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Group 5
What is linguistics ?
the scientific study of language and its structure,
including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics,
and semantics. Specific branches of linguistics
include sociolinguistics, dialectology,
psycholinguistics, computational linguistics,
historical-comparative linguistics, and applied
Of linguistics
Linguistic study goes back at least as far as fifth
century B.C.E. to an Indian scholar named Panini,
who recorded the rules of Sanskrit grammar.
Citizens of ancient Greece also studied language
structure in order to strengthen understanding and
expression of philosophy and criticism.
Proponents of

Linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure (b. 1857–d. 1913) is

acknowledged as the founder of modern linguistics and
semiology, and as having laid the groundwork for
structuralism and post-structuralism. Born and educated
in Geneva, in 1876 he went to the University of Leipzig,
where he received a doctorate in 1881.

Noam Chomsky is known as the father of modern

linguistics. Back in 1957, Chomsky, with his
revolutionary book “Syntactic Structures,” laid the
foundation of his non-empiricist theory of
language. Two years later, with his review of B. F.
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies
how social factors impact language use. Examples of
sociolinguistic study include gendered language
differences, regional differences, and how social class
impacts language use.
Dialectology is the study of the regional forms of a
language that are spoken by particular groups of
people. These regional forms are called dialects.
Dialectology is a subfield of sociolinguistics, which
explores the dynamic relationship between society
and language.
Psycholinguistics is the discipline that investigates
and describes the psychological processes that make
it possible for humans to master and use language.
Psycholinguists conduct research on speech
development and language development and how
individuals of all ages comprehend and produce
Computational linguistics

Computational linguistics focuses on the system or

concept that machines can be computed to
understand, learn, or output languages, while natural
language processing is the application of processing
language that enables a computer program to
understand human language as it is written or spoken.
Historical linguistics

Historical linguistics, the study of how languages

change over time, subsumes both the general study of
language change and the history of specific languages
and language families.
Comparative Linguistics

the study of similarities and differences between

languages, in particular the comparison of related
languages with a view to reconstructing forms in their
lost parent languages..
Applied linguistics

Applied linguistics is a field of study that looks at

how linguistics can help understand real-life
problems in areas such as psychology, sociology and
education. It can be compared with theoretical
linguistics, which looks at areas such as morphology,
phonology and lexis.
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