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Traffic Simulation using

What is SUMO?
SUMO is an open source traffic simulation package

Was created by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) The

development of SUMO started back in 2001

You can use SUMO to :

- Build a Network and assign routes within a network

Develop traffic light algorithm
Simulate and analyze trɑfic within a network, given Origin-Destination (OD)
Overview of Transportation Simulation
Aimsun Live (Commercial),
TSIS-CORSIM, CORridor SIMulation (Commercial)
Paramics, PARAllel MICroscopic Simulation (Commercial),
PTV Vissim, (Commercial),
SimMobility, (by Singapore-MIT)
Synchro + SimTraffic, (Commercial)
MATSim, Multi-Agent Transport
Simulation , (Open Source)
Transims, TRansportation ANalysis SIMulation System (NASA Open Source)
SUMO Simulation of Urban Mobility, (DLR, Open Source)

Download and install


Python is necessary for some simulations

• In SUMO, road network can be created in three ways:
• Manually by creating our own node, edge,
route, connection files.
• Using netgenerate command.
• Importing road network from external sources such as
Part I:
Manual Node, Edge and Route assignment

Part II:
From OSM to Network +
Random Trips Simulation

Part III:
Origin-Destination to trip Simulation
Part I:
Manual Node, Edge
and Route assignment
(-150, 200) (150, 200)

(-500, 0) N2

(-250, 0) N4 (0, 0)
A road network consists of nodes
(junctions) and edges (i.e. roads
connect various that
junctions with each
1) Node file creation (.nod.xml)

2) Edge file creation (.edg.xml)

3) Edge type file creation (.type.xml)

4) Network creation from the node, edge and type files

5) Route file (.rou.xml)

1) node file (.nod.xml) (150, 200)
(-150, 200)

(-500, 0) N2

<node id=“n1" x = "-500" y="0" type=“priority”/>
<node id=“n2" x = "-250" y="0" type=“traffic_light”/>
<node id=“n3" x = "-150" y="200" type=“traffic_light”/>
<node id=“n4" x ="0" y="0"/>
<node id=“n5" x =“150" y=“200" />
</nodes> File name: my_nod.nod.x
2) Edge file (.edg.xml) define the connect node together to form links.

Example: N3


<edge from="n1" to="n2" id="1to2" type="3L45"/>
<edge from="n2" to="n3" id="2to3" type="2L15"/>
<edge from="n3" to="n4" id="3to4" type="3L30"/>
<edge from="n4" to="n5" id="out" type="3L30"/>

Fine name: my_edge.edg
3) Type file (.type.xml) include road priority, the number of lanes,
speed limit, type of vehicles allow, etc.

<type id=“3L45" priority="3" numLanes="3" speed="45"/>
<type id=“2L15" priority="3" numLanes="2" speed="15"/>
<type id=“3L30" priority="2" numLanes="3" speed="30"/>

Fine name: my_type.type.xml

4) netconvert

+ + =
my_nodes.nod.xml my_edge.edg.xml my_type.type.xml

netconvert --node-files my_nodes.nod.xml --

edge-files my_edge.edg.xml -t my_type.type.xml
5) Route file (.rou.xml)

<vType accel="1.0" decel="5.0" id="Car" length="2.0" maxSpeed="100.0" sigma="0.0" />
<vType accel="1.0" decel="5.0" id="Bus" length="12.0" maxSpeed="1.0" sigma="0.0" />

<route id="route0" edges="1to2 2to3"/>

<vehicle depart="10" id="veh0" route="route0" type="Bus" />
<route id="route1" edges="2to3 3to4"/>
<vehicle depart="10" id="veh1" route="route1" type="Car" />
<route id="route2" edges="3to4 out"/>
<vehicle depart="30" id="veh2" route="route2" type="Car" />
Lastly, the Sumo Configuration file

<net-file value=""/>
<route-files value="my_route.rou.xml"/>
<begin value="0"/>
<end value="2000"/>
File name: my_config_file
sumo -c my_config_file.sumocfg


sumo-gui -c my_config_file.sumocfg
Sublane Model
• Configurable lateral resolution for car-following and lane-changing
• Continuous positioning in x,y (pos, posLat)
• New lane-changing model to accommodate lateral dynamics
• maxSpeedLat, minGapLat, latAlignment, lateral encroachment
• Allow modelling of Asian traffic characteristics (flexible lane use, large
proportion of two-wheelers)
• Improved modelling of car/bicycle interactions (overtaking on a single lane)
New Parameters for all lane-changing models

• One vType parameter for each changing reason

• lcStrategic
• lcCooperative
• lcSpeedGain
• lcKeepRight
• Control the likelihood (or eagerness) to perform lane changing for
the respective reason
• Public busses should be less likely to perform cooperative
that might put them at a disadvantage. (And should instead
expect cooperation from everyone else)
Collision detection and handling

• Collisions are part of SUMO

• Originally, bugs in the collision-free model (not all of them fixed)
• Dangerous traffic light configuration
• Intentionally unsafe car-following parameterization
• new model for driver errors planned
• TraCI
• So far, only detected along contiguous lanes
• New option for detecting collision on junctions
• Detect invalid positioning of internal junctions
• New option for configuring collision handling
• Teleport rear vehicle (current default)
• Remove both vehicles
• Warning only
• Further extensions planned (i.e. vehicles block the road for some
time before removal)
• New vehicle command nextTLS to retrieve upcoming traffic lights
• Returns variable length list [(tlsID, tlsLinkIndex, distance, linkState),

• Improved coverage of the C++ client library

• Vehicle add, remove, moveToXY
• Variable subscriptions
• Context subscriptions
• ~90% coverage now (lots of additions already in 0.26.0)
Netedit support for additional network infrastructure
(still in branch)

• Load, define, configure and save the following objects

• Detectors (E1, E2, E3)
• Rerouters
• Stopping places (busStop, containerStop, chargingStation)
• Calibrators
• Variable Speed signs
• RouteProbe detectors
Passing Blockage with Lane Changes
SUMO in Production Logistics
• Respecting „real“ dynamics in virtual inhouse
• Coupling SUMO to existing material flow simulation
• Respecting oncoming traffic and lane changes
Passing Blockage with Lane Changes
SUMO in Production Logistics
• Using existing coupling of Plant Simulation and Malaga
• Uses the same inputs as SUMO
• Running time of microsim ~15s (avg vehicle TimeLoss ~95s)
• Run scenario again with option --mesosim ~1s
• MESO is fast!
• TimeLoss < 1? Add option --meso-junction-control
• -> TimeLoss 50.0.
• MESO does not model vehicle acceleration, impact on urban dynamics
<flow id="bus" from = "beg" to ="end“
line="bus" begin="0" end="1000“
Intermodal Routing period="300">
<stop busStop="beg_0"
• Intermodal Trip chains <stop busStop="left_0"
• Input until="20"/>
• Network with bus stops <stop busStop="end_0"
• Transfer times until="30"/>
• Timetables </flow>
• Persons and their daily plans <person id="p0" depart="0">
• Availability of modes <personTrip from="beg" to="end“
• Output modes="public"/>
• Fastest intermodal route </person>
• Respecting transfer times
• To be run directly in the Simulation
<person id="p0" depart="0.00">
<walk edges="beg"
<ride busStop="end_0"
<walk edges="end"/>
Intermodal Routing
• Bicycle traffic
• Taking it with you in car and public transport
• Transfer at defined stations
• Integration into the running simulation
• Current travel times
• Intermodal rerouting
• Import

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