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Essay workshop

Melody Almroth
Theory of Science
January, 2024
Course summary: What we did part 1
• Introduction to theory
Definition of key concepts: theory, hypothesis, observation, law, ontology,
epistemology, deductive and inductive
• Theory in research example: a life course perspective on socioeconomic status and
health outcomes
Exploring different explanations for educational inequalities in mortality
• An overview of philosophy of science
Historical and modern examples with a focus on constructivism
• Philosophy of science workshop
Applying what we learned about philosophy of science concepts to specific case studies related to

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Course summary: What we did part 2
• Structural level theories and SDGs
Theory in the research process, examples of theories closer to a testable hypothesis
versus theories that explain an individual’s interaction with their context
• Malterud workshop
Application of some of the key terms, integrating theory in research, presentation of reading
• Theory in research example: defining ill health and mental ill health
An example of the history of defining mental illness in a positivist paradigm
• Applied theory workshop:
Choosing an article and recognizing the use of theory (implicit and explicit), and
theoretical perspectives
• Theory in research example: Evaluating occupational health interventions: Design,
Implementation and, Effects

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Course summary: What I tried to do with this course
• Show links between theory and the research process
• Present the basics ontology, epistemology, positivist and constructivist paradigms,
different possible applications of theory
• Present theories that are proximal or distal to a testable hypothesis
• Show theory from both a wider as well as more applied perspective
• Give you opportunity to practice discussing and applying the concepts
• Give you learning opportunities through lecture, reading, videos, discussion, writing
• Give both qualitative and quantitative examples
• Give example relevant to both HPP and EPI track
• Be present throughout the course to better understand how everything is working and
fitting together

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Course reflections

• You are a wonderful group!

• The course is dense and went by fast

• What were your favorite parts?

• What should be improved?

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What is evidence?

The hierarchy of evidence shown here guides biomedical

• What paradigm does this belong to?
• What are the assumptions?
• In what ways is this hierarchy helpful?
• What questions can it not answer?
• What is evidence and what types of evidence are there?
• What studies are excluded?
Theory essay

• Your task is to write an essay (minimum 1,000 words and maximum 2,000 words) in
which you apply and discuss some of the ideas, problems and concepts from the course.
There are five suggested topics to choose from; imagine it is the subject of your degree
project in public health science. A not too short introductory section of a scientific
article is one model for the structure of the essay.

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Theory essay

• Through the assignment, you will develop your reflective thinking, put it in writing and enhance
your understanding of the epistemological challenges in the scientific research process. The
important thing is to discuss a specific question or problem and to present pros-and-cons of
different arguments and points of views, including your own. Present the concepts in accordance
with the literature and discuss. In the essay, we do not expect you to reach a final solution or

• In accordance with this, the literary style can be like prose. In an essay, the writer’s point of view is
present, and you may write in first person if you prefer. However, refer to literature in a correct way
(author name, year and page). Additionally, write clearly and try always to be helpful to your

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Theory essay: evaluation criteria

• The essay should include a brief background in which you introduce your topic/field of
research. Add research questions or objectives as the suggested topics are formulated
preliminary (max 200 words).
• The essay should include a discussion of at least two ideas, problems or concepts that
have been introduced in class or in the literature.
• To discuss an idea means that you must present both pros and cons in relation to the

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Essay topics

1. An intervention aimed at reducing psychosocial stress among healthcare workers


2. A study of social media use and mental health among adolescents (qualitative)

3. A study of chronic diseases among migrant populations (quantitative or qualitative)

4. A study of the relationship between occupational class and cardiovascular mortality


5. A study of barriers to rehabilitation/reintegration among individuals suffering from

post-covid syndrome (long covid) (qualitative)
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Academic writing: some recommended resources

Consultation time at Karolinska University Library

Writing in the Sciences online course from Stanford

Online writing lab

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Purpose in writing

• You should write with a clear purpose in mind

• Is the purpose to be descriptive or persuasive?

• Each paragraph should have a clear purpose and the sentences should reflect this

• If your purpose is persuasive, this should be backed up with arguments and counter
arguments (pros and cons)

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Pre-writing tips

• Turn to the literature for the background and to identify previous theoretical
perspectives and arguments.
• Practice active reading with a good note-taking system
• Brainstorming/mind maps
• Create an outline identifying arguments and counter arguments for your theoretical
• Use the PIE model to expand on your outline (point, illustration, explanation)
• Sentence 1 makes a point (argument), sentence 2 creates an illustration (example),
sentence 3 gives an explanation (ties the first two sentences together.

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Further tips

• Set a timer
 Deep focused writing for 20, 30, or 45 minutes then take a real break
• Break the task down into smaller goals
 Working with bullet points, subheadings, and outlines can be useful to structure your thoughts
• Give yourself time
 You may even have the chance to give yourself some distance from your text. This isn’t
possible if you wait until the last minute.

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Peer discussions

Your task today is to begin discussing the exam work with your peers. You may discuss
which topic you plan to choose and which theoretical concepts you are considering
discussing. The goal is to give each other feedback and look to each other for inspiration.

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