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BSS060-6 Project Management Assignment 1

Project Planning: Green Tree Planting Project

Project Overview
Project Objectives Expected Benefits
• To increase the tree surface in the South Holland of • Creates unity and strength in community
Lincolnshire, UK by planting various suitable plant • Increasing economic benefits by decreasing green-
species space maintenance
• To reduce air pollution, temperature and impact of • Build beautiful scenes and layouts
carbon in air by improving the air quality • Reduce the risk of soil erosion
• To create a positive look and feel of the South • Reduce pollution by increasing the level of oxygen
Holland by reducing stress and promoting outdoor • Provide shades in hot summer
activities • Reduce temperature and increase the level of
• To create wildlife habitat and balancing eco-cycle humidity
• To educate the citizens about benefits of trees and • Provide food sources for human and wildlife
good nature • Enhance the quality of soil condition
• Decrease the risk of high flood
• Educate communities about advantages of planting
• Increase the market value and region by enhancing
green space
Project Overview (Continued)
Estimated Cost: Estimated Timescale:
• Site Analysis- £10,000 • Project Planning and Designing- 1 Month
• Site Maintenance- £20,000 • Team and Vendor Selection- 1 Month
• Purchase of tree plants and seeds- £50,000 • Site Selection- 20 Days
• Purchase of chemicals and fertilizer- £20,000 • Site Analysis- 10 Days
• Purchase of tree plant equipment- £30,000 • Site Maintenance- 1 Month
• Salary of team members-£70,000 • Removal of Pollutants and Fertilizer Application-1
• Total Cost- £200,000 Month
• Seeding Transplantation- 1 Month
Major Assumptions: • Tree Watering- 1 Month
• A project for South Holland, UK town only • Mulching, Pruning and Monitoring of Trees- 1 Month
• Sponsored by Principled Bank • Community Events- 4 Months
• Total timescale: August 2023- July 2024
• Total cost is only £200,000
• Duration is 12 Months only starting from Aug-23 to
Key planning considerations (Planning
Planning Key points of attention
Communication Stakeholders: Director of CSR for status reporting, Assistant project manager for major
Plan work assignments and responsibilities, government for taking permissions, local agencies
for volunteer, staff for duties assignment, salary discussion, local people for attending
events and seminars
WBS The plan is divided into main three categories as planning, tree plantation and public
awareness with having sub task. As it is important to focus on key objectives as
mentioned for project designing, actual plantation and caring and also promoting green
environment to the society
Activities/ Network The list of activity contain the sub activity for main three categories and in the network
Diagram/ Critical path majority of activities under the critical path as all are in preceding manner
Risk Register Risk will be raised for fund, timescale, tree caring and maintenance and also the negative
response from the authorities and the provided solution will definitely useful to copup
with the listed risks.
Communication Plan
Description Objective of Frequenc Medium Target Audience Owner
Communication y
Progress Report To report about Every Face-to-Face Director of CSR, Project Manager
and Discussion progress of Project, Month meetings, Principled Bank
about confusion ongoing process, reports
and other outcome and conflicts
Status Report To show reports Every Face-to-Face National Head of Project Manager
regarding project Two meetings., Project at
progress and outcomes Months reports Principled Bank
and status
Permission To taking regarding Every Video meetings, Government Project Manager
Taking, Selection permission for tree Month/ Face-to-Face Agencies Assistant
of Locations plantation, government As Meeting, Email
funding and workshops required
Communication Plan (Continued)
Description Objective of Communication Frequency Medium Target Owner

Task Assignment To communicate about various Every Week Video Volunteers Project
and activities, responsibility assignment, Meetings, Managemen
responsibilities dates and location e.g., person X Face-to- t Assistant
should be responsible to taking care of Face
pesticides during month of December. meetings,
Promotion of To promote awareness programs, Every Month Marketing Local Volunteer,
Seminar, workshops, seminars and community bulletins, Community Team
Workshops and events Advertisem Organization Member
events ents
Duties To arrange meetings, work Every Week Face-to- Team Project
Assignment, distributions, change management, Face Members Manager
Salary and Cost salary and resource management Meetings,
and change Video Calls,
management Email
Work Breakdown Structure1.0 The Green Tree Planting Project

1.3 Community Awareness

1.1 Planning and Preparation 1.2 Tree Plantation and caring

1.3.1 Assigning task to

1.1.3 Site team and volunteers
1.1.2 Place 1.2.1 Seedling and Plant
1.1.1 Building Team Analysis and
Selection Purchase
1.3.2 Organising events,
workshops and seminars Hiring Place 1.2.2 Tree Plantation
Staff analysis Event
1.3.3 Promoting events by leaflets and other media platforms Ph and soil
Volunteer 1.2.3 Watering
quality checking
Collecting Moisture level 1.2.4 Fertiliser Feedbacks
retention application Removal
of weeds Removal of
Activity List

Activity Description Duration/ Preceding

ID Week Activity/ Activities

A To build a team for project hiring staff and volunteer 5

for project planning and designing

B Duties allocation to staff and volunteer 4 A

C Place selection for tree plantation such as roadside, 5 B

parks, unused places etc. and communicate with the
government agencies for permission
D Checking Ph balance and quality of soil, moisture level 5 C
retention of all selected places

E Removing weeds and pollutants by cutting equipment 4 D

at all selected places for tree plantation
Activity List (Continued)

ID Description Duration/ Preceding

Week Activity/
F Purchasing of seeds and tree plant 4 E
G Actual tree plant activity 4 F
H Watering and fertilizer application to all planted trees and 6 G
seeds and this process may be ongoing for caring and
I Organising and managing the events, workshops and 6 H
seminars and distribution of leaflets, emails, newsletter

J Collecting and analysing the feedback from local 5 J

community, event participants, volunteers, government
agencies and prepare a report for the same
Network Analysis and Critical Path
14 19
9 14
0 D 5
5 9 0 C 5 19 23
14 19
0 B 4 9 14 0 E 4
5 9 19 23

23 27
0 5
0 F 4
0 A 5
23 27
0 5

27 31
0 G 4
43 48 27 31
0 J 5 31 37
43 48 0 H 6
Early Start Early Finish
37 43 31 37 Float Activity Duration
0 I 6
Late Start Late Finish
37 43
Critical Path: ABCDEFGHIJ
Risk Register
Date Risk Description Proba Imp Overall Risk Managed Response
Raised bility act Rating (P x I)
(P) (I) Action to be taken Responsibilit Next Review
y Date

Decembe Total Fund goes to 3 3 9 Needs to find more Staff 05/01/2024

r 2023 higher than allocated volunteer instead of Member
funds staff and find free and
local tree plans and
August Finishing late of project 3 2 6 Channelize all work Project 28/09/2023
2023 planning and designing assignment as per Manager,
staff’s efficiency and Assistant
interest, working more Project
hours Manager,
1st Not matching the soil 1 2 2 Required more Staff 15/09/2023
Septemb quality at majority of searching for new Member,
er 2023 area location or can be Assistant
improved quality by Project
compost Manager
Risk Register (Continued)
Date Risk Description Proba Imp Overall Managed Response
Raised bility act Risk
(P) (I) Rating Action to be taken Responsibilit Next Review
(P x I) y Date

1st March Lack of Water Supply- 2 3 6 Checking the other sources Team 01/04/2024
2024 Plants require more of water and talk to Member
supply of water intake government agencies for
than available due to local water supply
hot weather
March Cancellation of public 3 2 6 Notifies all the stakeholder as Team 27/3/2024
2024 awareness events team, vendor, local member and
community, participants and Volunteer
January Getting negative 2 3 6 Work again on resign, change Project 01/02/2024
2024 feedback and status management, maintenance Manager,
report from Sponsor and on new sub project, Assistant
reallocation of duties, and Project
organizing more local events Manager,
to support for building Staff,
positive environment Volunteer

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