English 5 Q3 Week2 Day1

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Qua rter 3 Wee k 2 Da y 1
Most Essential
Learning Competency
Distinguish text-types according to
purpose and features: classification,
explanation, enumeration and time order
1. Select text-types
according to purpose 3. Note details
and features. from
2. Identify an enumeration
enumeration text type.
text type.

How will you differentiate

classification text from an
explanation text type?
Read the following words:
Use the following words in a sentence:


Think of 5 things
that you are
thankful for.
Read the paragraph.
During the quarantine period, I made myself
useful and productive by doing many things. I did
a lot of reading, cooking and net surfing. There
were empty pots which I planted with leafy
vegetables and empty land spaces which I
converted into gardens. I also helped in the family’s
food delivery business.
Guided Questions:
1.What is the paragraph all about?
2.What did the author do during quarantine period?
Read the poem:
Thank you, God!
By Carmen G. Malimban

Thank You, God for the eyes that see The pretty things you’ve made of me.
Thank you for the nose smells
The fragrant flowers in the meadows and dales.
Thank You, god, for the ears that hear The bird-songs sweet and clear.
Thank You for the lips that can sing of Your goodness, to all man bring:
Thank You, for the feet that run on willing errands, for play in the sun.
Thank You . for all these, oh God of Love!
Thank You, again, our Father above.
Pair Activity:
Direction: List the things the author is thankful for.
Use the organizer that follows.
What is an enumeration text type?

Enumeration text is one which presents

ideas by listing the kinds, characteristics,
classes, types, parts, ways, groups, and
other information of a certain thing. These
parts are introduced by signal words such
as the following, first, next, and so on, in
many ways, and such as.
Group Activity
Group 1
Read the text and complete the table that follows.
There are actually many ways by which people can avoid getting sick with COVID 19. All
they need to do is to get serious in following the health protocols or practices that ensure the
protection of the community and prevention of the disease. These activities include:
 -Washing hands regularly
 -Using sanitizer and alcohol often
 -Wearing mask in places in the presence of other people
- Avoiding crowded areas
 -Observing social distancing

Guide questions:
1. What is the paragraph about?
2. What things are enumerated in order to ensure the
protection of the community and prevention of the
3. What is this text type called?
Group 2
Read the paragraph
What does it take to be able to sing well? Singing is clearly
something that everyone can do, but singing well is something
that may only be possible for a few people. In order to be able to
sing well, one must consider the following: good sense of hearing,
beautiful voice, time to practice, good enunciation, and correct
emotion. If one element is missing, good singing will remain
1.What is the paragraph about?
2.What things are enumerated in order to be able to sing well?
3.What is this text type called?
Group 3
Complete the task
-Make a list of your
favorite things to do
on weekends.
Group 4
Complete the task Mechanics:
-Make a list of your
favorite things to do
on summer vacation.
A.Read the selection, enumerate an elephant’s characteristics.
Elephants are mammals that are distinguished by their large or
massive and long trunk which is used for breathing, smelling, touching,
feeding, drinking, lifting heavy objects, and trumpeting. They are
equally remarkable for their tusks which are extremely long teeth that
keep growing during the elephant’s life. Their tusk is made of ivory for
which elephants have always been hunted. Adult elephants have little
hair on their thick, wrinkled skin; but their tails are tipped with wiry
hair and their eyelashes can be over five (5) inches long. Elephants are
great eaters, consuming up to 225 kilos of leaves, bark, fruits, and
grasses a day, and up to 40 gallons of water. Elephants have been a
great help to people for at least 5,000 years because of their size and
B. Complete the table below.
Search 3 articles with tips of self-protection
against illnesses and viruses like proper
hand washing or hand healthy diet then
write the title and enumerate each tips in
your own words.

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