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They Just Don’t Mix

What is Cannabis?

• Comes from one of two plants:

• Cannabis sativa
• Cannabis indica

• Contains chemical compounds called “cannabinoids”

• For example: THC, CBD
How is Cannabis Used?

• Reasons for using cannabis:

• Effects on the mind (high, intoxication, calming)
• Medical, social, or religious purposes

• Can be taken in different ways:

• Smoking, drinking, eating, vaporizing
Cannabis Use in Canada
Canadian Cannabis Survey (2018)

• How often?
• Daily: 19%
• 3 days/month or less: 55%
• 1 day/month or less: 35%
Possible Effects of Cannabis

• Possible short-term effects:

Positive/Pleasant Negative/Unpleasant
Feeling “high” (euphoria) Confusion
Sense of well-being Sleepiness
Relaxation Trouble concentrating, remembering
Heightened sensory experiences Anxiety, fear or panic
(sight, taste, smell, sound, touch)
Damaged blood vessels (smoking)
Increased heart rate
Paranoia, delusions, hallucinations

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