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Jurusan Fisika

Fakultas Matematika dan Pengetahuan Alam

Universitas Negeri Malang

Effect Size

Dosen Pengampu:
Dr. Supriyono Koes H, M.Pd, M.A
Effect size (Cohen d)
• What is it?
• What is its purpose?
• How is it estimated?
• How is it intepreted?
• Example
• Final considerations
• Power: The probability of correctly rejecting a false Ho.

• When we say that the power of a particular experimental design

is .65, we mean that if the null hypothesis is false to the degree we
expect, the probability is .65 that the results of the experiment will
lead us to reject Ho.
• A more powerful experiment is one that has a greater probability of
rejecting a false Ho than does a less powerful experiment.
Faktors yg mempengaruhi Power sebuah Tes
1. The probability of a Type I error (a ), the a priori level of significance
and the criterion for rejecting Ho.
2. The true difference between the null hypothesis and an alternative
hypothesis ( m0 - m1).
3. The sample size (n) and variance (s2).
4. The particular test to be employed and whether we are using a one-
or a two-tailed test.
What is Effect size (d)?
• A standardized measured of effect size
• It is the ratio of the difference between two means devided by the
standard deviation
• An estimate of the difference between two means expressed in standard
deviation units

• The only difference is that we are using it to assess how large a difference
we hope to have, and then to compute power, rather than as a measure
to tell the reader how large an effect we have found. So the measure
stays the same, it is only the purpose that differs.
What is Purpose
• Allows for the evaluation of the size of an effect in a study that is
independent of scale.
• Allows for the comparison of effect size from analysis to analysis (study to
• Forms the basis of meta-analysis
• Forms the basis of power analysis
Cohen’s d: How is it Formulated?
Cohen’s d: How is it Interpreted?
Cohen (1988) provided some guidelines:
• Small: - .20
• Medium: .21 - .50
• Large: .51 - .80 Cohen, J. 1988. Statical power analysis for the
behavioral science (2nd ed). New York: Academic Press.

Sawilowsky’s (2009) Additions

Sawilowsky, S. 2009. New effect size rules of thumb. Journal

of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 8(2), 467 - 474
Kombinasi Effect size dan n

d(delta): A value used in referring to power tables that

combines d and the sample size n
Perhitungan Power untuk t test
• One-sample t test

• Two independent samples (equal and unequal sample sizes)

• Related samples
Contoh: One-sample t test
• Lihat Howell Bab 5 (Exercise 5.21).
• The null hypothesis would be that cognitive behavior therapy does
not lead to weight gain, and therefore m0 = 0,00.
• m1 = 3,00 lbs, s = 7,31.

• n = 29,
• a = 0,05 power sekitar 0,60
• This means that if Ho is really false and m1 = 3,00 lbs, only 60% of the
time will the clinician obtain data that will produce a significant value
of when testing the difference between her sample mean and that
specified by Ho.
Ukuran sampel yang diperlukan
• Kita memerlukan power 0,80, maka
Ukuran sampel yang diperlukan

Ukuran sampel harus 47 orang.

Sample independent, ukuran sama
• Lihat Howell hal. 395

• Power 0,75.
• Jika diinginkan power menjadi 0,90, maka
• Jumlah sampel per sel 15 atau 16

• Jika jumlah sampel tidak sama,


Diperoleh power 0,39.

Jika power ditingkatkan menjadi 0,80, dibutuhkan d = 2,80;
jumlah sampelnya adalah
Related samples
• Efect size

• Lihat data in Section 13.2 (Howell)

• Power 0,99
Final Considerations
• Is not calculated in popular stats programs (e.g., SPSS)
• Confidence intervals for Cohen’s d are relatively complicated (noncentral t
• Can convert partial eta squared value into Cohen’s d (and vice versa)
• Assumes homogenity of variance

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