Mphil Proposal Presentation-1

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Kwame Nkrumah University of

Science & Technology, Kumasi,





INDEX: PG3713220


Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,
Outline of Presentation

 Background
 Statement of the problem
 Research objectives
 Research questions
 Justification of the study
 Scope of the study
 Methodology
 Theories
 Conceptual framework
 Anticipated problems
 Selected References
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

• Employees are the backbone of the industry and essential human asset for
organizations to operate smoothly.
• Pharmaceutical industry also plays very important roles
• Developing new medicines that improve health and quality of life for patients around the work making it the key asset for
global economy (Austin, 2006)

• However, one of the challenges that organizations including

pharmaceuticals have to face is employee turnover.
• Thus, a situation whereby employees leaving an organization and has to be replaced by someone else due to numerous
reasons (Abdul Latif and Saraih, 2016).

• According to the 2021 Bureau of Labour Statics report, national average

turnover rate in 2019 was 36.4%, 57.3% in 2020 and same in 2021
including 29% involuntary turnover.
• When employee turnover increases, it affects organisation’s output and
creditability (Al Mamun and Hasan, 2017; Rashid, et al., 2018).
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,
Background cont’
• There are several factors and consequences that play significant roles in
influencing employee’s turnover rate of an organization.
• A study conducted in Malaysia identified compensation and benefits, work-life
balance, work stress and job satisfaction as important factors that influence
employee turnover in manufacturing and construction industry (Hee and Ann,
• Another studies conducted in the other industries including electrical, tourism
and IT also indicated that high employee turnover was mainly related to low
pay and low satisfaction among employees (Kim, 2005; Ogony and Majola,
• However, compensation, work satisfaction, supervisor’s support, promotional
opportunities and the communications have negative impact on the turnover
intentions in the Pharmaceutical industry in Asia (Ghayas and Siddiqui, 2011).

• Ghana has over 1000 registered pharmaceutical companies which play

important roles particularly during the pandemics (Nanayakkara, 2011).
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Problem Statement
• Despite the fact that various studies, over the years, have been conducted on
employee turnover, including Ghana (Bamfo et al., 2018; Otoo et al., 2019; Ofori
et al., 2021), little research has been conducted to undertake a comprehensive
examination of the factors responsible for employee turnover in the
pharmaceutical industry.

• Again, studies have proposed numerous models to explain turnover of employees

with different factors. However, every model indicates one common factor that
influence employee turnover i.e work environment, economic factors and
demographic features without a holistic approach (Jha, 2009; Hassan et al., 2014;
Ajit, 2016; Zhang, 2016). As a result, Dubey, et al. (2016) recommended future
studies to also test socio-culture because it plays a role on employee’s job

• To fill this gap, the current study aims to use this holistic approach to examine
factors that influence employee turnover from personal, organisational, socio-
cultural and economic factors within the pharmaceutical industry of Ghana.
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Research objectives
General objective
To examine the factors accounting for employees’ turnover at
pharmaceutical industry

Specific objective;
1. To examine the relationship between personal factors and
employee turnover.
2. To examine the relationship between organisation and social
factors and employee turnover.
3. To explore the impact of employee development programs on
the retention rate.
4. To investigate counter measures on employee turnover.
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Research questions
General question: what are the factors accounting for employees’
turnover at Pharmaceutical industry?

The specific questions are;

1. What is the relationship between personal factors and employee
2. What is the relationship between organisation factors and
employee turnover?
3. What are the effects of employee development programs on
retention rate?
4. What measure can be enforced to counter employee turnover in
the pharmaceutical industry?
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,
Significance of the study

• The study will benefit both pharmaceutical industry and academic

community by helping organisations to understand the multiplicity
of factors responsible for employee turnover and how to enforce
counter measures aimed at boosting employee retention.

• This study serves as a guideline to support pharmaceutical industry

in restructuring its corporate policies in human resource to sustain
its business

• Findings of the study will also be useful to scholars as it will

contribute to literature by filling the identified gap.
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Scope of the study

 Pokupharma limited (Fumesua-Kumasi)

 Factors accounting for employee turnover
 Personal factors - demography
 Organisational factors- work environment
 Socio-cultural factors – relationship, culture and religion
 Economic factors – remuneration and other benefits
 The results can be replicated to other pharmaceutical companies in Ghana
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Topic Description
Research Approach Quantitative research approach
Research Design Descriptive Survey design
Study Area Pokupharma company limited in Kumasi
Population 500
Sample Size 217 by Krejcie and Morgan table (see appendix)
Sampling Techniques Purposive
Sources of Data Primary data and secondary data
Data Collection Instruments Structured Questionnaire
Data Analysis descriptive statistical tools and inferential statistics
through SPSS

Ethics Informed consent (verbal)

Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

1. The hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow
Multiple needs in hierarchical order are what motivate people. In order to satisfy
higher-order needs, the lower-order needs need to be fulfilled first (Daft, 2010).

2. Human relation theory (Elton Mayo)

Happiness of employees manifest high productivity and encourages low rate of
turnover and the vice versa.

3. Social exchange theory (George Homans)

Is a sociological and psychological theory that studies behavior in the
interaction of two parties that implement a cost-benefit analysis to determine
risks and benefits. Social behavior is as the result of an exchange process.
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Conceptual Framework
Independent variables Dependent variable outcome


factors Employee Impacts on
Turnover performance


Source: Researcher’s construct, 2022

Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science & Technology, Kumasi,

Anticipated problems
 Structured questionnaire does not give respondents the
opportunity to express themselves on issues
 possible effort would be made to establish the validity and reliability of the
data collected.

 Generalizing the study to cover all regions in Ghana could be a

challenge since the data will be collected from only Pokupharma
pharmaceutical company in Ghana
 Notwithstanding, it must be noted that pharmaceutical industries in all the
regions in Ghana are similar in nature, therefore, such generalization will be
done with care.
Ajit, P., 2016. Prediction of employee turnover in organizations using machine learning algorithms.
Algorithms, 4(5), p. C5.
Al Mamun, C. and Hasan, M., 2017. Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies
in business organization: a conceptual view. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(1), pp. 63-
Al-bdour, A., Nasruddin, E. and Lin, S., 2013. The relationship between internal corporate social
responsibility and organizational commitment within the banking sector in Jordan. International Journal
of Human and Social Sciences, 5(14), pp. 932-951.
Apker, J., 2017. Turnover. The international encyclopedia of organizational communication,, pp. 1-9.
Arshad, H. and Puteh, F., 2015. Determinants of turnover intention among employees. Journal of
Administrative Science, 12(2), pp. 1-15.
Asiedu-Appiah, F., Mehmood, A. and Bamfo, B. A., 2015. Work-life balance practices, job performance
and turnover intentions. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 8(4), p. 379.
Curran, S., 2012. Assessing employee turnover in the Language Services Section of Parliament of the
Republic of South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University).
Diah, A., Hasiara, R. and Irwan, M., 2020. Employee Retention of Pharmaceutical Firms in Indonesia:
Taking Investment in Employee Development and Social and Economic Exchange as Predictors.
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(1), pp. 564-572.

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