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Chest discomfort

Reactor: Dr. Narvas

Moderator: Dr. Santos
Pre-res: Dr. Gonzaga
Specific Objectives:

1. Discuss the Hospital phase management

2. Identify the pharmacotherapy used in ACS
General Data
• MD

• 74 y/o, male

• Married, Filipino, Catholic

• Currently residing 2760, Panaderos St., BRGY 745, Sta. Ana, Manila

• admitted last Jan04-10, 2024 at our institution

Chief complaint
• Decreased in sensorium, chest discomfort
History of present illness
•Patient was admitted 6 days PTA as a case of unstable
•1 day PTA, patient was apparently well upon discharge.

• Until around 9am in the morning patient was noted to

have decrease in sensorium, chest discomfort,
retrosternal hence brought back to our institution
Past medical history
• Known Allergy to Aspirin
• Denies any co-morbidities
• Admitted last Jan 04-10, 2024
Family History
• No heredofamilial diseases noted
Personal and social history
• Non-smoker, non-alcoholic beverage drinker,
denies illicit drug use.
Review of system
•SKIN: No itchiness, no color change, no pigmentation, no rashes

•EYE: No redness, no itchiness, no eye pain, no discharges or excessive lacrimation

•EAR: No deafness, tinnitus, or any aural discharges

•NOSE: No epistaxis, no nasal discharge, no anosmia

•MOUTH: No bleeding gums, no mouth sores

•THROAT: No swelling or soreness

•NECK: No stiffness, limitation of motion, sensation of lump in the throat, masses or

Review of system
•PULMONARY: no cough

•CARDIAC: no palpitation, no orthopnea, no platypnea

•VASCULAR: No varicosities, no claudication

•GASTROINTESTINAL: No dysphagia, no odynophagia, no belching, no heartburn, no
retching, no nausea, no vomiting, no abdominal pain, no melena, no hematochezia, no
diarrhea or constipation

•GENITO-URINARY: No frequency, no urgency, no dysuria, no hematuria, no nocturia, no

flank pain, no urethral discharges
Review of system
•MUSCULO-SKELETAL: No stiffness of the joints, pain and/or swelling. No muscle cramps,
wasting, trauma or abnormal posture.

•EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, no edema, no deformities

•ENDOCRINE: No heat-cold intolerance, no polyuria, no polydipsia, no polyphagia

•HEMATOPOETIC: No pallor, abnormal bleeding, easy-bruisability or adenopathies

•NEUROLOGIC: No headache, no seizures, no numbness, no paresthesia, no dizziness,

Physical Examination
Patient came in at the ER in cardiorespiratory distress
•BP: 70/6mmHg CR: irregular RR: 26cpm T: 36.1°C O₂sat: 96%
at room air

•Skin is moist , warm to touch with good skin turgor.

•Anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva, moist lips, oral mucosa and
axilla no cervical lymphadenopathies.

Chest and Lungs: No retractions, symmetrical chest expansion, equal tactile
fremitus, dull percussion on both lung base. Noted mid-base crackles on
both lung fields, no bronchopony, egophony or whispered pectoriloquy
Physical Examination
•Adynamic precordium. irregularly, irregular rhythm. Apex beat
heard at the 5th ICS, anterior axillary line. The S1 is greater than S2 at
the apex and S2 is greater than S1 at the base. No murmurs were

•Flabby abdomen. Normoactive bowel sounds. Soft and nontender to
light and deep palpation, no palpable masses noted.

•No edema, no swelling, no redness, tenderness or limitation in
motion. Full and equal pulses on all extremities.
Salient Features
• Chest Discomfort, Decrease in Sensorium
• 73/M
• Confused
• Hypotension 70/60mmHg
• Tachypnea 26cpm
• Previously admitted as a case of Unstable Angina
• Mid-base crackles
• Irregularly Irregular rhythm

• 12 LECG - AF in CVR, ACS STEMI, anteroseptal wall

• Troponin I negative
Differential Diagnosis
Myocardial Pericarditis Pulmonary
Infarction Embolism
Rule In Retrosternal Retrosternal Chest pain,
chest pain, chest pain tachypnea,
tachypnea hypotension
Rule Out Pleuritic, sharp Cannot totatlly
in charater rule out
Chest Pain

Cardio Non-Cardio
pulmonary? pulmonary?
Clinical mainfestation

Harrison’s princples of Internal Medicine 21st edition, Chapter 275: ST Segement Eleveation Myocardial
Infarction page 2054
2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest
2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest
Admitting Impression

HCVD, CAD, ACS-STEMI, Anteroseptall wall, Killip

2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest
2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest
At the ER level
•Jooked to oxygen at 2LPM
•Venoclysed to NE drip: D5W 250cc + NE 32mg to run initially at 30cc/hr, titrated
•Venoclysed with PNNS 1L with a rate of 40cc/hr. L
•Laboratories requested were 12LECG, Troponin I, Na, K, Cl, iCa, Mg, Chest X-ray
PA view, 12 LECG, ABG, CBC, BUN, Creatinine, Na, K, Cl, SGPT, SGOT.
•Activity: Complete bed rest without bathroom privileges

No chest pain day 1, no dypsnea

•Medications started
•Cilostazol 50mg/tab 1 tab BID
•Clopidogrel 75mg/tab 1 tab OD
•Atorvastatin 80mg/tab 1 tab ODHS
•Enoxaparin 0.4cc SQ BID
•Lactulose 30cc ODHS
1st Hospital Day
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

No chest pain day Awake, alert, not in distress HCVD, CAD, AF in CVR, Discontinued Norepinephrine
1, no dypsnea SBP: 120-160 DBP: 70-90 HR: 61- ACS-STEMI, drip. Started Enalapril 5mg/tab
89 RR: 16-20 Afebrile anteroseptal wall, Killip I; 1 tab OD. Noted Leukocytosis.
Input and Output : 830 vs 800 Complicated UTI Requested Urinalysis and
CBGs: 94, 105, 95 started Ceftriaxone 2g IV OD
Anicteric sclera, pink palpebral
conjunctiva Cilostazol 50mg/tab 1 tab BID
Icteric Sclera, Pink palpebral Clopidogrel 75mg/tab 1 tab OD
conjunctiva Atorvastatin 80mg/tab 1 tab
No retractions, No adventitious ODHS
breath sounds Enoxaparin 0.4cc SQ BID
Adynamic precordium, Normal rate, Enalapril 5mg/tab 1 tab OD
regular rhythm Lactulose 30cc ODHS
Flabby abdomen, normoactive
bowel sounds, non-tender
No edema
4th Hospital Day
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

No chest pain day Awake, alert, coherent HCVD, CAD, AF in CVR, Cilostazol 50mg/tab 1 tab BID
4, no dypsnea SBP: 130-160 DBP: 70-90 HR: 69-108 ACS-STEMI, Clopidogrel 75mg/tab 1 tab OD
RR: 16-20 Afebrile anteroseptal wall, Killip I, Atorvastatin 80mg/tab 1 tab ODHS
Input and Output : 1,400vs1,400 Enoxaparin 0.6cc SQ BID
Complicated UTI
Enalapril 5mg/tab 1 tab OD
Anicteric sclera, pink palpebral Ceftriaxone 2g IV OD
conjunctiva Amlodipine 5mg/tab 1 tab OD
Icteric Sclera, Pink palpebral conjunctiva
No retractions, No adventitious breath
Adynamic precordium, Normal rate,
regular rhythm
Flabby abdomen, normoactive bowel
sounds, non-tender
No edema
7th Hospital Day
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

Day 7 no chest pain No chest pain day 7, no dypsnea HCVD, CAD, AF in CVR, Advised Coronary Angiography
Awake, alert, not in distress ACS-STEMI,
SBP: 120-140 DBP: 70-90 HR: 61-73 anteroseptal wall, Killip I, 1-2 weeks, encourage the patient to
RR: 16-20 Afebrile increase activity by walking about
Complicated UTI
the house and outdoors in good
Anicteric sclera, pink palpebral weather
Icteric Sclera, Pink palpebral conjunctiva Normal sexual activity maybe
No retractions, No adventitious breath resumed during this period.
Adynamic precordium, Normal rate, After 2weeks, regulate patient’s
regular rhythm activity base on the exercise
Flabby abdomen, normoactive bowel tolerance
sounds, non-tender
No edema May return to work after 2-4weeks
7th Hospital Day
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan


Cilostazol 50mg/tab 1 tab BID

Clopidogrel 75mg/tab 1 tab OD
Atorvastatin 80mg/tab 1 tab ODHS
Enoxaparin 0.6cc SQ BID
Enalapril 5mg/tab 1 tab OD
Ceftriaxone 2g IV OD
Amlodipine 5mg/tab 1 tab OD
ISMN 30mg/tab 1 tab OD
TMZ 35mg/tab 1 tab BID
Carvedilol 12.5mg/tab 1 tab BID

Chest Discomfort, Decrease in

Previously admitted as a case of ACS STEMI, Anteroseptal wall
Unstable Angina
Mid-base crackles
Irregularly Irregular rhythm


anteroseptal wall
Troponin I negative

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