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MARCH 2, 2022


The Concept, OBJECTIVE:

Aspect and
Changes in/of 1
Analyze the concept, aspect and
changes in/of culture and society.
Culture and
Let’s Explore

Analyze the picture and name

things that you have observed.



Culture, society and politics are concepts. They exist in the realm of ideas and thoughts. As such,
they cannot be seen or touched and yet the influence the way we see and experience our individual
and collective social beings.
Concepts have created and have been used to have firm grasp of phenomenon. Just like any other
words, concept are initially invented as icon to capture phenomena and in the process assist the
users/inventors to described facets of social experience in relation to the phenomena concerned.
What is interesting about concepts is that conceptual tools, they allow us to form other concepts, or
relate concepts to each other or even deconstruct old ones and replace them with something new.
Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human
societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the

Component of Culture
Material Culture Non-Material Culture

refers to the objects or

belongings of a group of in contrast, consists of the
people, such as automobiles, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs
stores, and the physical of a society.
structures where people
Elements of Culture

Knowledge Belief Social Norms Technology

the perception these are established

the practical
it refers to any of accepted expectations of
society as to how a application of
information reality. Reality knowledge in
person is supposed
received and refers to the converting raw
to act depending on
perceived to be existence of the requirements of materials into
true. things whether time, place or finished
it is material or situation. products.
Icebreaker Copy a sticky
note, then write
your thoughts.
Copy a sticky
note, then write
your thoughts.

Before we start with the session, let's warm up a little with this icebreaker question:

What's your frequently used Emoji?

Below are suggestions for icebreaker questions:

What was the last thing you purchased online?

What's your morning routine?
What’s a random act of kindness you did for a stranger?
What's the most challenging thing you've done in life? When they're sold
out in your size -
What's your favorite dessert? Marianne

Time: 5 minutes

Different Forms of Social Norms

 Folkways – The patterns of receptive behavior which
becomes habitual and conventional part of living.
 Mores – the set of ethical standards and moral obligations
as dictates of reason that distinguishes human acts as right
or wrong or good from bad.
 Values – anything held to be relatively worthy, important
desirable, or valuable.
Aspects of Culture

Dynamic, Flexible, and Shared and Contested – culture

Adaptive – culture constantly is learned and acquired through
different interactions with people.
changes and adapt to the Culture is shared learning experience.
current state of society. It Because culture constantly changes,
continuously restores itself we get to share the learning process
whenever customs do not fit in with other people. However, culture is
also contested indifferent ways and
the current situation anymore. situations. Because of diversity,
It does not remain stagnant. culture is always subjected to debate
and analysis.
Aspects of Culture

Learned Through Socialization or

Enculturation –Socialization is an
ongoing process of learning
Patterned Social Interaction
languages, behaviors, customs, Socialization helps us acquire
values, norms, and others to acquire a both good and bad parts of our
personal identity. It helps us learn the culture. How do we identify the
culture. Socialization also teaches us good and the bad?
how to interact with other people and
helps us develop the behaviors that
we think are inborn or part of human
Five Patterns of Social Interaction

Exchange or social exchange is the expectation that whenever we do something good, we

will receive something good in return (Thompson and Hickey, 2005, p.129). It is the most
basic pattern of socialization

Cooperation is when people or groups of people work together to achieve a common

goal. Cooperation is considered to be essential for human survival because, without
cooperation, social life would be unmanageable (Thompson and Hickey, 2005, p.129).

Competition may be viewed as the opposite of cooperation. Instead of working together

towards a common goal, competing individuals or groups battle to achieve the target
that only one can have (Thompson and Hickey, 2005, p.129).
Five Patterns of Social Interaction

Conflict arises when people disobey rules, control a person by

force, or hurt other people just to achieve their goals. However,
conflict is not always considered bad. threatened by an external
factor (Thompson and Hickey, 2005, p.129).

Coercion happens when there is a use of threat or force in

persuading others. People usually coerce other people when they
cannot achieve their goals on their own.
Aspects of Culture

Integrated and at Times

Unstable–The patterns Transmitted Through
of social interaction are Socialization- culture can
connected to each other also be transmitted from one
and may change from person to another and even
time to time. from one society to another
Aspects of Culture

Requires Language for Society- is a group of

Social Interaction–In every individuals involved in
interaction, language is the persistent social interaction, or
most important tool that is a large social group sharing
always used. Language is the same spatial or social
not only restricted to verbal territory, typically subject to
language. It is also used in the same political authority
non-verbal communication and dominant cultural
or body language during expectations.
Society as a Concept

1 Society was coined by social scientist to facilitate their exploration of social


2 Society represents an ideal type, which more or less depicts the form, process,
and dynamics of the social reality it embodies.

3 Society is seen as an outcome of multiple interaction of people upon which

succeeding interactions are made meaningful and possible.
UCSP MARCH 02, 2022

Thank Have a great day

MDM Company June 1, 2021

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