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ON Dosen Pengampu :
Dwi Maya Novitri, M.Hum
Nina Afria Damayanti, M.Sc
Group 3 :
Dini Pransiska (1221113013)
Dwi Anggita (1221113020)
Febe Wahyuni Sihombing (1221113010)
Fiki Triwidia Saputri (1221113008)
Folin Angel Purba (1221113015)
Taqiya Arruhma (22PMM170)
Definition of Preposition

Preposition is a Word that is placed before a noun or pronoun to indicate a


Preposition play a crucial role for helping sentence make sense, which is very
important when it need to communicate clearly and effectively.
Preposition Of Time
in on at
General periods of time Quite general The most specific preposition

Example : Example :
Example :
Anggita was born in 2004 Don’t forget to come on my
Febe gets up at 6 o’clock
My birthday is in September birthday
At christmast, I like to spend with
Dini and Folin goes to zoo on
my family
Preposition Of Place
in on at
Preposition ‘in’ is being To talk about the position of To talk about specific place
within something something on surfaces

Example : Example : Example :

Taqiya live in Indonesia My book is on table Fiki is work at the bank
I Have some money in my pocket There is a beautiful paint on the See you at the bus stop
Preposition of direction
The + Noun + is/are + preposition +
the + noun

1. Across from
2. Behind
3. Between
4. Far From
5. In front of
6. Near
7. Beside
Preposition of Agents
A preposition that shows something
that happens between the actor and
the action.

Example :

 I am going to Bandung with my family

 A story was written by me
 You can come without me
Preposition Of Instrument
Preposition that show the cause of something happening due
to things

Example :
I open the door with the key
They can go beach by car
Thank you for your
attention 
Any Question?

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