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Assalamualikum everyone.This is Nazifa Tasneem, ID 2112017, student of Department of Material

and Engineering.I an from team
Science My fellow mate UMME HASNA CHY has already
introduced and delivered her speech on ” Now I am
“ goning to present, “

Stress constantly creeps into our lives.Sooner or later we

all have to face difficult moments and the way we do this
can make a huge difference to our quality of life.While
some stress is inevitable when our body repeatedly
encounters a set of physiological changes dubbed the
stress response, trouble can brew.Proper training for our
mind, body and emotional resilience is essential for
confronting life’s ups and downs.

Stress management is vital for cognitive restructuring a

strategy to change one’s perspective about life.
In this modern age,people would rather wait for the very last minute to complete
a task than to complete it in time.This creates unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Planning daily tasks helps to cut through the noise to bring a few important tasks
into focus each day. It gives a sense of purpose and accomplishment that's also
motivating. , A small amount of stress, such as working to a deadline, can actually
be helpful and lead to increased alertness, energy and productivity. however ‘living
on adrenaline’ can only be effective for a short time. If the pressure goes on for too
long — or becomes greater than ability to cope with the stress — it can be
physically and mentally draining. Chronic stress can, in turn, have a negative
effect on relationships, work success and general wellbeing
Planning has no benefit if it is not executed properly.When a plan changes too frequently or without being seen through
to fruition, it can be very difficult to measure the true impact of the efforts. The plan gets diluted from the changes and
never maximized to its full potential. So the next important task is to follow the plan thoroughly and keeping tracks of
the progress. It will help to stop procrastinating and actually helps to take benefit from routine. Completing the deadlines
also help to achieve more self confidence. It makes it easier to follow the next routine.

Ignoring a problem is an irrational behavior, because

we cannot avoid or solve any problem by burying our
head in the sand like an ostrich. When we ignore any
problem, the problem doesn’t go away. It doesn’t
auto-resolve. It continues to grow at a steady rate, and
even though we may be able to brush away a problem
under the rug for now, that problem will resurface
eventually in worse possible ways.Facing problems
head-on empowers you. It is an achievement in itself
and the first step to finding solutions. It is way more
effective than dodging the problem, running away and
pretending it's not there and, in the long run, facing a
problem head-on will save our time, energy and stress.
Work-life balance is a sense that one is able to meet one's obligations at work and at home while having
time to enjoy one's hobbies and interests in his/her personal time. The perfect ratio of work to home looks
different to everyone . Spending too many hours working can lead to stress that weakens the immune
system, giving way to frequent bouts of illness. A healthy work-life balance protects health, which means a
person will take fewer sick days and have more energy for his /her activities .Burnout is a state of emotional
and physical exhaustion that can occur after a long period of excessive or stressful work.

1. Know yourvalues. Spend time thinking about what is important to you in life.
2. Practise time management.
3. Set boundaries.
4. Enjoy your work.
5. Consider your finances.
6. Nurture relationships.
7. Focus on your health.
8. Have down time.
Hobby allows to destress while remaining mentally productive. Having
hobbies promotes better health and may lower the risk of having high
blood pressure. Enjoying a few hours of hobby a week can also reduce
the risk of depression and dementia. Hobbies refocus mind on to
something that a personenjoys doing. Hobbies that include physical
activities create chemical changes in body that help to reduce stress.
hobby. Getting a short break from work and doing something we are
passionate about can rejuvenate mind and help to handle challenges in the
future in a better way
These are activities that trigger the relaxation response, a physiological change that can help to lower blood pressure,
heart rate, breathing rate, oxygen consumption, and stress hormones. we can achieve this with activities such as
meditation, guided imagery, yoga, and deep breathing exercises.
Breathing techniques can promote relaxation and reduce
stress. There are many different breathing techniques that
work in different ways. For example, ujjayi breathing, or
ocean breathing, is a yoga breathing technique that has
been shown to have a relaxing efFort.Abdominal breathing
ocean breathing ujjayi breathing,444 breathing techniques.
Here's how deep breathing exercises work:

1.Breathe in slowly and deeply, pushing your stomach

out so that your diaphragm is put to maximal use.
2. Hold your breath briefly.
3. Exhale slowly, thinking "relax."
4.Repeat the entire sequence five to 10
times, concentrating on breathing deeply and
Physical activity improves your body’s ability to use oxygen and also improves blood flow. Both of these changes have a
direct effect on your brain. Exercise also increases brain’s production of endorphins. Endorphins are the “feel-good”
neurotransmitters that are responsible for the coveted “runner’s high.” This is the sense of well-being and euphoria that
many people experience after exercise which helps to control stressPhysical activities will help to lower blood pressure and
stress hormone levels. Aerobic exercise like walking and dancing increases breathing and heart rate so that more oxygen
reaches cells throughout the body. This reduces tension in muscles, including the heart
• strengthen muscles and bones
• strengthen immunity, which can decrease your
• risk of illness and infection
• lower blood pressure, sometimes as much as
• some antihypertensive medications
• boost levels of good cholesterol in your blood
• improve blood circulation .
• improve ability to control weight
• help sleep better at night
• boost energy
• improve self-image
In today’s world, many of us rely on social media platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to find and connect with each other.
While each has its benefits, it’s important to remember that social media can never
be a replacement for real-world human connectionIronically for a technology that’s
designed to bring people closer together, spending too much time engaging with
social media can actually make us feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate
mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.If someone is spending an
excessive amount of time on social media and feelings of sadness, dissatisfaction,
frustration, or loneliness are impacting his life, it may be time to re-examine his
online habits and find a healthier balance. However, multiple studies have found a
strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression,
anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.Social media may
promote negativeFear of missing out (FOMO) and social media addiction. During
stress avoiding social media will be a better idea.Taking break from news story as
negative news can be upsetting.

Stress management therapy is the use of techniques, strategies, or programs specifically to reduce stress levels, prevent
stress, or cope with situations or events that could lead to increased stress levels. Some examples include
psychotherapy for stress and relaxation training. is one of them.
Stress therapy can be beneficial when someone is:
• Experiencing stress for a long period of time
• Experiencing high levels of stress
• Going through life changes or transitions
• Anticipating future changes or transitions
There is an old saying ,The best defence is often a great offence.”This saying is as true of stress management as it is of sports
or war.It takes effort and time to become skillful at defusing stress.The process itself can even be stressful!It is much smarter
then to spend sometime developing good stress prevention skills that minimize the need for strenuous self soothing efforts in the
first place.
Stress prevention is basically about cultivating a balanced perspective towards one’s life and place within the world.
Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in life. This isn't as straightforward as it sounds.
While it's easy to identify major stressors such as changing jobs, moving, or going through a divorce, pinpointing the
sources of chronic stress can be more complicated. It's all too easy to overlook how our own thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors contribute to our everyday stress levels.
Understanding the reasons help us to reduce and avoid them.Thress basic questions are often asked in this regard:
• Do you explain away stress as temporary even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?
• Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life or as a part of your personality?
• Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional?
Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control.
Depression, poor self-esteem, self-harm and strained relationships are just a few of the possible results of living in guilt for long periods
of time. To maintain good mental health, it is important to acknowledge guilty feelings and work toward forgiving yourself.Signs guilt
is weighing you down may include feeling unworthy, being paralyzed by the past, having unresolved issues, struggling to forgive
yourself, acting defensive and distant, and feeling afraid of trying again. To live a full life, you must let go of your past mistakes
• The first step: Reality testing. Reality testing is an important first step toward self-forgiveness. Guilt can distort your perception of
yourself, your situations and your view of others. Before that guilt can be eliminated, you must first determine whether your guilt is
• .Take ownership of your part in the situation
• .Manage your expectations of yourself.
• Are you taking responsibility for others’ feelings?
• Make amends
Worrying about things that are beyond our control accomplishes
nothing.We shouls have a clear sense of what we can change and what we
cannot which in turn will allow us to resist giving in to negative
emotions.Negative thoughts can contribute to problems such as social
anxiety, depression, stress, and low self-esteem.Sometimes it makes the
problem even bigger than it is .Negative thought pattern can be chaiged
by practicing postive mindfulness in our daily life.

While loneliness itself is not considered a

mental illness, it is a risk factor for depression, suicide, and
addiction.Social connectedness is closely connected to mental and
emotional health. When people feel connected, they have lower
levels of anxiety and depression. Feeling connected also helps to
create more empathy between one another, and that leads to
stronger relationships across our community.
Chronic stress can affect the body’s use of calories and nutrients in
various ways. It raises the body’s metabolic needs and increases the use
and excretion of many nutrients. If one does not eat a nutritious diet, a
deficiency may occur.Stress also creates a chain reaction of behaviors that
can negatively affect eating habits, leading to other health problems down
the road.A balanced diet can support a healthy immune system and the
repair of damaged cells. It provides the extra energy needed to cope with
stressful events. Early research suggests that certain foods like
polyunsaturated fats including omega-3 fats and vegetables may help to
regulate cortisol levels. If you frequently rely on fast food because you are
tired or too busy to prepare meals at home, consider meal planning, a
practice that can help save time in the long run, ensure more balanced
healthful meals, and prevent weight gain.
When we “stress-eat,” we eat quickly without noticing what
or how much we’re eating, which can lead to weight gain. Mindful eating
practices counteract stress by encouraging deep breaths, making
thoughtful food choices, focusing attention on the meal, and chewing food
slowly and thoroughly. This increases enjoyment of the meal and improves
digestion. Mindful eating can also help us realize when we are eating not
because of physiological hunger but because of psychological turbulence,
which may lead us to eat more as a coping mechanismin
ill health effects on a par with smoking and obesity and
its physiological impacts include increased inflammation — which has
been implicated in negative health consequences — and decreased
immune response, both potentially important during pandemic times.
While loneliness itself is not considered a mental illness,
it is a risk factor for depression, suicide, and addiction.Social
connectedness is closely connected to mental and emotional
health. When people feel connected, they have lower levels of
anxiety and depression. Feeling connected also helps to create
more empathy between one another, and that leads to stronger
relationships across our community.Spending time outside,
talking with friends and family, and staying active are some of
the ways that you can take care of your mental health. Make
plans with those around you that will fulfill you. Reach out to
loved ones and do the little things during the day that bring
you joy.
 :
As social media becomes more and more ubiquitous, the more difficult it has become to manage our
content consumption and screen time. Though social media is an incredible resource, it can quickly take
a toll on your health and overall wellbeing, if used in reckless abandon.So, resist the urge to stay
plugged in round the clock and follow these five healthy social media habits instead:

• Be intentional when using social media. ...

• Focus on real-life friends. ...
• Limit the time you spend scrolling each day. ...
• Avoid using social media before bed. ...
• When you're out and about, live in the moment. ...
• Take regular social media detox.

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