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2 Half of 4th Quarter

• Will consist of about 20 possible essays/short essays and around 78 key terms.

• Key terms will be highlighted in yellow.

• Use encyclopedia Britannica is you need any help with the terms.

• To prepare for essay questions on the final, keep in mind that everything we talk
about from over the past 200 years is directly related to the current global

• Highly recommend you register for ``Fareed`s Global Briefing`` through CNN.
Current Events
• What will NATO member Turkey do on Sweden
and Finland attempting to joining NATO? Who
are the Kurds and what role to they play in the

• Is China`s covid crackdown a try run for

international sanctions post Taiwan invasion?
Will be flipped and all
the same color in 500
years due to
the efforts of
creative, smart,
young adults
like you.
The Age of Imperialism (part two?)
• The Bluf (the bottom line up front)

• Spain started quick, but didn`t have the legs. To a certain degree the same with
Portugal. What the British navy/pirates didn`t steal from the Spanish in the
Caribbean, Spain blew most of the money taken from here on religious wars in
Europe (Catholic versus Protestant)

• France and the U.K. (going full blast leading the Industrial Revolution) remain
slow and steady.

• The young U.S. joins the race as do Russia, Japan and others.
The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
• The U.S. is an industrializing nation that has just twice defeated their older
brother the British.

• As Latin America emerges from 300 hundred or so years of Spanish

colonial rule the Monroe Doctrine was declared, which stated the
-- The U.S. wouldn`t mess around in Europe.
-- Europe needed to stay away from the Americas
-- Pre-existing colonies such as Jamaica, Suriname and British Honduras
(Belize) would be left alone by the U.S.
--Europeans meddling around in the Americas would be viewed as a act of
war by the U.S.
Manifest Destiny
• The idea talking holding in the U.S. of the 1850s that the U.S. is
destined by God to take over all of North America and spread
democracy and capitalism.``
Trail of Tears and Genocide of North America
Native Americans:
‘’Between 1838 and 1839 the army and local
Militias forced approximately sixteen thousand
Cherokee to move one thousand miles westward, mostly
By foot, from Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and North
Carolina. Without extra food, clothing or blankets,
Conditions were horrific. As many as 25 percent—
four thousand people—on the march may have died.’’

‘’In total forty-six thousand Native Americans were

driven from twenty-five million acres of their lands in the
East. At least six thousand died from smallpox, starvation
and exposure.’’

The United States of War by David Vine

Conquering of North America
• Miners and settlers continued to head west.

• Increased presence of the U.S. Army.

• Battles ensued and Native American reservations established.

• In the Texas Revolution, 1836, a region of Northern Mexico full of

immigrants from the U.S. breaks away from and successfully rebels
against Mexico in 1836.
The United States of War by David Vine
Mexican-American War (1846-18489
``I do not think there was ever a more wicked war
than that waged by the United States on Mexico``
Ulysses S. Grant, later General in the U.S. Army and President of the U.S.

``Murder, robbery and rape on mothers and daughters, in the

presence of tie-up males of the families, has been common all
along the Rio Grande.``
U.S. General Winfield Scott, 1847

--After the land invasion south and then hitting the beach-head in Veracruz
like Hernan Cortes, the U.S. bombarded and headed west.

-- A straight land grab. Close to 25,000 U.S. soldiers occupied Mexico City.

-- U.S., in the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, paid Mexico $15,000,000 for

Los Niños
Héroes de
Batallón de San Patricio
Russia (Mid-19th Century)

The French, under Napoleon, unsuccessfully try to invade Russia at the beginning of the century.

``The Tsar is father, his subjects are his children, and his children ought to never question their parents``
Nicholas I

In 1861, Alexander II issued the Edict of Emancipation, which gave personal liberty and land to Russia`s serfs
(similar to Spanish encomienda system in Honduras)

Russia engaged in ´´Great Game, `` stirring up trouble in Afghanistan and in British India-
Crimean War
Super complicated back story
involving Russian wanting to protect Orthodox
Folks in the Ottoman Empire and disputes
Over religious sites in Palestine.

Great Britain, France and Turkey defeated


Serfs make lousy soldiers. Note it was fought over the very same peninsula Russia
Seized from Ukraine in 2014, helping to spur the current crisis
Karl Marx, Communism and the other great debate
Marx, a German intellectual, the Father of Communism and a student of the
Enlightenment, and living and working at the time of great exploitation of workers at
the height of the Industrial Revolution, espoused economic determinism and believe
that ´the workers of the world need to unite.``

An avowed atheist he believed that ´religion was the opiate of the masses´ --
A drug given to the por by the powerful to keep them from fighting for their rights.

Consequentialists versus Non-Consequentialist

British Philosophers, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill were British Philosophers espousing Utilitarianism.
By using the hedonistic calculus one can and should act upon what will result on the most amount of happiness for the most
amount of people.

German Philosopher, Immanuel Kant proposed the Categorical Imperative. Always do what is right no matter the consequences,
Never treat another human as a means to an end and always ask yourself if the world would be a better or worse place if what
you are about to do were to become a universal law.
U.S. Civil War (1861-1865)

´´States Rights´

The North, the Union won and slavery was abolished in the United States.

600,000 plus dead.

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated as the war was ending.

Reconstruction a failure.
Debt Peonage , Jim Crow and the Ku Klux


$20 $10
Asia in the mid-1800s
• The Sepoy Mutiny (1857-1859)
Indian soldiers, both Hindu and Muslim, rose up in an unseccesful bid to oust the
British from their subcontinent.

• The Opium Wars (1839-1842 and 1856-1860)

Imperial China, after 2000 years is confronted by the west and is humiliated. The
Imperial Summer Palace burned, foreigners are free to trade and China becomes a vassal
state and then, in 1911, a ´´Republic´´ vassal state to the west (the JOH model)

• The Meiji Restoration (1868)

Imperial Japan, seeing what is happening to its neighbor dispatches government
ministers to Europe and the U.S. to learn and becomes a modern industrial and military
William Walker
The Race for Africa

The JOH model

Spanish-American War
• After purchasing Alaska from Russia in 1867, and acquiring Hawaii (pineapples
and pastors, sugar and salvation), and with the Spanish Empire dying and facing
fierce rebellions in the last of its colonies (The Philippines led by Emiliano
Aguinaldo and Cuba by Jose Marti), the U.S. entered on the side of the Cuban
• Cuba became a de facto colony of the U.S. until 1959 when Fidel Castro took over.
• The U.S. replaced Spain in the Philippines fighting a brutal war to put down
guerillas resistant to U.S. colonization. The Philippines were a U.S. colony from
1898 until they were invaded by the U.S.
• Puerto Rico and Guam, two Spanish colonies, became U.S. territories and remain
so up until the present.
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
and Construction of the Panama Canal
• In 1904 President Roosevelt declares U.S. retains the right to invade any Latin American country that is not behaving

• Banana industry kicks into full gear in Central America. Research Samuel Zemurray and Manuel Bonilla.

• After a failed French attempt, the U.S. embarks on construction of the Canal in Central America linking the Atlantic and
Pacific, but doesn`t like the price being offered by Colombia. The U.S. foments revolution in the northwestern department
of Colombia, supported by the U.S. Navy. The country of Panama is born, and the U.S., in 1904, begins building the canal at
a cheaper price. The zone remains in U.S. control until the 1970s when Omar Torrijos, el hombre fuerte, negotiates its

• Over 5000 laborers, mainly, mainly imported workers from Caribbean islands, died in its construction.
Diego Rivera

”Ten Million were to die on the battlefield; 20

million were to die of hunger and disease
related to the war. And no one since that day
has been able to show that the war brought
any gain for humanity that would be worth
one human life.”

• -- Howard Zinn
World War I,
I. Four Main Background Causes – Nationalism,
Militarism, Alliances, and Colonialism
-- In late 1800s, Germany, Italy and Austria-
Hungary formed an alliance
-- Russia, France and the United Kingdom
followed by forming the Triple Entente
II. The Spark for the War
• -- Bosnia gained independence from the Ottoman Empire and was
then annexed by Austria.
• -- Bosnia wanted to join Serbia and be in the Russian sphere.
• -- On June 8, 1914, Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip shot and killed
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne.
• -- Austria declared war on Serbia, a Russian ally. Germany then
declared war on Russia and France and invaded Belgium, causing
Great Britain to declare war on Germany (INSANE !)
III. The Two Sides in the War
• The Central Powers The Allied Powers
• Germany Russia (later to drop out)
• Austria-Hungary Great Britain
• The Ottoman Empire France
• Bulgaria Italy (switched sides and joined
United States (joined late war)
IV. A New Type of Warfare
• -- Tanks introduced by British
• -- Submarines (U-Boats) employed by Germans
• -- Chemical Warfare, with both sides using poison gas on the enemy.
• -- Trench Warfare, or the defending of positions by fighting from deep
• -- A stalemate ensued on the western front in what largely became a
miserable Artillery War with allies waiting to die of either disease or
shelling in the muddy ditches of Europe.
V. U.S. Involvement
• --In 1915, a German U-Boat sunk a British cruise ship
with 128 Americans on board, causing the U.S. to
declare war on Germany.
• -- In 1917, the Zimmerman Telegram surfaced, whereby
a German diplomat stated Germany would help Mexico
recover land lost in the Mexican-American War if
Mexico allied with Germany against the U.S.
• -- U.S. started the selective service act, or draft, and in
1917 began deploying soldiers to Europe.
VI The Bolshevik Revolution
-- In 1917, the communists, those who believe in the equal distribution
of wealth and end of private property, under the leadership of Vladimir
Lenin overthrew the Czar (Russian King), established a Bolshevik
(Communist) Government.

-- In 1918, the new Soviet government signed the Treaty of Brest-

Litovsk, a peace agreement with the Central Powers.
VII End of the War
• -- Allies began to push Germans back in 1918.
• -- 11/11/18 Germany surrenders
• -- The Spanish Influenza kills over 800,000 folks.
• -- League of Nations, a precursor to the United Nations was
attempted under leadership of U.S. President Woodrow
Wilson, but would eventually fail.
VIII. Treaty of Versailles
• -- The final peace settlement of the war.
• -- Germany had to accept blame for the war, reduce the size of its
military and agree not to re-arm, give up its overseas colonies, and
pay $33 billion in damages to the allies.
World War II (1939-1945)
• Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Vichy France and Japan.
• Allied Powers – Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the Free French, the United States, and
China (the five permanent member of the U.N. Security Council up until the present day)
• Between 40,000,000 and 50,000,000 people died in the conflict making it the deadliest
and largest war in human history.
• It was essentially a continuation, after a brief pause, of WWI.
• Western Europe ceased to be the center of global power. It was and is now shared
between the U.S. and USSR (now Russia), as a result the war.
• It lead to the end of colonialism.
• It lead to the Cold War from 1945 to 1991 (or present), which divided the globe into a
chess board. The U.S. and U.K. making the moves on one side (capitalist and democratic)
and the USSR and China (communist and dictatorial) calling the shots on the other.
1936 and 1937
• October, 1936, Germany and Italy sign a treaty of friendship
establishing the “axis” powers.
• 1937, Germany and Japan sign an anti-communist pact which Italy
• July, 1937, Japan invades China beginning WWII in the Pacific. The
much more modern Japanese Army soon overwhelms China.

World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber

• May, 1938, Violating the Treaty of Versailles (which forbade the unification of the
two countries), Germany annexes Austria making it part of the Reich.
• Czechoslovakia was created out of the old Austrian-Hapsburg after WWI.
• It had a sizeable ethnic-German and German-speaking population that was stirred-
up and infiltrated. (Putin copied Hitler’s tactics many years later in the Crimea and
Eastern Ukraine).
• At the Munich Conference, in September of 1938, France and Great Britain (under
PM Neville Chamberlain) agreed to allow Germany to take over the Sudetenland
region of Czechoslovakia.
• November, 1938, Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) Mob violence against Jews breaks out
across Germany. Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues burned to the ground.
The police and firemen simply watch.

World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber

• In the spring of 1939, Czechoslovakia ceased to be a country. Germany became a protectorate of most of it,
while creating two small countries and giving a small bit of land to Poland.
• Poland, sandwiched in between Germany and the Soviet Union, had agreements that both Great Britain and
France would come to its defense if invaded by Germany.
• August 23-24, 1939, Hitler and Stalin sign a Nonaggression Pact, agreeing no to fight. They also secretly
agree to jointly invading Poland with Germany getting the western 1/3 of the country with the Soviet Union
occupying the eastern 2/3.
• August 25, Poland and Great Britain formally sign a mutual assistance pact causing Hitler to delay.
• On August 31, Germany invaded Poland. France and Great Britain declared war on Germany on September
• November, 1939, U.S. lifts Aid Embargo and begins sending weapons and other military aid to England.
• WWII had started. Through audacity and diplomacy, Germany had secured its eastern front and was ready,
and well prepared to begin a western assault. They had earned from WWI.
-- They had everything need for a blitzkrieg (a sudden, overwhelming attack), that they lacked in WWI -- Tank
Superiority, extremely well coordinated communication between Armor, Infantry and CAS (close air support)
and an offensive spirit.
World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber
• With eastern front secured, Germany invades and occupies Denmark and Norway, in order to pre-empt the
British and the French. Denmark immediately surrendered. Norway put up a fight so Hitler dropped
• Germany employs a blitzkrieg offensive and invades the low countries – Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. The
(BEF, British Expeditionary Forces) in Belgium are trapped. In the miraculous evacuation of Dunkirk, 340,000 men
(British and French soldiers) were brought back across the English Channel by fishermen, water taxis, yachts
etc…, in order to fight another day.
• June, 1940, convinced that France and Great Britain will soon surrender, Italy enters the war on the side of
Germany hoping to expand territory and regain the glory of the Roman Empire.
• June, 1940, The Soviet Union invades and occupies the Baltic States.
• June, 1940, France surrenders to the invading German Army. Hitler orders that the French sign the surrender at
Compiegne, a forest north of Paris where Germany signed its surrender ending WWI. Under the surrender,
France had to disband its army and pay for the German occupation.
• Oct, 1940, Mussolini invades Greece, angering Hitler who wanted Italian troops concentrated in North Africa.
The Greeks used mountainous terrain to effectively resist Italian invasion. Hitler diverted a good number of
German troops to Greece to save the Italians from complete embarrassment and occupy the country.

World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber

1940 (continued) and 1941
Oct, 1940 – German Lose Battle of Britain. In “Operation Sealion” the German Air Force (The Luftwaffe) planned
to gain air superiority over Great Britain and then cross the English channel and land their infantry. Even though
Germany had many more aircraft the plan failed. However, after months of sustained bombing 40,000 British
civilians were killed. The German failure to get Great Britain to surrender marks the first major turning point of
the war.

March 1, 1941 – Bulgaria (POOR BULGARIA!!!!!!), impressed by Blitzkrieg tactics and wanting to increase its
territory, joins the Axis. It is eventually captured by the USSR.

June, 1941 – Germany invades the Soviet Union in “Operation Barbarossa.” 3 million German soldiers and
500,000 troops from other Axis powers participate in the attack. The Axis powers met with initial success
throwing Stalin into deep depression.

Dec 7, 1941 – Japan bombs the U.S. Naval Base of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The U.S. enters the war

Dec 11, 1941 – Germany declares war on the United States. Hitler believes Japan will quickly take care of the U.S.
Most people supported a war against Japan but did not want to fight Germany

World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber

May, 1942 -- The Thousand Bomber Raid destroys Cologne. The British Air Force destroys the German town of
Cologne (a major railway hub).

June, 1942 – The U.S. Navy wins the Battle of Midway against the Japanese. The U.S. broke the Japanese Naval
Code, allowing them to conduct a surprise attack and defeat the Japanese Navy (regarded by many as the best in
the world at the time.) This ended Japanese domination of the Pacific and started a three year U.S.-led counter-

Oct, 1942, Battle of El Alamein (The turning point of the was in the North Africa theatre). Since 1941 the British
had been fighting the Germans, Italians and (to a lesser degree) the Vichy French in North Africa. The British
become worried that the Afrika Korps is going to seize the Suez Canal. The Commanders of each side, General
Montgomery (British) and General Rommel (German) are regarded as the two geniuses of WWII. General Erwin
Rommel “the Desert Fox” commanded 100,000 men and 500 tanks. The British, Australians, New Zealanders and
South Africans, led by General Montgomery forced the Germans to retreat west after a ten day battle.

World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber

1942 (Continued) and 1943
Nov 1942 – U.S. and British troops invade French North Africa in “Operation Torch.” Three task forces land
on the beaches in Morocco and Algeria. Churchill wanted an attack on Italy but Roosevelt insisted on taking
North Africa first. The plan was to defeat Germany there, regain control of the Mediterranean then take
Sicily and move up the Italian peninsula. The invasion of North Africa forced Germany to divert troops to
southern France.
February, 1943 – Germany surrenders at Stalingrad. Considered by many to be the turning point of the war
in Europe. Over 2 million people died in the battle. By the winter of 1942 the Germans were running low
on men, food and ammunition. While the soviets were encircling the Germans Hitler gave an order
prohibiting escape/withdrawal. As winter set in German soldiers began dying by freezing and starvation.
May, 1943 – Axis forces in Tunisia Surrender. With the British, under Montgomery advancing from the East
and U.S.-led forces moving from the West, over 230,000 Germans, trapped in Tunisia, surrendered.
July, 1943 – Allied Invasion of Sicily. In “Operation Husky,” the allies conquered Sicily before heading up the
boot. Bob Dole
July, 1943 – Mussolini is deposed. Benito was voted out of power by his grand council and then arrested by
the police.
September, 1943 – Italy Surrenders. The surrender allowed allies to land in southern Italy, under
“Operation Avalanche.” The German Army reacted with “Operation Axis.” where they deposed the newly
reinstated Italian king. Italian forces were now surrendering to or being killed by the Germans. Over 1,500
Italian seaman died when the Germans sunk the Roma, an Italian Battleship,
World Warin the
Two in Mediterranean.
Fifty Events, by James Weber
1943 (Continued) and 1944
Nov, 1943 – Kiev liberated by Soviet troops.
December, 1943 – Cairo Declaration. The U.S., Great Britain, and China announced their joint
plan to establish an international organization, after the war, to maintain world peace.
June 6, 1944 – D-Day. The liberation of Europe begins, with the Soviets set to advance from the
East. On the night of the 5th, 18,000 paratroopers drop behind enemy lines. U.S., U.K., and
Canadian troops than land on the northern France shore at various spots. By the end of the
day, 155,000 allied troops had landed on the beach. Almost a million allied troops were in
France by the end of the month.
August, 1944 – Paris liberated. Hitler ordered all landmarks to be destroyed and for the city to
be burned to the ground as the allies advanced. Von Cholitz, the German commander in Paris
disobeyed the order and surrendered. Charles de Gaulle led the liberation of the city.
October, 1944 – U.S. lands in the Philippines. The liberation of the Pacific from the Germans
begins in earnest.
December, 1944 – The Battle of the Bulge. The last German offensive. It occurred in the
Ardennes Forest in Belgium against advancing Allied troops. Germany suffered 100,000
casualties and the U.S. 81,000. The U.S. would and continuedWorld
Waradvance toEvents,
Two in Fifty James Weber
War in the Pacific

• Japan occupied much of the Asia and the Pacific, to include much of China.
• U.S. forces under General Douglas MacArthur surrendered the Philippines to Japan in 1942.
• Horrible treatment of POWs by the Japanese.
• Japanese had a code of ‘no surrender‘
• Island hopping campaign was waged by the allies.
• Largest naval battle ever was the Battle of Leyete Gulf in 1944, where the allies recaptured
the Philippines from the Japanese.
• Kamikaze pilots effective against the allies.
• “Cargo Cults” developed in the Pacific.

World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber

Feb, 1945 – Yalta Conference. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill meet in Crimea to plan the end of the war and its aftermath. Nuremberg
Trials established.

March, 1945 – U.S. troops cross the Rhine River. The allies continue their march to Berlin, with the Russians advancing from the other

April, 1945 – The Soviet Army Encircles Berlin. The USSR was the first to reach the German capital.
German troops turned guerilla with the Russians having to take the city block by block. The city of berlin surrendered to the Russians
on May 2, 1945. The Soviet Army had 80,000 men killed in the taking of the city.

April 30, 1945 – Hitler kills himself. He married Eva Braun two days before. With his generals convinced he’d lost his mind, they went to
a private room in their bunker compound where his newly-wed bride poisoned her dogs and herself, then he pulled the trigger.

May 7, 1945 – Germany surrenders. The two top commanders, Donitz and Jodl signed. After the Nuremberg trials Jodl was executed
and Donitz sentenced to ten years in prison. May 8th is commemorated as V-E (Victory in Europe) day.

July, 1945 – Atom bomb tested in New Mexico. Under the Manhattan Project, the U.S. tests the first
Atomic weapon.

July-August 1945 – Potsdam Conference. Churchill, Stalin and Truman, attempt to divide up the spoils.

August 1945 – the U.S. drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrenders, falls under U.S. military rule and begins the
process of de-militarization and democratization. World War Two in Fifty Events, by James Weber
The Holocaust
The state-sponsored murder of over 6 million innocent people. It was enacted by the Nazis to solve the “Jewish

It began in 1933, shortly after the rise of Hitler, with boycotts of Jewish businesses and the expulsion of
Jewish citizens from the German Civil Service.

The Einsatzguppen were a special unit developed to murder Jews and Roma (Gypsies) encountered as the
German Army invaded Soviet territory. For example, they murdered 70,000 Jewish people outside the capital of
Lithuania (the same was done in Poland, Ukraine and many other places.)

In early 1942, the process was reversed with the policy now being to transport captured Jews to extermination
(concentration camps). Auschwitz and Birkenau being the main ones. Birkenau was where the gas chambers were

At Treblinka, 900,000 Jews were killed by 120 Germans over a 17 month period. These were factories of
Cold-Blooded murder of innocent people (many of them being women, kids and the elderly).

German occupied Denmark was able to help many of its Jewish citizens escape to Sweden. *Vichy France, and
Josef Stalin -- Born to a poor family in Georgia.
studied to be an Orthodox priest, before
beginning a career as a revolutionary. Viewed by
contemporaries as unintelligent, he soon began
taking over the Soviet Union after the death of
Lenin. He began a process of “show trials,”
executing his internal rivals of exiling them
to the Gulags of Siberia. He also began the
processes of large scale urbanization and
collectivization which resulted in the deaths of
upwards of ten million peasants. In August of
1939, he signed a “Non-Aggression” pact with
Hitler agreeing to split up Poland. He was
surprised and devastated by the German attack
in the Spring of 1941. He is largely credited with
the defeat of Germany. Upwards of 20 million
Russians died in the war.
“We would not let our enemies have guns, why
should we let them have ideas”
“The people who cast the vote don’t decide the
election, the people who count the votes do”…
Winston Churchill -- Half-British and Half-
Estadoudense. A poor student, he entered the
British military academy after failing the
entrance exam twice. Served as a soldier in India
and a reporter in South Africa. As head of the
British Navy, he is credited with the “Gallipoli
Disaster” in World War I. After a vote of “no-
confidence” against appeasement Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain he was selected to
be Prime Minister in 1940.
In 1940, he and Great Britain alone, stood
against Hitler. He was a manic-depressive, a
flaming alcoholic, and his leadership saved
civilization from the evil of Nazism.
“Democracy is the worst form of government,
but better than all the rest”
“Always trust the Americans to do what’s right
after they have exhausted all other options.”
“we shall fight in the fields, and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills; we shall never
Charles de Gaulle -- Born in France to an upper-
middle class Roman Catholic family. His dad was a
professor of Philosophy. He had a great interest in
military affairs. He graduated from a French military
academy and became an officer. In WWI, he was
wounded three times fighting the Germans. He was
captured and served as a prisoner of war for three
years under the Germans. He tried to escape 5 times.
After the war he became a writer and professor of
warfare (mainly of the irregular kind). He often got
into arguments with and was castigated by his
superiors. After the French surrender in 1940, he left
for Great Britain, with an unimpressive rank, to begin
to organize the Free French movement. He was
fiercely devoted to his country and organized an
unconventional warfare campaign against the
German occupation of France. After the war, he was
made Prime Minister. He oversaw the de-colonization
of French possessions and maintained independence
from the ideological extremes of the Cold War. A
seriously legit dude. “How can you be expected to
govern a country that has 246 kinds of cheeses”
Josip Marshal Tito (Yugoslavia) From Croatia. He Fought in
WWI for Austria-Hungary. After being wounded he was
taken, as a POW, to Russia. There he became familiar with
Bolshevik doctrine. He then fought for the communists
in the Russian Revolution. He returned home and became
Part of the soon to be banned Yugoslavian Communist Party.
After the Axis occupation and partition of Yugoslavia in 1941
He began to plan and lead partisan activities. In 1943, the
allies recognized him as the leader of Yugoslavia (U.S. sent
Sterling Hayden). He was an expert in hybrid warfare. After
Successfully fighting off the Germans during the war, while
successfully backed Stalin off in the immediate aftermath.
He was one of the leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement
during the Cold War. He was president of Yugoslavia from
1953 until 1980.
“I am the leader of one country which has two alphabets,
three languages, four religions, five nationalities, six
republics, surrounded by seven neighbors, a country
in which live eight ethnic minorities.
“We have spilt an ocean of blood for the brotherhood and unity of
our peoples and we shall not allow anyone to touch or destroy it
from within”
Benito Mussolini -- Born into a poor household in Italy. He was
expelled from two schools for stabbing classmates. He also assaulted
a Priest/Teacher who attempted to discipline him. He graduated,
became a teacher, quit, read avidly and married the 16-year old
daughter of his dad’s dead mistress. He was wounded fighting in
WWI. In 1922, as leader of the Italian fascists he seized power at the
age of 35. He brutally invaded Ethiopia in 1935.
In WWII he deported 20 percent of Italian Jews to the Nazi
concentration camps. A “junior partner” in the Axis, he attacked
Greece and Albania (and failing miserably), without having alerted
Germany. He lost many men supporting the German attack on the
Soviet Union, and his days were numbered after the allies captured
North Africa in 1943.
He was arrested by dis-affected Italians, but then rescued from
captivity by German para-gliders. After the German retreat from
Italy, he was re-arrested, along with his mistress, by partisans as he
tired trying to disguise himself as a regular German soldier retreating
to Austria. He was shot and killed in April, 1945. He and his mistress
were hung upside down to a cheering crowd in Milan, Italy.
“Every anarchist is a baffled dictator”
“Inactivity is death”
“The truth is that men are tired of liberty”
An elephant
and a
cross a
Costa Rica bans and does away with its
• 1949 – After a brief civil war Jose Figueres outlaws the military.

`Militaries defend against foreign enemies. In Central America,

however, the military has traditionally been used by corrupt elites to
control their own people.`
One of the great tragedies of History is that upon emerging from colonialism at the
end of WWII, many countries in the global south, trying to seek out their own
path, were sucked into the Cold War and used as pawns in global power plays and
politics between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
Both the U.S. and the USSR installed and backed horrible, brutal governments at
the expense of regular citizens, both conducted invasions of smaller countries to
back the other off, and both fomented revolutions and civil wars around the globe
in which millions died.

Progress was retarded in much of the world, and many poorer countries still live
with the legacy of corruption, militarism and oligarchic systems, in large part, due
to the cold war.

No clear cut good guy or bad guy. There are lesser goods and greater evils, and
lesser evils and greater goods. The only true enemy was, and always is, injustice,
violence and war.
The main thing that united the Soviet Union and the
U.S./U.K was the threat of Nazi Germany. With
Germany defeated, the alliance came to an end.

-- After WWII, the world was left with two

Superpowers, the U.S. and the USSR, who had
completely different ideologies.
The Cold War
DIED, mostly in the developing world!!!!! Just not in
direct conflict between the two superpowers.

-- U.S. is a democracy with free enterprise, whereas

the USSR, a communist country, had severe limits on
The Cold War

August 1945, Korean split by the U.S. adopts a policy of

Soviets and the U.S., with the 1946 Winston Churchill, Iron containment, saying they
Soviets administering the North Curtain Speech in the U.S. wouldn`t let communism spread
and the U.S. setting up the South. anyway in the world.

The Domino Theory – U.S. Cold

War Doctrine, first articulated by Truman Doctrine – The Policy of Marshall Plan – U.S. provided
President Eisenhower in the the U.S. providing aid to help western Europe with $13 billion in
1950’s. ‘If one country in the foreign countries fight aid and loans to spur economic
region is allowed to become communism. recovery.
communist, the rest will fall too.’
Berlin Airlift – 1948-1949, The First major showdown of the Cold War. The
Soviet Union attempted to get the U.S., France and the U.K. to abandon their
administration of West Berlin by imposing a blockade (to food, water or other
supplies allowed in by ground transportation). For 11 months at the cost of
hundreds of millions of dollars the U.S. led the effort to drop supplies into West

Communist China – In 1949 the communists led by Mao Tse Tung win the Civil
War. The country of Taiwan is formed. (Honduras is one of the few countries
that recognizes Taiwan).

The Soviet Union develops the nuclear bomb in August of 1949.

The Korean War – 1950-1953, U.S. and South Korea versus the North and
China. The border stay the same (we’ll see more on it later).
Cold War East and West
The Vietnam War – 1965-1975 (we’ll see more later).

Chilean Coup – September 11, 1973 (we’ll see more later).

Cold War
Soviets invaded Afghanistan – 1979, it became the Vietnam
for the Soviets. USSR occupies the country to back a weak, un-
popular communist puppet regime. They engage in brutal
tactics before eventually being kicked out by the U.S. funded
and supplied Mujahadeen led by a young Saudi Arabian.

Nicaraguan Revolution – 1979, The Sandinistas, leaning

towards Cuba and the USSR, come to power led by Daniel
Ortega, kicking out the long-standing, corrupt U.S. backed
Somoza dictatorship. The “contra” war based out of Honduras
The Korean War
The Soviet Union

in a
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s R U.S.

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The Republic
of China
U.S. has huge base presence in Japan and after 1949 is trying to shore up the Chiang’s Nationalist
Government on the island of Taiwan and protect it from communist mainland China invasion.

Post WWII, the Soviet Union took over the Korean peninsula north of the 38 th parallel and the
United States took over the peninsula south of the 38th parallel.

In 1948, under UN supervised elections, Syngman Rhee becomes President of South Korea.

The Soviets set up a puppet communist government in North Korea. Both the U.S. and the USSR
withdraw their occupation forces from the peninsula.

Rise to Globalism, Stephen Ambrose

• Rhee of South Korea was basically a right-wing dictator.

• Opposition in the South loudly calling for reunification with

the north.

Rise to • Some leaders in the U.S. were considering abandoning South

Globalism, Korea under the belief that the U.S. position in the area was
sufficiently strong given its bases throughout Japan and the
Ambrose • Anti-Communism hysteria on the rise in the U.S. President
Truman needs to sure up U.S. support for Chiang in Taiwan
(Formosa) and Rhee in South Korea.

• 25 June 1950, North Korea crosses the 38th parallel attacking

and invading South Korea.
President Truman gets the UN to condemn North Korea’s invasion (interesting angle on the
security council situation).

Truman pronounces that the Truman Doctrine applies to the pacific. The doctrine said that
the U.S. would come to the aid of any country or peoples fighting against the communists.
(helping the French colonists fighting the communists in Indochina, protecting the
Nationalists in South Korea, and supporting the Filipino government against an internal

On the Korean peninsula the U.S. plan to defeat the invading North Korean Army by
bombing its supplies lines from the air. This plan failed. North Koreans quickly overwhelmed
the South. Truman know he would lose the peninsula to the communists if he didn’t send in
ground troops. Truman, also very concerned with not provoking a full-scare war with the
USSR and or China.
Rise to Globalism, Stephen Ambrose
The Cold War (Iran)
• In 1953, Mohammed Mosaddeq nationalized British Oil
interests in Iran.
• Shortly thereafter he was overthrown by the CIA.
• The U.S. and U.K friendly Shah (or king) was put back into
• The Shah was repressive and, with the help of U.S. and
Israeli advisers,
began suppressing dissent.
• In 1979, the unpopular Shah was finally overthrown, and
anti-west religious nut jobs have run the country ever since
The Cold War
• Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was democratically elected as President of
Guatemala in 1951.
• He began a land reform initiative angering the elite of the country
and large landowners.
• The United Fruit Company held the most land in the country.
• He Nationalized their holding while offering to compensate them
• A public relations campaign was begun to paint him as a communist
with close ties to the Soviet Union.
• An arms shipment from the Warsaw Pact country of Czechoslovakia
sealed his fate.
• In a CIA run psychological and mis-information and air power
campaign run out of Honduras led to a successful military coup
against him in 1954.
• A right-wing military regime under Carlos Castillo Armas was
• A 36-year Civil War between the peasants and the Government
ensued with over 200,000 people dying.
During WWII, the Japanese kicked out the French and
occupied Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh, a nationalist leader, led the
resistance against Japan. After the war, France re-colonized
Vietnam with the help of the U.S. Once again, Ho Chi Minh led
the fight against outside occupation, defeating the French in
1954 at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

By agreement, Vietnam was temporarily divided in two – the

Vietnam communist north and the capitalist south, with nationwide
elections to be held in 1956.

Diem, leader of the south was an ally of the U.S., corrupt, and
disliked by the people. Ho Chi Minh, leader of the North was
liked in both regions, thus the election was called off.
American Involvement.

-- John F. Kennedy had developed the Green Berets, or U.S.

Special Forces, as the Peace Corps of the military, to be able to
fight wars at smaller levels.

-- U.S. began sending “advisers” to South Vietnam.

(cont….) -- Diem, unpopular leader of South Vietnam was assassinated
by his own generals in 1963, right before Kennedy was
assassinated in the U.S.

-- Lyndon B. Johnson, the vice-president took office and began

greatly escalating U.S. involvement in Vietnam in 1965. By 1969
there were 500,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam.

-- Soviet Union and China began to send a bunch of gear

weapons and experts/advisors to the North.
In 1973, after having suffered over 58,000 killed in action,
the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam.

In 1975, the north conducted a successful, full-scale

invasion of the south to unite the county.

Between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers

died. Vietnam
Over one million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers
died. The Viet Cong were guerillas operating against the
U.S. and South Vietnamese armies in the south.

Up to two million civilians died in the war.

Democratically-elected Salvador Allende overthrown on
September 11, 1973 after U.S. and U.K.-owned copper mines,
Anaconda and Kennecott, were nationalized by him. Military
officials claimed he committed suicide. Military government
under Augusto Pinochet installed. He remained in place under
1990 with his government regularly committing human rights
violations – tens of thousands tortured, over 80,000 detained
and approximately 3,000 dissenters killed.
He was never convicted in either Chilean or international courts,
medical reasons often cited by his defense.

Research Victor Jara,

The Contra War

• The socialist Sandinistas come to power in Nicaragua.

• U.S. established the Contras (Nicaraguan troops against the revolutionary Sandinista government) in eastern
Honduras to destabilize Nicaragua.

With Civil Wars against U.S. backed military dictators raging in El Salvador
and with a Cuba and Soviet Union aligned government in place in Nicaragua,
Honduras become the U.S. bed-rock in the fight against communism.

Bases established, the main one being Soto Cano, which is still there,
military aid comes piling in, and Battalion 316, a U.S. backed death squad
established to search out communists – teachers, students, labor organizers
The Cold
War Ends
The fall of the Berlin Wall and the
crumbling of the Soviet Empire,
Russia, now free and democratic and capitalist,
becomes a weak mess of corruption in the 1990s
(Yeltsin) while NATO Advances Eastward
2000 – Putin, former kgb coronel, comes to power to
reestablish the glory of the mother Russia. `The fall of the
Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20 th Century.`
Afghanistan and Iraq
• Twin towers destroyed on 9/11 2001.

• U.S. invaded Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban and get Bin Laden.

• U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 (there were a bunch of different stated reasons:
1)weapons of mass destruction, of which Iraq had none
2) 9/11, in which Iraq played no part.
3) Bringing of Democracy, a little tough to do at gunpoint

• U.S. avoided another Vietnam in Iraq through the Surge and the Awakening Program at around the same
time they were blessing the 2009 coup in Honduras..

• U.S. recently retreated from Afghanistan and the Taliban are back in power, committing gross human rights
violations against women, gays and anyone who disagrees with their religiously fanatic dark ages rule.
Georgia and Ukraine
• In 2008, the U.S. encouraged Georgia and Ukraine to become NATO members.

• In 2008, Russia invaded and annexed two regions of Georgia.

• In 2014, Russia invaded and annexed two regions in eastern Ukraine and the Crimean

• In 2022, Xiomara takes office, JOH extradited after being favorite son of U.S. for years, Russia
invades Ukraine and the west send guns and bombs, while Russian authorities continue to drop
hints about nukes.

• Global food and energy crises loom, no end in sight to fighting in Ukraine, Finland and Sweden
set to join NATO, Russia eyes Moldova, China, builds a port in the Gulf of Fonseca and eyes
• Now not a good time for the weak-minded or the feignt of heart. Best of luck in your future

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