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By : Miss Julisa
Pengertian Narrative

Text Narrative text adalah sebuah cerita

imajinatif atau cerita khayal yang bertujuan
untuk menghibur seseorang.
Generic Structure

01 Orientation
03 Resulation

02 Complication
04 Re-Orientation
Origins of Greetings Day

• Orientation • Resolution
Pengenalan tokoh, Tempat, dan Solusi dari masalah

• Complication • Re-orientation
Masalah dari sebuah cerita Bersifat optional

• Using Adverb of time. Ex: Once

upon the time, one day, a long
time ago
• Using specific character (Tokah
dari cerita)
• Time conjunction (Kata hubung
yang menandakan waktu seperti
kapan, Kemudian)
• Past tense ( Masa lalu)
• Using Direct speeches (Kalimat
Story about “Cinderella”

● Orientation
Once upon a time, lived a girl named Cinderella.She lived with her
step mother and step sisters.

● Complication
Her step mother and step sisters treated her badly.One day a
prince of kingdom invited all girls to the ball. Cinderella wanted to
go there, but she did not have beautiful dress." Oh God, I don't
have dress"

● Resulation
A fairy godmother helped her. She changed her dress into
beautiful ones. Then Cinderella came to the ball. A prince fell in
love with her. They got married and lived happily ever after.

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