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x =

3x4 = 12 + +
 This single table records all possible
 The table is symmetric(4x3=3x4)
 1X1 = 1
 2X2 = 4
 3X3 = 9
 4X4 = 16
 5X5 =25
 Understand the multiplication table and then
memorize it.
 Understanding 4 x 5 =20

Memorize :4x5=20
Read it/hear it/say it/THINK IT …repeat again
 1. 2X3=? 2. 4X1=?
 3. 5X2 =? 4. 4X2 =?

 Find the mystery number?

1. 4x ? = 12
2. ? X 3 = 15
 When we multiply or divide two integers, the sign
rules are different than when we add or subtract
signed numbers.
 When we multiply or divide two positive integers,
the solution is positive.

7 • 6 = 42
2 • 9 = 18
20 • 1 = 20
 When we multiply two negative integers, the
solution is also positive.

(-7) • (-6) = 42
(-2) • (-9) = 18
(-20) • (-1) = 20
 When we multiply one positive & one
negative integer, the solution is always
negative, regardless of which is larger or
which is written first.

(-7) • 6 = - 42 12 ÷ (-3) = - 4
2 • (-9) = -18 (-16) ÷ 8 = -2
20 • (-1) = -20 (-8) ÷ 8 = -1
Adding Integers:
Positive + Positive = Positive
Negative + Negative = Negative
Positive + Negative = Sign of Larger #
Subtracting Integers:
Keep - Change - Change
Positive + Positive = Positive
Negative + Negative = Positive
Positive + Negative = Negative

1. (-10)•3 2. (-4)•(-3)
3. 7•(-2) 4. 5•(-2)

Simplify each expression.

5. (3)(-5x) 6. (-2)(-3y)
7. (-1)(7x) 8. (10)(-5c)
1. (-10)•3 = -30
2. (-4)•(-3) = 12
= -14
3. 7•(-2) = -10
4. 5•(-2)
5. (3)(-5x) = -15x
6. (-2)(-3y) = 6y
= -7x
7. (-1)(7x)
= -50c
8. (10)(-5c)

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