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3:Water management

4:what is water management?

What is water management?

To understand let us take an example.

To run a family it is important that the
work in home should be distributed,like
needs incomes arrangements and
Management is important in
everyone’s life.Management is the
condition available to complete the
task,action,planned use of the
convenience,human and material
resources etc. Water use is an integral
part of daily life.So everyone needs to
know about water management and its
The need of water
Man in the earlydays was using
water for drinking and to fulfill
his own needs.After the discovery
of agriculture,he started using
water for agriculture.
Later,itwas used for
industries,business and others.Then
storing water in dams was started
which result in less availabilty in
water. There was an increase in
human development in modern era.
The natural resources of our
surroundings was decreasing day by
Maharashtra was facing
many challenges

Unfortunately this issue is not taken

How will be the water management?
Water Conservation.

Its is important to conserve water this might help the

water problem to be resloved permanetly. Every drop of
rain can be used for Water Conservation.Works are carried
out in different part of the state.It is a permanent solution
to drought situation.
Groundwater recharge
Groundwater recharge not only
increase the groundwater level
but also allows proper use of
rainwater. The government,
capital letters NGO s s and all of
us need to take the initiative to
recharge wels and tubewells to
effectively increase the
groundwater level.
To stop water pollution
Citizens should not perform rituals in
spring, wells due wells etc. Or in this flow
of drinking water and should not immerse
the object often through als of substance
like waste discharge from
factories,chemicals, hazardous liquids,
sewage etc.Should be done in such a way
that it does not harm the
environment.polluted water should be
treated and reused.
An object immersed in
water is harmful to on
living beings.
Economical use of
water in agriculture

Drip irrigation,Sprinkle irrigation,micro irrigation

method should be adopted to avoid wastage of
water in agriculture. For this, along with
orchards,Government subsidyOf 75% to 100% of
the cost should be provided to the farmers for
drip irrigation Sprinkle irrigation and micro
irrigation as per the requirement of all types of
crops. Use vegetative or polythene cover around
the fruit trees to prevent wastage of water
through evaporation. Also, in times of
scarcity,The number of branches and leaves of
the tree should be limited so that orchard Will
be able to withstand less water has evaporation
Sewage recycling
 Sewage can be recycled by processing it in the same way has paper, plastic,
metal. About 21%( 13.7)Of the available in Israel comes from wastewater and
wastewater recycling. This water is used for agriculture. In the same may it is
possible to recycle water from the state, urban areas has well as from
industrial use but for this, the government and local self governing bodies
needs to set up a competent system.
Domestic level
"Domestic level of water" refers to the
amount of water used within households
for various activities. This includes tasks
like drinking, cooking, cleaning, and
personal hygiene. Managing water usage
at the domestic level is important for
conservation and sustainability.
How do you save water at
Donot let the water run while
shaving or brushing teeth.Take short
shower instead of Tub bath.Turn off
the water while soaping and
shampooing.If you are using only
Tub,Close the drain before turning on
the water and fill the tub half full.

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