Week#7 - The Philippines

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Southeast Asia in the 19th and 20th

Asia Tenggara Abad Ke-19 dan 20

The Philippines
The Philippines
4 July 1946
Modern History of the Philippines
(source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-15581450)

 1542 - Spanish expedition claims the islands and names them the
Philippines after the heir to the Spanish throne
 1896 - Civil and armed campaign for independence from Spanish rule
 1898 - Revolutionary forces under Emilio Aguinaldo proclaim
 1898 December - During brief Spanish-American War, US Navy destroys
Spanish fleet in Manila Bay. Spain cedes Philippines to US, which proclaims
military rule
 1899 - Revolutionaries refuse to recognise US takeover, proclaim First
Philippine Republic with General Aguinaldo as president, launch armed
struggle against US forces known as Philippine-American War
 1902 - Philippine-American War formally ends as US civil
government replaces military rule. Some independence forces
fight on until defeat of Moro resistance in south in 1913
 1907 - Elected Philippine assembly inaugurated under US rule
 1916 - US government promises Philippines greater autonomy,
leading to independence
 1935 - A plebiscite approves establishment of Commonwealth
of Philippines. Manuel Quezon is its first president. Philippines
promised full independence within 10 years
Invasion and occupation

 1941 - Japan seizes Philippines

 1944 - US forces retake islands
 1946 - Islands granted full independence and renamed Republic of the
 1947 - The US is awarded military bases on the islands
 1951 - Peace treaty signed with Japan. The Philippines eventually receive
$800m in reparations payments

Colonial endurance in the present:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw8a8n7ZAZg (nurses)
The Sulu Archipelago
 Long-lasting seaborne trade with Arab, Indian, and Chinese sailors
 Islam was established by the mid-15th century
 The Spanish called the inhabitants of the islands “Moros” (from the medieval
term “Moors”)
 Never conquered by the Spanish
 Subjugated to the U.S. colonial rule in between 1891-1913
 In the 1940 became part of the Philippines
 Since the early 1960s, the Philippines has claimed Sabah as part of the Sulu
Sultanate since the 1700s

CNN report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvIRlQgy6q8

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