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Lecture 3: Moral and Ethical

Mrs Doreen Odame
What is ethical dilemma?
 There are situations where there is not a simple choice between right
or wrong…

 Ethical dilemma is a moral situation where a choice has to be made

between two equally undesirable alternatives.

 It is also known as moral dilemma.

 In these moral situations societal & personal ethical guidelines can

provide no satisfactory outcome for solving dilemma.
What is ethical dilemma?
 Ethical behavior goes beyond the legal requirements placed on a
business, as it concerns discretionary decisions and behavior; in other
words, what a business chooses to do, rather than what is forced to do.

 Organizational/ societal ethics are relevant both to the conduct of an

individual within an organization or society and to the conduct of the
organization as a whole.
Structure of ethical dilemma

Doing what is Results in A bad outcome

morally right or bad effect

Good or at least
Nor Doing what is Results better effects or
morally wrong outcome
Characteristics of dilemma

 It has multiple alternatives

 It has mixed outcomes

 It has uncertain consequences

 It have personal implications ◦

 It is easy to make when a person is not directly involved

Causes of ethical problems

Conflict of personal
Organizational goals
Personal character values and
vrs. social values
organizational goals

Personal beliefs vrs. Production and sale

organizational of hazardous but
practices popular products
Framework for ethical decision making
 Kidder (1995) proposes nine main steps in resolving ethical delimmas;
 Step 01: Describe the problem

 Step 02: Determine whether there is an ethical issue or an ethical dilemma

 Step 03: Identify and rank the key values and principles

 Step 04: Gather your information

 Step 05: Review any applicable Code of Ethics

 Step 06: Determine the options

Framework for ethical decision making
 Step 07: Select a course of action

 Step 08: Put your plan into action

 Step 09: Evaluate the result

Utilitarian Rule
An ethical decision should produce the
greatest good for the greatest number
of people

Moral Rights Rule Justice Rule

An ethical decision should Rules for ethical An ethical decision should
maintain and protect the decision making distribute benefits and harm
fundamental rights and privileges among people in a fair, equitable,
of peoples. and impartial manner

Practical rule
An ethical decision should be one that a
manager has no hesitation about
communicating to people outside the
company because the typical person in a
society would think the decision is
Ethical Test…
1. Is it legal
 Ethical – Legal - I
 Ethical-Illegal - II
 Unethical – Legal - III
 Unethical – Illegal – IV
I and III – May be considered
II and IV – Difficult

2. Benefit Cost Test

 Do the benefits exceed the costs to whomsoever they accrue?
Ethical Test…

3. Categorical Imperative
 Are you willing to allow to everyone to practice the proposed action or do you want to be a
special case?

4. Light of Day Test

 What would be your reaction if the action were brought out into the open for public scrutiny

5. Do onto Others Test

 Golden Rule – If you would like others to do the same to you - passes the test

6. Ventilation Test
 Seek out others views. Discuss the 5 tests with them. If others feel it is OK – passes the test

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