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Assessment, feedback and

critisism in the proces of learning

- what role do they play?
Milena Przybylik

“Learners need endless feedback more
than they need endless teaching.”
Grant Wiggins

” 2
Forms of assessment
1. Diagnostic assessments - graphic organizers, quizes, discussions, student reflections
2. Formative assessments - group projects, portfolios, entry and exit tickets,
3. Summative assessments - independent study projects, end-of-the-year tests
4. Ipsative assessments - portfolios, two-stage tests, essays
5. Norm-referenced assessments - SATs, Matura exams, standardized tests
6. Criterion-referenced assessments - final exams, end-of-the-unit exams, standardized tests

Forms of feedback
1. Informal feedback - spontanous, usually oral feedback
2. Formal feedback - usually written, uses marking critieria, recorded for the student and school
3. Formative feedback - ongoing feedback, provided before summative assessment
4. Summative feedback - provides constructive comments on areas to improve
5. Student peer feedback - students comment on each other works, can based on marking criteria
6. Student self feedback - students compare their work to the success criteria, time for self-reflection
7. Constructive feedback - negative feedback, positive feedback, negative feed-forward,
positive feed-forward

Questions for you
#1 When you assess your students do you use the same
type every time?

#2 According to you, which form of feedback do you

think is the most beneficial for students?

Role in the process of learning
• assessment for learning - formative and diagnostic assessments
• assessment of learning - summative norm-referenced and criterion-
referenced assessments
• assessment as learning - ipsative assessments, self-assessments and
peer assessments

1. Afitska, O. (2014). Use of formative assessment, self- and peer-assessment in the classrooms: Some insights from recent language testing and
assessment (LTA) research. I-Manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 4(1), 29–39.
2. Kampen, M. (n.d.). 6 types of assessment (and how to use them).
3. Lee, H., Chung, H. Q., Zhang, Y., Abedi, J., & Warschauer, M. (2020). The effectiveness and features of formative assessment in US K-12 education:
A systematic review. Applied Measurement in Education, 33(2), 124–140.
4. Types of feedback. Federation University Australia. (2023, February 9).

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