __________ global warming.
a.put up with b. put down to c. set down to d. put to

6. Which one is NOT correct? “He didn’t turn up for the exam. __________, he failed the
a. As a result b. Consequently c. As a consequence d. As a reason
Read through the following passage, filling the gaps with conjunctions.

consequently because in view of because

due to the fact that since as a result

I woke up late this morning _____________ my alarm clock did not ring. _______________,
I had to rush to get ready for school and I made a huge mess all over the house. I missed the
bus ____________ I had to go back home to fetch my cellphone. ______________, I was late
for school, and my lecturer was not pleased with me at all. __________________my day had
been going so badly, I was in a bad mood and I shouted at my friends. ______________ I was
in such a bad mood, they didn’t want to hang out with me and they left. After they left, my day
only got worse. ____________all that happened today, I’ve decided that I need two alarm
clocks instead of one, to make sure I wake up on time in the mornings.
Fill in the gaps with connectors.
1. Doctors believe some bacteria are more resistant nowadays _________ the misuse of antibiotics.
2. _________you have no more money to spend, you will have to stop buying useless things.
3. He’s embarrassed about being bald __________ he always wears a wig.
4. I knew I couldn’t win. __________ , I didn’t play the match and I decided to do more practice to
improve my performance for the next competition.
5. ____________the traffic jam, I arrive late for work every day.
6. She was ____________ annoying woman that no one wanted to invite her to a party.
7. The students were angry ____________ the teacher didn’t keep her promise to let them out earlier.
8.You are not following the doctor’s advice _________ you won’t get better.
9.Edward is ___________ conceited that he won’t even consider the possibility of not getting the job.
10. ___________ the rain had poured for three days without a rest, there were floods in the area.
 …sebebiyle/ nedeniyle /yüzünden
On account of, because of, owing to, due to

 …..olduğu için
Because, Since, As

 Bu sebeple,
Therefore, For this reason, That’s why

 Böylece,
Thus, ….
Hence, …..
…ile sonuçlanır
Subject + results in…

…nın bir sonucudur.

Subject + is a consequence of…..
Subject + is a result of…..

….a neden olur.

Subject + causes…..
Subject + is a reason for…..

…. beraberinde getirir/ yol açar.

Subject + leads to….
Subject + gives rise to…..
Subject + brings about…..
….gerçeği yüzünden

Due to the fact that…. (clause)

Owing to the fact that….(clause)
Because of the fact that…(clause)
On account of the fact that…(clause)

….den kaynaklanır.
…is caused by…
… produced by…
……results from….

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