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Set Theory
Set - collection of objects
Elements – members of the set
Empty set – set that has no member - ∅
Universal set – set consisting of all elements under consideration - U
Subset – if every member of a set is also a member of another set - ⊆

C = {Al, Bob, Chris, David, Ed}

A = {Bob, David}
Union of two Sets
set of all elements that are either in 1st set or in 2nd set, or in both sets

A = {Aikman, Jackson, Rice, Sanders}

B = {Griffey, Jackson, Sanders, Thomas}

Intersection of two Sets

set of all elements that are common in both sets
Complement of a Set
the set consisting of elements in the universal set U that are not in a
particular set under consideration
U = {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet}
P = {red, yellow, blue}

Disjoint Sets
Two sets are called disjoint sets if their intersection is an empty set
A = {orange, green, indigo, violet}
B = {red, yellow, blue}
U = {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet}

P = {red, yellow, blue}

Q = {red, green}

R ={orange, green, indigo}

Venn Diagram
A tool to illustrate the relationships between sets


• Often two or more circles are enclosed in a rectangle

• The rectangle represents the universal set
• The interior of a circle represents a set
Venn Diagram
Suppose a survey of car enthusiasts showed that over a certain time period, 30 drove cars with automatic
transmissions, 20 drove cars with standard transmissions, and 12 drove cars of both types. If every one
in the survey drove cars with one of these transmissions, how many people participated in the survey?

18 A 12 S 8

Total survey participants = 18+12+8 = 38

A survey of 100 people in California indicates that 60 people have visited Disneyland, 15 have visited
Knott’s Berry Farm, and 6 have visited both. How many people have visited neither place?
Venn Diagram
A survey of 100 exercise conscious people resulted in the following information: 50 jog, 30 swim, and 35
cycle; 14 jog and swim; 7 swim and cycle; 9 jog and cycle; 3 people take part in all three activities
• How many jog but do not swim or cycle?
• How many take part in only one of the activities?
• How many do not take part in any of these activities?

11 6

S 4 C 22

a. 30 b. 64 c. 12

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