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Presented by,
Dr.Biswajit Basu.
B.H.M.S (Hons) [C.U] ; M.D (Hom)
D.N.De.Homoeopathic Medical college & Hospital, Kolkata-46 W.B,
Bonding in Benzene.

The  bonds are

represented by
lines, and the
shaded areas are
regions of high -
electron density
formed by the
overlapping of p
orbital of adjacent
carbon atoms.
Intermediate and end
products from raw
The valence-bond description
of a benzene molecule
 The sp2 hybridized carbon
atoms form  bonds with their
neighbors, and the
unhybridized p orbitals
perpendicular to the plane of
benzene ring by sidewise
overlapping to form  bonds.
 This bonding pattern
corresponds to one of the
Kekulé structures .
Chemical Compound
This category
includes compounds
that contain both an
aromatic ring and a
COOH (carboxylic
acid group). In the
simplest one, benzoic
acid, the COOH
group is connected
directly to the ring .
History of
Benzoic Acid
First described in 1560 (16th
century), benzoic acid exists in
many plants; it makes up about 20
percent of gum benzoin, a
vegetable resin. It was first
prepared synthetically in1860 from
compounds derived from coal tar .
Commercial Production
It is commercially manufactured by the
chemical reaction of toluene (a hydrocarbon
obtained from petroleum) with oxygen at
temperatures around 200° C (about 400° F)
in the presence of cobalt and manganese
salts as catalysts.

Pure benzoic acid melts at 122° C (252°F) and

is very slightly soluble in water.
Physical properties of
Benzoic Acid
A white, crystalline organic compound
belonging to the family of carboxylic
acids, widely used as a food
preservative and in the manufacture of
various cosmetics, dyes, plastics, and
insect repellents.
Chemical properties
Such compounds not only show
the acidity and other reactions
expected of carboxylic acids (as
an acid, benzoic acid is slightly
stronger than acetic acid) but,
like other aromatic compounds,
also undergo electrophilic
substitution reactions .
Chemical properties
 Benzoic acid, a white crystalline solid
at room temperature (melting point
122° C), was first described in 1560,
having been prepared by distilling gum
benzoin, a resin obtained from certain
Asian trees. It occurs in various
plants, both as a free acid and in ester
Chemical properties
 It is also a constituent of the urine of
certain animals, especially horses, as
an amide of glycine called hippuric

Common Use of

Among the derivatives of benzoic acid

are sodium benzoate(C6H5COONa), a
salt used as a food preservative;
benzyl benzoate, an ester used as a
miticide; and benzoyl peroxide, used in
bleaching flour and acts as an initiator
for preparing certain polymers.
Beauty of Homoeopathy
Doctrine of Dynamisation and
potentisation helps to make a
an Aromatic chemical compound
Benzoic Acid
as a
friend, weapon and
boon for man.
Common features of Acid Group
1. Anxiety and fearful about self-preservation.
2. Hurry and restlessness is seen as a reaction to preserve oneself.
3. Ultimately Prostration / Exhaustion / Weakness both at mental
& physical plane.
4. Indifferent attitude develops subsequently.
5. In spite of all the above factors if one is compelled to perform
duties, then becomes irritable and angry.
6. Over sensitiveness results as a combined effect of irritability,
indifference and prostration
7. Ultimately one may become desperate and vindictive or very
indolent and depressed.
Proving History
 Proved since 1838, and used in many cases by Dr.
Jeanes; arranged and published by him, with the
additional proving of Dr. Lingen (1844), in
Transactions of American Institute, 1846, vol. vii,
page 390, without giving credit to Jeanes .
 Hering received a proving of Dr. Nusser in 1845,
and published a translation of Jeanes's report in his
Americkansche Arzneiprufungen, adding all the
cures known at the time and the proving of Petroz
from 1847.
Proving Symptoms
 It has been proved by Dr. Jeanes &
Dr. Lingen.
 Dr. Lingen observed exceedingly frequent
micturition with aromatic odor at forenoon.
 Coldness of Knees.
 Dr. Nusser observed joint pain on 3rd &;
moreover on 7th. day he observed himself
constantly omitting words during writing.
Ailments from

 Suppression of Gonorrhoea.
 Suppression of Rheumatic
 Long lasting anxiety.
Proving Genius

 Exceedingly frequent micturition with

aromatic odor.
(Ref.Chemical properties:A constituent of the
urine of certain animals, especially horses,
as an amide of glycine called hippuric acid)
 Coldness of Knees.
 Joint pain.
 Constantly omitting words during writing.
Physical Constitution
 Persons of pale , earthy complexion
with black hair, sunken, hollow cheeks and
blue rings encircled around eyes.
 Gouty diathesis.
 Prostrated and weak person .
 Miasm: Sycosis, Syphilis and Psora but
Sycosis and Syphilis are predominant.
 Thermal reaction: Chilly, wants covering,
>heat < cold.
Side Affinity

Symptoms first appear on

left side, then right and
from below upwards.
Rheumatic troubles
migrating in nature.
Endodermal origin
Throat, Kidney-Ureter-Bladder-

Connective tissue
Joint pain

Mesodermal origin
Heart, Lung
Joint involvement of
Benzoic acid
 Pain in different
 Sites of lesion of
Benzoic acid-
arthritic vega.
 Nodosities
Joint involvement of
Benzoic acid
rheumatic disease
characterized by
degeneration and
eventual loss of
articular cartilage.
Joint involvement of
Benzoic acid
 Joint pain
nodosities in
 Offensive
Joint involvement of
Benzoic acid
Pain tearing,
stitching in
large joints,
of great
toe< at
night with
Organ Affinity
Genius of Benzoic Acid
Anxiety and Fear

Past troubles Present Future

Irritable & Angry

Absentminded /Indolent/ Despair

Physical Generals
 Desires: Lemon.
 Intolerance:Wine or any alcoholic drinks.
 Appetite: Increased or decreased.
 Thirst: Thirst with dryness of mouth (Rhus tox).
/Aversion to drink .
 Sweat: During eating,walking ,with anxiety.
 Urine: Frequent dark or light ,highly intensified
odor of urine (senile incontinence Rhus aro; Sec) .
 Chilly, symptoms <open air; >by heat.
Prescribing Points
 Exceedingly frequent micturition with highly intensified
odor of urine.
 Rheumatic troubles migrating in nature, gouty diathesis.
 Constantly omitting words during writing.
 Symptoms first appear on left side, then right and from
below upwards.
 Prostration, weakness and lassitude.
 Highly intensified odor of urine is an important
concomitant to all clinical conditions .
 Asthma
 Rheumatism – Affection of joints
 Gout
 Bunion
 Ganglion
 Bladder affections , Disorders of Urine
 Enuresis
 Eye tumors
 Gonorrhoea.
 Ulcers
 Wens.
Anxiety and fearfulness
 The mind is inclined to dwell upon unpleasant
 If he saw any one who was deformed it made him
 Sense of anxiety.
 Activity of mind while at work, afterwards

…Encyclopedia of Materia Medica- Allen.

Anxiety and fearfulness
 Inclined to dwell on unpleasant things; if he saw
any one deformed it made him shudder.
 Activity of mind while at work, followed by anxiety.
 Anxiety while sweating.
 Child cross, wants to be nursed in arms

...Guiding symptoms of Materia Medica-C.Hering.

Repertorial Study
Anxiety & Fear

Anxiety: Benz –ac . 3

Fear:Benz –ac1.
Repertorial Study
Mistakes in Words

 Mistakes, makes :

-writing in, omitting words: Benz-ac1.

 Forgetful,

-words of, while speaking:Benz-ac1.

Repertorial Study

Weakness/Debility/Prostration :
Benz-ac 2
Repertorial Study
Offensiveness of Urine
 Urine,
- 3
Offensive: Benz-ac
Offensive: Benz-ac
- 1
Ammoniacal:Benz-ac .
Ammoniacal:Benz-ac .
- 1
Aromatic: Benz-ac .
Aromatic: Benz-ac .
- 2
Changeable:Benz-ac .
Changeable:Benz-ac .
- 2
Horse’s urine like:Benz-ac .
Horse’s urine like:Benz-ac .
Repertorial Study
Other remedies in offensiveness of Urine
 Urine,Offensive;
- Fish like:Uran.
- Garlic: Cup acet.
- Ammoniacal: Bor, Nit ac.
- Cat’s urine: Viol-tricol.
- Horse’s urine: Acid Nit.
- Sour odor: Calc, Graph, Sep
 Aggravation:
– Motion except headache and toothache
– Open air, change of weather.
– Afternoon,night.
– Wine.
 Amelioration:
– (Evening), Increased appetite.
– (After eating), Mouth and throat symptoms.
– (Friction), Symptoms of the face.
Miasmatic back ground
 Lithaemic diathesis.
 Amelioration > pathological discharges.
 History of gonorrhoea.
 Rheumatic diathesis
 Asthma.
 Aggravation at night
 Amelioration during day time.
Benzoic acid
inimical to
which worsens pain in
drawing in knees, etc.
Remedies compatible with
Benzoic acid
 Copaiva., Ferr., Zinc., Nit-ac. (urine
smelling like horse's), Tropeolum.
 Useful in gout after Colch., after abuse
of Copaiva.
 In suppression of gonorrhoea, in
enuresis after failure of Natrum.
For Reference
Dr. Biswajit Basu
B.H.M.S ( Hons ) [ C.U] ; M.D ( Hom)
Block-C1// Flat 1 B
West Bengal , India.
Phone ( +91) 033 25296451
Mob: (+91) 9433421880/9331039036
e.mail ; dr_basu_care @

Thank you.

Dr.Biswajit Basu.
D.N.De.Homoeopathic Medical college & Hospital,Kokata46.
West Bengal,India.

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