Grade 11 Area Study Unit 1 - 080115-1 - 011054

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At Ambo Ifa Boru Special boarding Secondary School

Department of Social Science

PPT on Grade 11 Area Study

Prepared by Mr. Bekama Bekele( MA in PSIR)

Academic year, 2023

Ambo, Oromia
Unit One
State Actors in the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia
Factors that determine the developments &
conditions shaping the fate of region.
 The place of environment
 The natural resources
 Actors:
 State actors:-Local actors & External
actors( Foreign powerful states)
 Non- state actors: communities, Civic societies,
International organizations & etc
 Formation of states in Africa
 Result of local & int’l developments(colonialism)
 If power structure have local origin, national
boundaries are result of colonialism
The HoA has been a theatre of competition
among external powers.
 Strategically important.
 External involvement
Indicators of national power
The combination of various factors determines
the national power of country. (Military Strength; Geography
and Natural Resources; Population; Economic Development, Industrial and
Technology Capacity; Government (Organization, leadership and Diplomacy)
and National Character, Morale and Ideology)
1.1. The Place of Ethiopian state in the region
Ethiopia is the strongest state.
 Central Participant of the major development. Eg
IGAD, EAC & etc
 Geographical location.
 Shares boundaries with all states.
Speak the same languages,
Belongs to the same nation, ethnicities
Common religion.
Economic linkages.
Shares social and cultural values on both side on
international boundaries.
Therefore, the major development happened in
Ethiopia affecting neighboring countries.
So, the Ethiopian state is the most influential state
in the horn of Africa.
1.2. The Strength of the Ethiopian Military
Known for its strong army.
The oldest institutions in almost all societies in
Ethiopian societies organized strong armies
throughout their history. Eg. Gada system.
Cont’d …
 The origins and military traditions
 Since Aksumite times.
 Interrupted by Fascist Italy invasion.
 Started to organize b/n 1910s & 1930s with the help of
western. Eg.Mehal sefari regiment to Imperial Bodyguard in
 The first military training school- Holeta in 1935
The Size of ENDF
 Huge after Somalia-Ethiopian War(1977-1978)
 Fluctuated from time to time

Events proved the strength of Ethiopian Military.

 The Egyptian forces at Gundet & Gur’a
 Italy at Adwa
 Patriotic resistance against Italy.
 Ethio-Somalia wars
 Ethio-Eritrean war

Logistically started to rely mostly on its own

resources since from 1986.
eg. The Industrial complex organization.

The ENDF has long history of participation in
UN peace operations since 1950s. Eg.
 Korean war
 Congo
 Rwanda (UNAMIR)
 Burundi, Liberia, Cote d’Ivore, Sudan, South
Sudan, Haiti & Mali
The ENDF had 3 separate branches
1. The ground force
2. The air force
3. The Navy (Its base in Djibouti& head quarter at
Bahir Dar)
All in all, in its quantity and quality the Ethiopian
military is the strongest in Africa and in the whole
region too.
Class work
Give sort Answer
1. What is the core reputation of defensive army?
2. When was the first Modernization process of
ENDF was took place? Trace with major events
3. List the separate branches of ENDF.
4. Describe the subsequent victories of ENDF.
5. What is meant by actors in international system?
6. Describe the indicators of national power in
assessing the role and influence of the states.
1.3. Geography, Natural Resources and Population as sources of
National Power
A. Geography
The territorial size
 Major sources of national strength.
 Large size accommodates large population.
 Large size offers better natural resources& raw
 Large size is helpful in the defense of the country.
 Large size helpful to establish vital & strategic
centers & complexities.
However, it can be hindrance for development

 Geopolitically, its location determines its

strategic importance.
Because of colonialism almost all boundaries
were made by colonial power.
 This is potent sources of conflict which weakens
the national powers.
 Natural boundaries are helpful to national power
& the artificial boundaries are sources of weakens
and conflict.
B. Natural Resources
 The other sources of Ethiopian national power is its
diversified and impenetrable terrain.
 Natural boundaries with strategic advantages are
always sources of strength for nation.
 Moderate temperature zone is one sources of national
 Climate change is basic concern.
 Climate has positive role to the emergence of relatively
powerful political centers in different parts of Ethiopia.
There are three climatic zone of Ethiopia. Alpine
vegetated zone, Temperate zone & the hot zone.
C. Population
Population size
 One of the most powerful states in the whole
 Huge population determines the economic &
military capacities.
 But the quality of population matters most.
 With out dedicated disciplines, hard working,
healthy, educated & skilled man power, there can
not be a national power.
1.4. Economic development, Industrial &
Technology capacity.
Poverty is the sources of limitation of power.
Due to its poor performance * Ethiopia has not as
much of influence broader context of
international relations.
Having development, sustainably growing
economy based up on effective organization and
planning alone can be a great power in world
 Since the modernization of its economy from 20th century
Ethiopia has been an economic dependent on Western and
Eastern powers. *
 These states have effectively utilized the economic
instruments of foreign policy * for securing their desired
goals in international relations.
Group discussion
•There is an argument that a Population of a certain
country and having large territorial size may have
an adverse effect on its development. Here, it is
argued that Ethiopia’s population & territorial size
is a source of national power. Please make groups
for such debate and discuss.
1.5. Government organizations, Leadership
and Diplomacy.
 The people and communities within Ethiopian State
established diverse polities in different regions of the
 These was contributed to the development of strong
and centralized government since the middle of 19 th
 Because of its resilient government organization,
leadership and diplomacy Ethiopia ensured its
 Probably, next to its huge population size,
Ethiopia’s major source of strength is its
government organization, leadership &
 Unlike states in Africa the government
organization and its leadership are typically
Relatively the Ethiopian state has well organized,
efficient, effective mobilizing material resources.
These was saved the Ethiopian state from colonial
Even make the country the symbol of defiance
for the black people in the world.
The establishment of African union, UNECA in
Addis Ababa show the strength & success in IR.
1.6. The National character, Moral & Ideology
of the Ethiopian state.
 For long well known for vigor& persistence
during hard times. High adaptability in different
conditions and contexts.
 This social asset is the source of attitude and
social ability toward works and country wide
 High quality of leadership, support & loyalty
emanates from national moral.
 These like moral of the people is another source of
national power.
 The ability of a state to use several ideological beliefs and
commitments always determines its national power.
 However, non all-inclusiveness & Ideological differences
among different peoples, nations & nationalities were
historically the major sources of political weakness.
Class work
1. What are the major sources of national
strength of the Ethiopian state next to its
population size?
2. What are the high quality of Ethiopians
emanates from their national moral?
3. What was the contribution of the early social
structure Ethiopia?

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