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Peracetic Acid

Use in
Industrial Cooling Water Circuit

Presentation by:
Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Haridwar
About Peracetic Acid
Peracetic Acid (PAA) is a Broad Spectrum
Biocide effective against most of the Bacteria,
Virus, Fungi, Algae and Spores.

Peracetic acid kills microorganisms by oxidation

and subsequent disruption of their cell membrane.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 2

Peracetic Acid Acetic Acid Oxygen
Synonyms: Peracetic acid, Peroxyacetic acid,
Ethaneperoxoic acid,
Acetyl hydroperoxide

The stabilized Peracetic Acid Solution (5% or 15%) is a mixture of

Peracetic Acid, Acetic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide. Although the
PAA is the true active ingredient, the Hydrogen Peroxide fraction
aids in stabilizing it.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 3

 Peracetic Acid destroy cell membranes by disrupting
sulphur and sulthydryl bonds.
 It is free from activity of Catalase & Peroxidase
Enzymes that breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide.
 It oxidizes Enzyme that support biochemical
transportation across cell membranes thus causing
the cell wall to rupture.
 It is known to be a protein denaturant and destroys

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 4

Broad spectrum efficacy.
There are no known hazardous or toxic by-
products(DBPs) associated with its use. It does not
create halogenated by-products or Trihalomethanes
Does not react with ammonia and many other
nitrogen-based compounds, Does not contribute to the
conductivity or TDS of the blow-down or bleed off
PAA consumes alkalinity, allowing higher cycles of
concentration compared to Hypochlorite.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 5

Advantages (contd.)
More effective than Chlorine, Chlorine-dioxide, or
quaternary products.
Efficacy is unaffected at temp as low as 2°C (for most
Effective and stable at pH values between 1-9. (pH
values above 8.3 increase the rate of hydrolysis).
Non-foaming, and exhibits very low surface tension.
Not subject to residual tolerances by the EPA at
normal use rates.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 6

Advantages (contd.)
Initial degradation products are Acetic Acid and Water. Final
biodegradation is Carbon-dioxide, Oxygen, and Water.
Extremely high LD50 rates: 1540mg/kg (rat), and 1410 mg/kg
Virtually no odour at end-use concentrations.

View Technical Brochure of TARA PAA

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 7

Oxidation Capacity
Oxidation Capacity of Various Oxidizers
Oxidizer eV*
Ozone 2.07
Peracetic Acid 1.81
Chlorine Dioxide 1.57
Sodium Hypochlorite 1.36
Hydrogen Peroxide 1.33(pH7)
*electron volts

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 8

Various Application
Milk and dairy products processing and packaging
plants, including farm equipment
Wineries, vineyards, breweries, and beverage plants
Meat, poultry, seafood and vegetable processing and
packaging plants
Cleaning, sanitizing, and continuous disinfection of UF
and RO membranes
Industrial circulating cooling water for both open,
closed, and semi closed loops (including food contact)

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 9

Various Application
Wastewater treatment (as an outstanding sulfide
oxidizer and inhibitor, odor control agent, disinfectant,
and cleaner).
Other non-porous or non-food contact surfaces such as
conveyors and doorway foamer systems.
Pulp and paper process water slime and deposit control
and specialty bleaching.
Hospital and health care facilities
Drip Irrigation tape line cleaner and algaecide.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 10

Peracetic Acid in Industrial
Cooling Systems

• Cooling towers
• Closed loop systems
• RO pretreatment
• Sanitation
• Pulp and paper white water

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 11

Cooling Tower Benefits
• Disperses bio films
• Unlike Chlorine Does not react with Ammonia to form
Chloramines and therefore is not consumed like Chlorine
• Inhibits bacteria, mold, and fungus
• Broad spectrum biocide
• No need to alternate biocides
• Will not oxidize organic scale and corrosion inhibitors

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 12

Cooling Tower Benefits (Contd..)
• Does not add conductivity (TDS)
• Does not form disinfection byproducts
• Will not increase corrosion rates on mild steel when
residual held at recommended level
• Non persistent in the environment
• Breaks down into carbon dioxide and water
• No RMP requirement
• Fed as a liquid
• Easy to test for
• Can be automated with PAA specific electrode
Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 13
PAA Efficacy on Total Coliform

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 14

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 15
Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 16
Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 17
Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 18
Study # 5:
Secondary Effluent disinfection by Peracetic Acid (PAA): microrganism
Inactivation and regrowth, Preliminary Results
V. Mezzanotte, M. Antonelli, A. Azzellino**, S. Citterio and C. Nurizzo – Italy
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply Vol 3 No 4 Pp 269–275

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 19

Higher Low No
Oxidation Capital Quenching
Potential requirement pH range

Contact Time
Biodegradable No THM

Low Broad Does not
Spectrum Add TDS
Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 20
Chlorine & Hypochlorite
Chlorine derivatives results in the formation of
mutagenic/carcinogenic toxic halogenated bio-refractory
compounds -Trihalomethanes , Haloacetic acids and
related molecules(THMs).
Has limited Effectiveness on Protozoa & Parasites.
Is Toxic to Aquatic Life.
Increase total Dissolved Solids.
Safety and Handling Concerns.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 21

Study # 6:
Peracetic Acid Disinfection
: A Feasible Alternative to Wastewater Chlorination
By: Rossi, S; Antonelli, M;Mezzanotte, V;Nurizzo,c - Italy
(Water Environment Research, Volume 79, Number 4, April 2007, Pp. 341-

PAA active concentration depends on initial

oxidation consumption and unlike Chlorine,
natural decay of PAA which follows 1st Order
Suggest 2 models : S Model when dosage is
< 5 mg / L and Hom Model when dosage is >
5 Mg / L because of lower PAA diffusion
resistance in cellular membranes.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 22

Chlorine-dioxide causes formation of
organic halides and chlorite and
chlorate ions, which are suspected for
hematological alteration.
Has higher maintenance and
operational costs, since it has to be
generated onsite.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 23

Study # 7:
Comparitive Study on the Efficency
of Peracetic Acid and Chlorine Dioxide at Low Doses in the
Disinfection of Urban Wastewaters
By: Giovanna De Luca, Rossella Sacchetti, Franca Zanetti, Erica Leoni - Italy
(Ann. Agric Environ Med 2008, 15, 217-224)

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 24

Ozone Disadvantages

Initial capital cost very high

Has to be generated onsite.
Is highly toxic to aquatic life
Need highly trained and skilled

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 25

UV Disadvantages

Initial Capital Cost are very high

Difficult to measure dose
Fouling of Lamps compromises
Cost of Power and lamp replacement
makes operating cost very high

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 26

Cost Comparison
Cos ting for Log 2 E.Coli re duc tion for S e c ondary Tre ate d Efflue nt
S odium Hypoc hlorite Chlorine Dioxide Pe rac e tic Ac id
Dos ag e 10 mg / Ltr 2.5 mg / Ltr 1.5 mg / Ltr
Or 10 g m / KL 2.5 g m / KL 1.5 g m / KL
Or 1000 g m / 100 KL 250 g m / 100 Kl 150 g m / 100 KL
Or 8 Kg s of 12% S odium 0.25 Kg s of Chlorine 1 Kg of 15% S tre ng th
Hypoc hlorite pe r 100 Dioxide pe r 100 KL of Pe rac e tic Ac id
KL of S e c ondary S e c ondary tre atme nt S olution pe r 100 KL of
Tre atme nt Efflue nt Efflue nt S e c ondary tre atme nt
Efflue nt
Unit Cos t Rs 25 pe r Kg of 12% Rs 300 pe r Kg of 15%
S odium Hypoc hlorite Pe rac e tic Ac id
S olution
Tre atme nt Cos t pe r Rs 200 Rs 400 Rs 300
100 KL
Cos t to be c ons ide re d De c hlorination Cos t, Hig h Capital Cos t
Lowe r Effic ac y Vs PAA Lowe r e ffic ac y
THM Ge ne ration Mutag e nic DBP

Contac t Time 120 Minute s 30 Minute s 60 Minute s

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 27

Study # 8:
The Influence of Temperature on the Decomposition Kinetics of Pe
racetic Acid in Solutions

By: L.Kunigk, DR Gomes, F.Forte, K.P Vidal, L.F Gomes and P.F Sousa - Brazil
(Braz. J Chem, Eng. Vol. 18 no. 2 June 2001)

Decomposition Kinetics of Aq. Solution

of Peracetic Acid is between 1.71 x 10-3
for 25°C and 9.64 x 10-3 for 45°C

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 28

Effect on COD
Breakdown of PAA forms acetic acid which
adds to COD, although not significantly as
Stabilised 15% solution of PAA has 22%
hydrogen peroxide, which along-with oxygen
from disassociated PAA, will partly setoff
For each unit of PAA added, 0.25 units of
COD will increase.

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 29

Ecological Effect

PERACLEAN Ocean is a registered Trademark of Degussa for 15% PAA

Source: Marine Enviornment Protection Committee , International Maritime Organisation Approval For
Ballast Water management system using Active Substances : MEPC57/2/5 dt 7 Sept 2007

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 30

PERACLEAN Ocean is a registered Trademark of Degussa for 15% PAA
Source: Marine Enviornment Protection Committee , International Maritime Organisation Approval For
Ballast Water management system using Active Substances : MEPC57/2/5 dt 7 Sept 2007

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 31

PERACLEAN Ocean is a registered Trademark of Degussa for 15% PAA
Source: Marine Enviornment Protection Committee , International Maritime Organisation Approval For
Ballast Water management system using Active Substances : MEPC57/2/5 dt 7 Sept 2007

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 32

PERACLEAN Ocean is a registered Trademark of Degussa for 15% PAA
Source: Marine Enviornment Protection Committee , International Maritime Organisation
Approval For Ballast Water management system using Active Substances : MEPC57/2/5 dt 7 Sept 2007

Redox Pharmachem Pvt Ltd, Hari 33

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