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Chapter 4: Motion in two and three dimensions

Phys 211
Position and Displacement

⚫ A position vector locates a particle in space

o Extends from a reference point (origin) to the

o Position vector (-3m, 2m, 5m)

Phys 211
⚫ Change in position vector is a displacement

⚫ We can rewrite this as:

⚫ Or express it in terms of changes in each coordinate:

Phys 211 3
Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

Average velocity



Phys 211
Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

Instantaneous velocity is
The velocity of a particle at a single point in time
The limit of avg. velocity
as the time interval shrinks to 0

In unit-vector form, we write:

Which can also be written:

Phys 211
Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

Visualize displacement and instantaneous velocity:

Phys 211
Average acceleration and Instantaneous acceleration

Average acceleration is
o A change in velocity divided by its time interval

Instantaneous acceleration is again the limit t → 0:

⚫ We can write Eq. 4-16 in unit-vector form:

Phys 211
⚫ We can rewrite as:

⚫ To get the components of acceleration, we differentiate the

components of velocity with respect to time

Phys 211 8
Sample problem
page: 59
Sample problem
page: 62
Sample problem
page: 63

A projectile is
A particle moving in the vertical plane
With some initial velocity
Whose acceleration is always free-fall acceleration (g)

The motion of a projectile is projectile motion
 Launched with an initial velocity v0

o q0 can be +ve, -ve, or zero.

Phys 211
vx is constant while vy is variable
Kinematic equations for Projectile

Phys 211
Projectile Motion

• Rules of projectile motion

The x- and y-directions of motion are completely independent of each other
The x-direction is uniform motion ax = 0

The y-direction is free fall ay = -g !! +ve y-axis upward

The initial velocity can be broken down into its x- and y-components

Phys 211
ax = 0

Treat the horizontal

and vertical motions

ay = -g
⚫ Maximum height: vy = 0

⚫ The projectile's trajectory is

Its path through space (traces a parabola)
Found by eliminating time between Eqs. 4-21 and 4-22:

Phys 211 13
⚫ The horizontal range is:
o The distance the projectile travels in x by the time it returns to its initial height

d is not R
Phys 211 13
Sample problem
page: 69
Sample problem
page: 70

Uniform circular Motion

A particle is in uniform circular motion if
It travels around a circle or circular arc
At a constant speed

Since the velocity changes, the particle is

Velocity and acceleration have:
Constant magnitude
Changing direction

Phys 211
⚫ Acceleration is called centripetal acceleration
Means “center seeking”
Directed radially inward

r: Radius of the circle

⚫ The period of revolution is:

o The time it takes for the particle to go around the closed path
exactly once

Phys 211 19
Relative Motion in One Dimension

Measures of position and velocity depend on the reference frame
of the measurer
How is the observer moving?
Our usual reference frame is that of the ground

Frames A and B are each
watching the movement of
object P

Read subscripts “PA”, “PB”,
and “BA” as “P as
measured by A”, “P as
measured by B”, and “B as
measured by A"
Phys 211
⚫ Positions in different frames are related by:

⚫ Taking the derivative, we see velocities are related by:

⚫ But accelerations (for non-accelerating reference frames, vBA = ct, so

aBA = 0) are related by

Phys 211 25
Frame A: x = 2 m, v = 4 m/s
Frame B: x = 3 m, v = -2 m/s
P as measured by A: xPA = 5
m, v = 2 m/s, a =
So P as measured by B:
PA 1 m/s 2

o xPB = xPA + xAB = 5 m + (2m – 3m) = 4 m

o vPB = vPA + vAB = 2 m/s + (4 m/s – -2m/s) = 8 m/s
a = 1 m/s2

Phys 211 26
Relative Motion in Two Dimension

The same as in one dimension, but now with vectors:

Positions in different frames are related by:


Accelerations (for non-accelerating reference frames):

⚫ Again, observers in different frames will see the same acceleration

Phys 211
⚫ Frames A and B are both observing the motion of P

Phys 211 28
Position Vector Displacement
⚫ Locates a particle in 3- ⚫ Change in position vector

Average and Instantaneous Velocity Average and Instantaneous Acceleration.

Phys 211 31
Projectile Motion Uniform Circular Motion
⚫ Flight of particle subject only to
⚫ Magnitude of acceleration:
free-fall acceleration (g)

⚫ Time to complete a circle:

Relative Motion
⚫ Trajectory is parabolic path
⚫ For non-accelerating reference

⚫ Horizontal range:

Phys 211 32

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