Let's Sit in Their Shoes!

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The Audience

Let’s sit in their shoes

What is Communication
• Pervasive
• Cannot NOT communicate
• Humans assign meaning even when no
communication takes place
• Amoral
• Ethically neutral
• Morality comes from persons involved

• Advances Life-agendas
• Communication skills = success
• Choose whether ethical or unethical intentions
Aristotle’s Appeals
• Logos = Logical Appeal
• “Listen to my message because it makes sense”
• Provide organized, scholarly, consistent supporting
data in your speech

• Pathos = Emotional Appeals

• Listen to my message because it causes you to feel”
• Emotional appeals motivate non-motivated audiences

• Ethos = Speaker Credibility

• Perception of speaker’s competence, trustworthiness,
good will for audience
Definition of Comedy
• What is comedy?
• Comedy is any work that is intended to incite laughter and
amusement, especially in theatre, television, film, stand-up comedy
or any other entertainment medium. It dates back to the Ancient
Greeks, originating from the comedy literary definition which refers
to a medieval story or narrative involving an amusing character that
triumphs over poor circumstances, creating comic effects. The tone
here is light and satirical and the story always ends well.
• Regarding the motion picture industry, the comedy genre definition is
one that includes films or shows that make people laugh and have
positive endings. Ultimately, comedy makes people laugh. But what is
it about comedy that does that? Even though humor is subjective,
there are a few things that comedy needs to succeed.
Types of Comedy
• Slapstick — physical gags (e.g., Charlie Chaplin or a pie in the face)
• Parody — deliberately mimics or ridicules another
• Spoof — a light parody, less focused on ridiculing
• Satire — mocking a section of society or politics
• Irony — when the opposite of what’s expected happens
• Sarcasm — scornful response, sometimes ironic
• Farce — extreme exaggeration of characters and circumstance
• Dark comedy — where humor touches even serious subjects
• Surrealism — abstract situations, juxtapositions, or non-sensical humor
• What would make you feel interested when you listen to a certain
• Who amongst famous broadcasters makes you listen and follow?
• Sometimes you can’t stand what you hear, but you still listen.. Why?
• What would attract your attention the most in a speech?
• Ok so let’s talk about attention…
• How long are attention spans? Can you guess?
• Well.. Let’s talk about the magical number 7!
• What should you take into consideration while writing the speech?
• Terminology?
• Age groups?
• Social Background?
• Education?
• Ethnicity?
• Race?
• Gender?

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