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Microsoft Paint

Microsoft paint

Paint is a simple and powerful graphics editor with a

range of uses. You can edit images quickly or create
masterpieces with the tools in this app. Once you’re done,
you’ll be able to save and share your files in almost any
Microsoft paint or ‘MS paint is a basic graphics painting utility that is
included in all Microsoft Windows versions. MS paint can be used to draw,
Colour and edit pictures l, including imported pictures from a digital
The parts of paints

When you start to paint,

You’ll see an empty window;
drawing and painting tools are
located in the ribbon at the
top of the window. The
following illustration shows
the different parts of the
paint window:
Working with tools

The Ribbon in paint includes a handy collection of drawing tools.

You can use these tools to create freehand drawings and add a
variety of shapes to your pictures.
Painting is a feature in
Windows that you can use
to draw, color and edit
pictures. You can use Paint
like a digital sketchpad to
make simple pictures, creative
projects, or to add text and
designs to other pictures, such
as those taken with your
digital camera.
• Draw a line
• Draw a shape
• Add text
• Erase part of your pictures
• Work faster in paint
• Crop a picture
• Working with color
• Saving pictures
Draw a line
Some of the tools and shapes, such as the pencil, brush,
line and curve, let you make a variety of straight, curved,
and squiggly lines.
Draw a shape
Paints lets you draw many different shapes. For example,
you can draw ready made, defined shapes such as
rectangles, circles, squares, triangles, and arrows.
Add text
You can also add text to your picture. The text tool lets you
Add a simple message or title.
Erase part of your picture
Work faster in Paint
There’s a fast way to put the commands you use most often I.
Paint in easy reach- put them on the quick access toolbar
above the Ribbon.
Crop a picture

If you’re not satisfied with the way a picture was composed

with the camera, you can use Paint to crop photo to improve
its composition or to fucos on certain elements in it.
Working with color
There are a number of tools to help you work specially with color
In paint. They let you use the colors you want when you’re drawing
And editing in paint.
Saving a picture

Saving your picture frequently so you don’t accidentally lost your

work. To save, click the paint button ,and then click save.
This saves all of the changes made to the picture since the last
time you saved.
Denova Omambac
Andrea Payumo

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