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By Kirthika L.R

What is Emotional Intelligence?

1. The ability to understand,use,and manage

your own emotions in positive ways to
relieve stress,communicate
effectively,empathize with others,overcome
challenges and defuse conflict
 EQ is categorised into 5 components:

 Self awareness
 Self regulation
 Motivation
 Empathy
 Social skills
Self awareness

 Selfawareness allows us to undrestand How our

body sessations and our emotions impact
oUrselves, others,and other environment
Self Regulation

 The ability to understand and manage your behaviour and

your reacions to feeling and things happen around you

 Motivation is something that stimulats a person to act and

behave to achive a desired goal

 The ability to sense other people’s emotions,coupled with

the ability to imagine what someone else might be

 Social skills are the emotional intelligence skills to

properly manage one’s and others emotions,to
connect,intract and work with the others
8 Steps to improve emotional
 Be more self-aware.Beingaware of your emotions and
emotional responses to those around you can greatly
improve your emotional intelligence
 Recognize how others feel
 Practice active listening.
 Communicate clearly.
 Stay positive.
 Empathize.
 Be open minded.
 Listen to feed back

 Emotional intelligence is a crucial component of effective

leadership.It is impprtant to recognise how understanding
and managing your emotions,as well as being aware of
other’s feelings,can help enhance relationship,strengthen
communication skills increase accountabiliy,and build trust

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