Hajj Method PPT Final A

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Method of Hajj and

its terminologies
Basic terminologies related to
The Kabah/ Baytullah
Station of


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Regarding the Ka’bah, Allah mentions in the Quran in Surah Al-Ma’idah:
“Allah has made the Ka’bah, the Sacred House, an asylum of security and
benefits (e.g., Hajj and Umrah) for mankind.” [5:97]

The Ka’bah has been built or adjusted on several occasions throughout history.
Baytul Ma’moor
Directly above the Ka’bah, at its zenith, there is a corresponding place in the heavens
called the Baytul Ma’moor which holds the same status there as the Ka’bah does here on

Each day seventy thousand angels engage in worship there and none of them get a second
opportunity to present themselves there again. The Baytul Ma’moor is such a sacred and
honored place that Allah takes an oath on it in the Holy Quran in Surah Toor:“And I
swear by the Baytul Ma’moor.” [4:52]

The noblest shade on earth is that of the Holy Ka’bah. Hazrat Khabbab reports, “We once
approached the Prophet (PBUH)with a difficulty and found him sitting in the shade of
the Ka’bah, leaning on his shawl.”
Corners of the Ka’bah

The north corner of the Ka’bah faces towards Syria, Jordan and Palestine

The east corner (where the Hajar al-Aswad is) faces towards Oman, India and Malaysia

The south corner (Rukun Yamani) faces towards Yemen and Kenya

The west corner faces towards Egypt, Morocco and Spain.

The covering of the Ka’bah is known as the Kiswah and was first placed by the
prophet Ismail (upon him be peace
Hajar al-Aswad
(The Black Stone)
Hajar al-Aswad (The Black Stone), which is set in the eastern
corner of the Ka’bah.

Tawaf is started and ended by facing this sacred stone.

Throughout the ages, innumerable people including many of

the Prophets (PBUH), the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
himself, the Sahabah,pious personalities and millions of
Muslims who have performed Hajj and Umrah have placed
their blessed lips on it.
The Hajar al-Aswad was brought from Jannah and
presented to Hazrat Ebrahim to be placed on the
corner of the Ka’bah.

Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet (PBUH)

said: “The Black Stone came down from Paradise
and it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons
of Adam turned it black.” [Tirmidhi]
Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) once kissed the Hajar al-Aswad
and said, “I know well that you are just a stone that can do neither
good nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) kiss you, I would not have done so.”

Du’as are accepted at the Hajar al-Aswad and on the Day of Judgement
it will testify in favour of all those who kissed it. The Prophet (PBUH)
said: “By Allah! On the Day of Qiyamah, Allah will present the Hajar
al-Aswad in such a manner that it will have two eyes and a tongue to
testify to the Imaan (faith) of all those who kissed it.” [Tirmidhi]
The Hajar al-Aswad was originally a complete
stone but due to various historical incidents now
consists of eight pieces of varying sizes affixed to
a large stone and encased in a silver frame. The
silver frame was first made by Hazrat Abdullah
bin Zubair and replaced by later Khalifas as the
need arose.
Note that when kissing the Hajar al-Aswad, one should
neither push people nor harm anyone because while
kissing the Hajar al-Aswad is Sunnah, causing harm to
people is a forbidden act (haram).

When the area is crowded, it will suffice to merely point

towards the Hajar al-Aswad with one’s hand or a stick
while reciting the Takbeer and then to kiss the hand or
Al-Multazim is the part of Ka'bah between its door and the
Black Stone.

It is recommended that one should make special supplications at

Amr bin Shu'aib reported from his father, and he from his
father that he said, "I have seen the Prophet (peace be upon
him) placing his face and chest against Al-Multazim."
Maqam Ibrahim
Station of Ibrahim
Muqam-Ibrahim (Place of Ibrahim) is a small yet round shaped building
sort of structure while lies in the front of the door of the Kaaba and the

This structure has actually a stone which has been present in its place
since the time of Ibrahim. It was the stone used by Ibrahim in the
construction process that is why it is called Muqam-Ibrahim (Place of
Ibrahim). Once the seventh round is completed of Tawaaf during the
Hajj, two raka’at of prayers are offered at this place.
Zam Zam water
Safa - Marwa hills
Following the command of Allah Hazrat Ebrahim took his son Hazrat Ismail and the child’s
mother Hazrat Hajrah to Makkah where he left them with only some water and dates as

Once the provisions ran out, mother and son became thirsty and restless. Hazrat Hajrah climbed
up Mount Safa to see whether she could sight any people from whom she could get water.

When she saw nothing, she crossed the valley and then climbed up Mount Marwah for the same
reason. When she saw nothing here either, she started running from Safa to Marwah and back
again in her anxiety.

When she had done so seven times and was at the top Mount Marwah, she heard a sound. When
she returned (to where her son lay), she saw that an angel had struck his wing on the ground,
causing water to gush forth from the spot. The name of the well comes from the phrase ‘Zome
Zome’, meaning ‘stop flowing’, a command repeated by Hajra (during her attempt to contain the
spring water.
Safa ,
There is healing power in Zamzam. Hazrat Ibn Abbas reports that the
Prophet (Pbuh)said, “The best water on the face of the earth is the water
of Zamzam. In it is complete nourishment and healing from sickness.”

Hazrat Ibn Abbas reports that when the Prophet drank Zamzam he said
the following prayer: “O Allah, grant me beneficial knowledge,
abundant sustenance and a cure from all diseases.”
The Hateem
The Hateem
The Hateem is the crescent shaped area immediately adjacent to
the Ka’bah. Part of it is also known as the ‘Hijr Ismail’ as this
was the place where Hazrat Ebrahim constructed a shelter for
hazrat Ismail and his mother hazrat Hajrah.
An area of approximately 3 meters adjacent to the wall on the
side of the Hateem actually constitutes as being part of the
Ka’bah, the rest falls outside the Ka’bah. It is however clear that
Tawaf must be performed outside the complete area of the
Aisha (RA) reports that when she asked the Prophet( pbuh) whether the Hateem was
part of the Ka’bah, he replied that it was. When she further asked why it was then
not included in the walls of the Ka’bah, the Prophet (PBUH) replied, “Because
your people (the Quraysh) did not have sufficient funds.” [Bukhari]

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) says, “When I expressed the wish to perform
salah within the Ka’bah, the Prophet took me by the hand and led me into the Hijr
(Hateem) where he said, ‘Perform salah here if you wish to enter the Ka’bah
because this is part of the Baytullah.’”
Mina (The Tent City)
Mina (the Tent City)
Mina (also known as the Tent City) is a neighborhood of Mecca in Makkah
Province, in western Saudi Arabia. It is situated 5 kilometers to the east of the Holy
city of Mecca.It covers an area of approximately 20 km².

Mina is best known for the role it plays during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. More
than 100,000 air-conditioned tents provide temporary accommodation to visiting
pilgrims. In the valley of Mina is the Jamarat Bridge, the location of the ritual of the
Stoning of the Devil, performed between sunrise and sunset on the last day of the

Mina is the place where pilgrims throw stones, commemorating the occasion that
the Prophet Ibrâhîm (Abraham) stoned the Devil that came between him and the
command Allah had set him.
The Stoning of the Devil
(Arabic: ‫ رمي الجمرات‬Ramī al-Jamarāt)
The Stoning of the Devil (Arabic: ‫رات‬1‫ رمي الجم‬ramī al-jamarāt, lit.
"stoning of the jamarāt (place of pebbles) is part of the annual Islamic
Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Muslim pilgrims throw pebbles at three walls (formerly pillars), called
jamarāt, in the city of Mina just east of Mecca. It is one of a series of
ritual acts that must be performed in the Hajj.
It is a symbolic reenactment of Abraham's hajj, where he stoned three
pillars representing the temptation to disobey God and preserve Ishmael.
The stoning of the jamarāt also represents the repudiation of man's self
(an-nafs al-'amāra, literally the "internal despot") and the act of casting
aside one's low desires and wishes.
The jamarāt are named (starting from the east):

1. The first jamrah (al-jamrah al-'ūlā), or the smallest jamrah

(‫ الجمرة الصغرى‬al-jamrah aṣ-ṣughrā),

2. The middle jamrah (‫ الجمرة الوسطى‬al-jamrah al-wusṭā),

3. The largest jamrah(‫ الجمرة الكبرى‬al-jamrah al-kubrā), or Jamrah

of Aqaba (‫ جمرة العقبة‬jamrat al-ʿaqaba).

Old picture 1990
2001 AD
New multi-level Jamarat
Mount Arafat or Mount Arafah
Mount Arafat or Mount Arafah (Arabic: ‫ )ج ب ل ع فر ات‬transliterated Jabal ‘Arafāt) is
a granite hill east of Mecca in the plain of Arafat. Arafat is a plain about 20 km
southeast of Mecca. Mount Arafat reaches about 70 m in height and is also known
as the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah).
According to Islamic tradition, the hill is the place where the Islamic prophet
Muhammad stood and delivered the Farewell Sermon to the Muslims who had
accompanied him for the Hajj towards the end of his life.

On the 9th of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah pilgrims go to Arafat from Mina, for the
most important part of the Hajj. The Khutbah of Hajj is narrated and Zuhr prayer
and Asr prayer are prayed together. The pilgrims spend the whole day on the
mountain to supplicate to Allah to forgive their sins and praying for personal
strength in the future.
Muzdalifah is one of the four important places related to Hajj.
Muzdalifah is located at a distance of about 8 kilometers from Arafat. It
is an open space near Mecca closer to Mina. It lies on the way from Mina
to Arafat.

On the 9th of the last Islamic month Dhul Hijjah, Muslims should stay
here at night.

It is at this place that all Hajjis should collect small pebbles for throwing
at the devil. On the night of 9th pilgrims have to sleep in the open ground
without a roof and should leave for Mina the next morning.
Narrated Ibn Abbas: “The Prophet (Salla-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) appointed the
following places as Miqaat (the place for entering the state of Ihraam):

Dhul-Hulaifa for the people of Al-Madinah.

Al-Juhfa for the people of Sham.

Qarn Al- Manaazil for the people of Najd.

and Yalamlam for the people of the Yemen. So, these Meeqats are for those living at
those places, and for people of other regions who come through them- if they are
intending to perform Hajj and ‘Umrah. Whoever is living within these Miqaats
should enter the state of Ihraam from where he sets out from; even the inhabitants
of Makkah.
The Method Of Hajj
Ihram is, in Islam, a sacred state which a Muslim must enter in order to
perform the major pilgrimage (Hajj) or the minor pilgrimage (Umrah).

A pilgrim must enter into this state before crossing the pilgrimage
boundary, known as Miqat, by performing the cleansing rituals and
wearing the prescribed attire.
Male Ihram
Female Ihram
Restrictions of
After dressing Ihram from Meqat-starting point for Hajj or Umrah, the Hajj has to
perform the following:
• He has not to cut any of his hair or to cut his finger nails, but if some of it fell down without
his will or taken part of his hair or his fingernail in advertently, due to his forgetfulness, or
because of he did not recognize the rules, no harm about him.

• The "Muhrim" is not allowed to put perfume on his body or Ihram cloths, but no harm for the
previous traces of odor on his body before dressing Ihram cloths. But if it is in his Ihram he
must wash it.

• It is prevented for every Moslem whether he is "muhrim" in his Ihram cloth, or not, whether
male or female, to go on for hunting of animals on land, either by killing or frightening them
from their places, or assisting others for such a behaviour, within the limits of Harram (The
Holy Mosque).
Restrictions of
• The Muhrim is not allowed to engage women and to sign a marriage contract
with them.
• The women are not allowed at time of Ihram to wear gloves on her hands and not
to cover her face.

• During ihram, women must have their faces uncovered; they are forbidden to
wear the Burqa or Niqab. However, the Hijab or Dupatta is permitted.

• There is also no Gender segregation during the Hajj. Unlike in mosques, men and
women pray together, not just in the same area but also on the same prayer line.
This is to remind everyone that on the Day of Judgment, both men and women
will be standing together, side by side, in the same rows.
Tawaf (Arabic: ‫ط واف‬, Ṭawāf; literally circling) is one of the Islamic rituals of
pilgrimage. During the Hajj and Umrah, Muslims are to circumambulate the Khana
Kaaba (most sacred site in Islam) seven times, in a counterclockwise direction.

The circling is believed to demonstrate the unity of the believers in the worship of
the One God, as they move in harmony together around the Khana Kaaba, while
supplicating to God.

The circle begins from the Black Stone (al-Ḥajar al-'Aswad) on the corner of the
Kaaba. If possible, Muslims are to kiss or touch it, but this is often not possible
because of the large crowds, so it is acceptable for them to simply point or hold up
their hand to the Stone on each circuit. They are also to make the Takbir prayer
(Bismillah Allahu Akbar) each time they approach.

See notes The Science School Islamabad

Professional Development
Types of Tawaf

It is performed when a person arrived at Makkah whether for Hajj, Umrah, Business
or a visit. It is also called a welcome Tawaf.
It is also called Tawaf-ul-Rukn or Tawaf-ul-Hajj. It is performed by all pilgrims
who are undertaking the Hajj. This Tawaf is mandatory. Hajj would be invalid, if it
is not performed. It can be performed from the dawn of 10 th Zil haj to 12th Zil haj.

It is a farewell Tawaf and performed as a final ritual of Hajj when a pilgrim leaving
Makkah. It is wajib. Prophet said: “Let none of you leave Makkah before making a
Tawaf around the Ka’abah, as the last of Hajj rites.
Types of Tawaf
Tawaf-ul-Nafl is an optional tawaf but it is better than performing a nafl salaat. It
can be performed at any time and as desired. Perform Tawaf as much as you can,
when you are in Makkah because this privilege cannot be gained anywhere in the

Tawaf-ul-Umrah is a part of Umrah and performed as a ritual of Umrah. It is
obligatory for the one who performs Umrah.

If a person pledged that he will perform Tawaf if his desire is fulfilled by Allah.
Then, he must have to perform this Tawaf if Allah fulfills that desire.
Sayi Sayi is walking briskly seven times between Safa and Marwa hills.
Sayi is commenced from Safa and ends at Marwa.The pilgrim should move
towards Marwa and, thereafter, walk briskly between the two hills. Only men
are required to walk briskly. Women may walk at their normal pace.

Idtiba It is the act of passing the upper sheet of the Ihram through the right
armpit and placing it on the left shoulder, leaving the right shoulder uncovered.
There is no Idtiba for females.

Ramal This is in memory of an incident that took place when the Holy Prophet
and his companions came to Makkah from Madinah for performing Umrah.
Rami The act of stoning the devil is called Rami. The approved method of
doing Rami is to stand about five or six feet from the stone pillar, hold the
pebble with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and throw each
pebble, one after other and while doing so, the following is to be recited: "In
the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Allah is
Great." The pebbles should fall as close to the pillar as possible.
Istilam The act of kissing the Hajr-e-Aswad is called Istilam. The
palms of both hands are placed on it, with the face between the two
palms, and the stone is kissed in such a way that no sound is produced. If
it is not possible to kiss the stone in this manner, it may merely be
touched with the right hand and the hand kissed or if that is not possible,
one may raise the palms of the hand towards the Hajr-e-Aswad and kiss
the palms.
Sacrifice The sacrifice is offered in emory of Hazrat Ibrahim who was ready to m
sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail, at the command of Allah. This sacrifice is a part of the
worldwide celebration which unites Muslims every Eid-ul-Azha. The sacrifice is only an
outward act. The real thing is the spirit of piety and submission to Allah which this act

Talbiyah Talbiyah is a Muslim prayer invoked by the pilgrims as a conviction that they
intend to perform the Hajj only for the glory of Allah. Talbiyah is repeatedly invoked during the
Hajj, or pilgrimage, upon putting on the Ihram, so the pilgrims can purify and rid themselves of
worldly concerns.The text of the talbiyah is
‫ ِإَّن اْلَح ْم َد َو الِّنْع َم َة‬،‫ َلَّبْيَك َال َش ِر ْيَك َلَك َلَّبْيَك‬،‫َلَّبْيَك الَّلُهَّم َلَّبْيَك‬
َ‫َلَك َو اْل ُم ْل َك َالَش ِر ْي َك َلك‬

"Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners.
Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no
Obligatory Acts of Hajj
1. Ihraam from Miqaat
2. Standing at Arafaat till night
3.Spending a night in Muzdalifah
4. Spending the nights in Mina
5.Casting pebbles consecutively
6. Shaving or shortening the hair
7. Farewell- Tawaaf
First Day: 8 Zilhajj
th Second Day: 9th Zilhajj- Obligatory act
1-Put on ihram again on 1-Leave for Arafat after the Fajar prayer of 9 Zilhaj in Mina.

8th ZilHajj, and declare 2-stand in Arafat with devotion, until sunset, praying and asking God
one’s intention of for forgiveness. This day is known as the day of forgiveness.
performing Hajj.
3-Pray Zuhr and Asr shortened and combined during the time of
2-Leave for Mina early Zuhr.
in the morning.
4-In the evening of 9th Zilhajj move to Muzdalifah after sunset,
3-Stay in Mina.Pray
five prayers (Zuhr to 5- Pray Magrib and Esha combined(Isha 2 rakat) in Muzdalifa. Rest
the Fajar of 9th Zilhaj) in Muzdalifah at night & collect small pebbles for stoning in Mina.
Stay over night here and perform Fajr prayer of 10th Zilhajj.
Third Day:10th Zilhajj
1-Return to Mina on 10th Zilhajj
Fourth day:11th Fifth day:12th
2-Throw 7 small stones at Jamra Zilhajj Zilhajj
al Aqbah (First satan pillar). Stay in Mina and
Stay in Mina and
3-Offer sacrifice throw pebbles at throw pebbles at
three Satan pillars.
4-Have the hair shaved or three Satan pillars.
Return the same
5-Go to Makkah perform tawaf- This day and the day to Makkah and
e- Ziyarat perform tawaf
next two days are
6-Perform Sai then return to known as ‘the days wida,
Mina. This day is known as the of drying meat.’ This ends the Hajj.
day of sacrifice.
‫المشاعر – صورة بالقمر الصناعي‬



Al-Rahma Mountain

Khaif Mosque
Namerah Mosque
Al-Masjid Al-Haraam

Al-Haram Mosque


Types of Hajj
Hajj-e- Ifrad: The person who performs Hajj-e-Ifrad is called a Mufrid. Before passing
through Miqaat (the place for assuming Ihraam) one will enter in the state of Ihraam and
with the Niyyah of performing Hajj alone. A Mufrid does not combine Umrah with their

Hajj-e-Qiran: Literally Qiran means to combine two things. A pilgrim who performs
this kind of Hajj combines Hajj and Umrah. After performing Umrah a Qarin (person
who is performing Hajj-e-Qiran) will perform Hajj with that same Ihraam.

Hajj-e-Tamattu: Tamattu literally means to enjoy or take advantage of a facility. A

pilgrim who performs Hajj-e-Tamattu combines both Umrah and Hajj. The difference
between Hajj-e-Qiran and Hajj-e-Tamattu is that after performing Umrah the Mutamatti
(person who performs Hajj-e-Tamattu) relinquishes his/her Ihraam and on the 8th of Dhul
Hijjah he/she resumes that Ihraam.

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