May Day Eve

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May Day Eve

By: Nick Joaquin

In older days, the old people commanded that the dancing should stop at ten
o'clock. The girls guided upstairs to the bedrooms, while men gathering around and wish
to have a good night. They are quietly drunk, and they want to have some waltz and
polka-ed, they don't want to sleep yet, it was a May Eve. Some people serenade their
neighbors. An old woman named Anastasia, still pigtail and chases them off to bed.

Anastasia scared some girls, she told to them that if they are not afraid, go lean
to the mirror. Agueda was the one who want to try. The old woman tell her the
instruction, she told her that she must take a candle, then go to the dark room with a
mirror, and close her eyes. She will saw her future man that she will marry, a man will
go to his left shoulder, and if hat, all things does not go right and devil may appear.
It was really danger, but Agueda still want to try. When she closed her eyes,
and it was a terror experience for her, she felt that she cannot opened her eyes and cannot
go away in that place, and she instantly opened her eyes. Her child asked her, she said
that he saw an old face, and she said that he saw a devil. He had a curly hair and a scar,
but the scar was alike to her child's father's scar. As well as the mustaches and he bowed
to her with graying head.

The man talked to Agueda, he said that he really liked her. He said that he want
to her to dance the polka with her. It was Badoy Montiya, he was very drunk it that May
Eve. Badoy was really mad at Agueda, she treat his friends like an enemies. He really
want a revenge, he is not done yet to her.
Don Badoy also try stand in the mirror, he was already sixty years old. He
believe in that when he light a candle in front of the mirror he will saw his wife, but
there was a consequence. Wicked boys who play this will make their life in danger and
can see horror. At first, Badoy didn't believed it, but when his Grandpa revealed that he
saw witches, he believed on it.

Now, nothing save a name on a stone; save a stone in a graveyard, nothing was
left of the young girl who had flamed so vividly in a mirror one wild May Day midnight,
long, long ago.
Nick Joaquin
Born: May 4, 1917
Died: April 29, 2004

• Filipino writer, historian and journalist, best known

for his short stories and novels in the English

• Conferred the rank and title of National Artist of the

Philippines for Literature

• Genre: Literature and Fiction, History, Short Stories

An old woman, who is so obedient to
her mistress, accused for being a witch
and believes in superstitious beliefs

pretty, young woman who is so curious,
hardheaded, brave and very much
willing to know her future husband

a vain good-looking man who will do
everything to get what he wants and

old lady who has gray hair, full of
sentiments, emotional and resentful
a vain curious girl, who is persistent to a great lover, emotional and full of
know about the past of her mother sentiment old man, repents for what he
has done
to Agueda

Believes in superstitious belief and was
like his grandma who at an early age
want to know who will he marry
• This famous short story was set in a
mansion where a ball has taken place. It
also occurred in Intramuros, Manila.

• Nick Joaquin wrote May Day Eve after

Plot of the story


Anastasia told the girls about the story that

they would be able to know their future husband by
reciting an incantation in front of the mirror but if it
gone wrong, they would see a devil.
Plot of the story


Agueda tried the incantation in front of the

mirror, then she saw Don Badoy. They had some
confrontation and she ended up biting Don Badoy's
hand because he wouldn’t let her go. At that moment,
he fell in love with her, but he would still make her
pay for what she did.
Plot of the story


Don Badoy told his grandson, Voltaire, that he

once saw a witch in front of a mirror when he caught
him doing the incantation in front of the mirror.
Amazed by what he said, Voltaire told him that his
grandma once saw the devil in that mirror.
Plot of the story


Don Badoy realized that he ponders on love

that had been wasted. They had shared a bitter and
loveless marriage. His forgot his love to Agueda since
that May day eve.
Plot of the story


Don Badoy reminisced the time when he saw

Agueda in front of the mirror and when he fell madly
inlove with her. That old love had been blinded by
hatred, but it has now resurfaced but it's too late
because Agueda is dead.
• The power of love is transformative but
there are consequences of pursuing
forbidden desires
• Love is not founded on Magic
The point of view of the story is predominantly
third-person limited, following the perspectives and
experiences of the main character, and by using the
pronoun she and him
In the short story "May Day Eve," the author portrays the
transformative power of self-reflection, highlighting the themes of
love and temptation through the characters' experiences. The
story begins with a lively ball where young men and girls revel in
the night's festivities, unwilling to sleep and drawn to the
seductive allure of the May eve. The old Anastasia, a wise
woman, speaks of the night's divination, where one can glimpse
the face of their future spouse in a mirror. Agueda, a young girl,
decides to venture into a dark room with a mirror and perform the
ritual. However, when she opens her eyes, she sees a face that
terrifies her - the face of the devil.
Years later, Agueda, now a married woman, recounts her
experience to her daughter. The mirror reflects an old and bitter
version of herself, contrasting with the youthful face she saw
before. The story delves into Agueda's encounter with a young
man named Badoy Montiya, who pursues her during the ball.
Their interaction is marked by conflict and passion, as Agueda
resents the pompous young men returning from Europe.
However, their exchange reveals a deep connection and hidden
attraction between them. Agueda's abrupt departure and Badoy's
anger give way to regret and longing.
The story explores the complex emotions and desires of
the characters, particularly Agueda and Badoy. It highlights the
transformative power of love and the consequences of missed
opportunities and hasty decisions. Agueda's encounter with the
devil in the mirror symbolizes the dangers of succumbing to
temptation and the potential consequences of rash actions. The
story serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities of
human relationships and the need for self-reflection to navigate
the challenges of love and temptation.

In "May Day Eve," the author masterfully weaves themes

of love, temptation, and self-discovery, creating a compelling
narrative that prompts readers to reflect on the transformative
nature of relationships and the choices we make.
"May Day Eve" gave me both an eerie and romantic vibe, but
above all, it made me reflect on the idea of marriage. One thing I
learned is that marriage should only be the result of love – and not
lust. With this, it takes a different level of maturity to differentiate the
Thinking about the story, it makes
me realize that it explores themes like
youth, love, and the uncertainty of the
future. It teaches us to be careful about
the choices we make because they can
have unexpected consequences.

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