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Chemically aided sedimentation is required

for particles having a low specific gravity,
with the result that these particles do not
settle under the action of gravity. They
always remain suspended and cause high
turbidity in water. For removal of such
particles, chemicals are required to be
added to allow the particles to combine,
form a bigger mass and finally settle down
• These particles are termed as colloids and are
separated by energy barriers which prevents them
to combine together. Somehow the energy barriers
need to be removed for the particles to combine
and form a bigger mass which settles following the
stokes law. The process is termed as coagulation
and in general is the process of colloidal
destruction. The surface area of the colloidal
material is large against its weight. Most of the
time, these particles have a charge on them
• The alum reacts with natural alkalinity of water.
• When water is not alkaline , we add Calcium Hydroxide
or Soda Ash
• Al2(SO4)3.18H2O + 3Ca(OH)2 = 2Al(OH)3 +3CaSO4
• Al2(SO4)3.18H2O+ 3Na2CO3 +3H2O = 2Al(OH)3
+3Na2SO4 +3CO2 +18H2O
• The coagulant dose depends on turbidity,
temperature, pH of water. The normal dose varies
from 5 to 30 mg/L with an average dose of 14 mg/L.
The right alum dose is determined by a jar test.
• Other coagulants
• (1)Ferrous sulphate
• FeSO4.7H2O +Ca(HCO3)2 = Fe(HCO3)2 + CaSO4 +
• Fe(HCO3)2 + 2Ca(OH)2 = Fe(OH)2 + CaCO3
• 4Fe(OH)2 + 2H2O +O2 = 4Fe(OH)3 ( Flock)
• FeSO4.7H2O + Ca(OH)2 = Fe(OH)2 + CaSO4
• 4 Fe(OH)2 +2H2O + O2 = 4Fe(OH)2 ( ferric
hydroxide flock)
• (2)Ferric Chloride:-
• With Lime:- 2FeCl3 +3Ca(OH)2 = 2Fe(OH)3 +
• Without Lime :- FECl3 + 3H2O = Fe(OH)3 +3H+
• (3)Ferric Sulphate:-
• Fe2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 = 2Fe(OH)3 + CaSO4
• The effective pH range is 4 to 7. Ferric
sulphate is less corrosive than ferric Chloride
• Chlorinated Copperas:-
• It is a mixture of ferric chloride and ferric
sulphate formed by the addition of Chlorine to
a solution of Ferrous Sulphate.
• 6FeSO4 .7H2O + Cl2 = 2FeCl3 . Fe2(SO4)3 +42
• FeCl3. Fe2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2 = CaSO4+ CaCl2 +
• Advantages of using Alum:-
• It forms an excellent floc as compared to other
• The flock formed is stable, and does not break
• It is relatively cheap
• It removes odour, color and taste from water
• Does not require skilled operation
• It produces crystal clear water
• Disadvantages of using alum:-
• Effective range pf pH is very small, 6.5 to 8.5

• If raw water does not contain alkalinity, then it has to

be added increasing cost of treatment.
• It is difficult to dewater sludge formed and is
unsuitable for filling purposes.
• The reaction involved produces CaSO4 which imparts
hardness to water.
• Free CO2 produces corrosion and lowers the pH
• Advantages of using iron salts as coagulants:
• They produce a quick forming and fast settling
• It can be used over a wide range of pH values
• Ferric Chloride or Ferric Sulphate can remove
magnesium even at pH values of 9.0
• FeCl3 can remove H2S and taste and odour to
a great extent
• It decreases tendency to produce mud balls.
• Disadvantages of iron salts as coagulants:-
• Lime is required to be added which increases
• Iron salts are difficult to store as they corrode
the container.
• They impart more corrosiveness to water as
compared to other coagulants
• Skilled supervision is needed.
• Iron salts produce iron bacteria
• FeSO4 is not suitable for color removal since
addition of lime makes the color permanent.
• Determination of Alum Dose
• An exact amount of coagulant needs to be
added, depending on water quality. The
amount is expressed in mg per liter. The
minimum amount of Alum required to
produce a precipitate is called as alum dose
• Jar test is simple device used to determine this
optimum coagulant dose required. The jar
test, device consists of a number of stirrers (4
to 6) provided with paddles.
• The paddles can be rotated with varying speed with
the help of a motor and regulator. Samples will be
taken in jars or beakers and varying dose of
coagulant will be added simultaneously to all the
jars. The paddles will be rotated at 100
rpm for 1 minute and at 40 rpm for 20 to 30
minutes, corresponding to the flash mixing and slow
mixing in the flocculator of the treatment plant.
After 30 minutes settling, supernatant will be taken
carefully from all the jars to measure turbidity. The
dose, which gives the least turbidity, is taken as the
optimum coagulant dose.

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