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Towards high potential engineers and future managers

Part of the leading group of French engineering schools in IT

4 engineering schools Telecom ParisTech Telecom Bretagne Telecom SudParis Telecom Lille 1
1 Management school Telecom Business School 1 European Institute Eurecom

On a unique ITM Campus

Telecom SudParis & Telecom Business School

An IT & Management Synergy

Common campus Common student projects Common incubator Easy access to Management and Engineering faculty Important research collaborations 40% International students 60 Nationalities

MEng: a 3 year engineering program


Ming. TELECOM SudParis (3 years)

Bachelor Undergraduate

Cycle 1 (2 years)

A multidisciplinary training program


team work


Responsible Engineers

Who are our international students?

15% 0%


8% 19%

Europe Asia Africa Oceania South Am.


Northern Am.

MEng: Towards high potential engineers and future managers

Four M2 courses in English - Wireless Autonomous Networks (WAN) - Software Engineering for Smart Devices (SES) - High Tech Imaging (HTI)

- Electrical and Optical Engineering


6 Masters of Science programs

English (2 sem.), French (1 sem.)

- Automatic Data Processing

Requirements: Bachelor Degree Tuition Fees : 10,000 for 2 years

Thailand (AIT, 1st year), France (TSP, 2nd year)

- Communication Networks and Services

100% English
- Electrical and Optical Engineering - Software Engineering for Ambient Intelligence - Computer and Communication Networks
- Virtual and Augmented Reality

6 Diverse Programs

French language courses Intensive 75h training before integration

3 to 6 hours/ week once classes start 6-month internship in: a research lab a company

Leading to both professional life and PhD

Master of Science: 100% international

Europe Asia Africa Oceania South Am. Northern Am.

Research at a glance

130 full-time researchers 7 research departments


research programs

- Mobile Communication Networks - Autonomous and Spontaneous Networks - Pervasive computing, middleware , object web, distributed systems

- Web and Information Systems

- Multimedia - Information Society - IT Applications and Uses

Industrial Partnerships

FP7, European Projects (ITEA, CELTIC, ) National Projects (Ministry of Research, Ministry of
Industry ) research)

Private Research contracts (cooperative & outsourced Corporate agreement with leading companies (Thales,
France Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, )

Ples de comptitivit (Technological/Business Clusters):

Cap Digital System@tic Finance & Innovation

PhD Programs

TELECOM SudParis proposes PhD with:

Evry Val dEssonne university (UEVE):
Sciences & Engineering

Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6)

EDITE, Telecommunications & Electronics SMPC, Mathematics from Paris-Centre

A Common Alumni Association (T&MA) Located on campus and open every day Continuous link with alumni worldwide Regular interactions with students on campus Internship placements for students Career network for graduates

Telecom SudParis Strengths

Excellence in Information Technologies Strong links with Telecom Business School... ... leading to an exceptional combination of skills in

Cross-cultural Management

Project and Business Management

Human Sciences

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