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Personal Development

{ Week 5

Prepared by:
Family Structures and
Learning Objectives:
 Identify the different types of family
 Appraise your family structure and
the type of care you give and receive,
which may help in understanding
yourself better.
Learning Objectives:
 Identify the different types of family
 Appraise your family structure and
the type of care you give and receive,
which may help in understanding
yourself better.
Activity 1: Being a Leader
Directions: Write the of the
servant leader on the lines
provided below. Traits can
be based from your own
experiences as a leader at
home, in class or in your
community, you can also
ask other people such as
your elder brother or sister
about the traits of a servant
Now that you know the traits of a servant leader, let us
try looking at a human figure inside a house. The house
symbolizes a place where you live together. At home,
who do you think is the leader? Who leads your
Family came from the Latin word familia
which means group of people living in the
household. Family could be related by blood,
or birth or by other relationship.
Family is the basic unit of the society. It is the
smallest organization in the community. It is
said to be a group of individual living
together in one household.
Family comes in different forms. It could vary
from one family to another. It is usually
composed of mother, father and children,
some other includes grand parents, aunts,
uncles, cousins, and other relatives.
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Nuclear It is also known as
"conjugal" or
Family "traditional family, father,
consisting of
married couples and
and their offspring
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Extended This type of family
includes all relatives in
A family living
Family proximity, such as mother, father,
grandparents, aunts, children,
uncles, and cousins, grandparents,
these relatives typically aunts, uncles,
live together, and all and other
share daily household relatives in one
duties. roof.
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Single This family type
includes one parent and
Father with
his children
Parent their children only. A or a mother
single parent family
Family could be the result of a with her
divorce, the death of children
one parent, or even a living in one
single parent adoption. household
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Step A family where the
parents have divorced
Family and remarried, bringing stepfather,
children from other
unions together to form and his kids
a new nuclear family. Father,
It is also known as children,
“blended” family, stepmother,
because two families and her kids
were combined.
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Foster A family includes Parents,
parent who serves as children
Family a temporary foster child
guardian for one or
more children to
whom they may or
may not be
biologically related
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Adopted/ A family wherein
parents may adopt a
(mother and
Adoptive child to whom they father),
family share no blood adopted
relationship, or one child
or more children to
whom they may or
may not be
biologically related.
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Bi-racial A family Filipina
or multi- wherein parents American
racial are from father,
Family different races children
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Trans- A family American
racial wherein parents adopted
adopted adopted a child Filipino
Family with a different children
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Conditio A family wherein one
of the family members
members are
nally is conditionally together except
for the father
Separated separated from the
others. This
abroad. Family
Family separation may be are living
due to their job or together, except
employment or could the eldest child
who is serving
be due to on the military
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Childless Married Mother and
father only
Family Couple without
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Gay or A family wherein A lesbian
mother and
Lesbian one or both
parents has a her children
Family different sexual with a gay
orientation and is
part of the LGBT
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Migrant It is a family who A family
settles together in a who
Family different place; it migrated
could be from one from a place
place to another due because the
to some father is a
circumstances such military
as the father's job. officer
Types Of Family Structure
Family Definition Example
Immigrant A family wherein A family whose
mom is already
one or both parents
Family are already an
an immigrant of
Canada. Their
mother is already
immigrant of other a Canadian
country. Their citizen but the
children may be or rest of the family
members are not.
may not be an
 The most important people in the lives
of young children are their parents.
They are known as “guardians”.
 Parents utilize resources which they

think guarantee positive experiences

for their children.
The Emotional Legacy
 provides a safe environment in which
deep emotional roots can grow
 fosters confidence through stability

 conveys a tone of trusting support

 nurtures a strong sense of positive

 creates a "resting place" for the soul

 demonstrates unconditional love

The Social Legacy
 respect, beginning with themselves and working out to
other people
 responsibility, fostered by respect for themselves, that is
cultivated by assigning children duties within the
family, making them accountable for their actions, and
giving them room to make wrong choices once in a
 unconditional love and acceptance by their parents,
combined with conditional acceptance when the parents
discipline for bad behavior or actions
 the setting of social boundaries concerning how to relate
to God, authority, peers, the environment and siblings
 rules that are given within a loving relationship
The Spiritual Legacy
It is the least in priority, but that's a mistake.
As spiritual beings, we adopt attitudes and beliefs about
spiritual matters from one person to another. Parents need to
take the initiative and present faith to their children.
Parents who successfully pass along a spiritual legacy to their
children model and reinforce the unseen realities of the godly
life. We must recognize that passing a spiritual legacy means
more than encouraging our children to attend church, as
important as that is. The church is there to support parents in
raising their children but it cannot do the raising; only parents
can. Parents are primary in spiritual upbringing. Children,
perceive God the way they perceive their parents. If parents are
loving, affirming, forgiving and yet strong in what they believe,
children will think of God that way.
Activity: Understanding My own
Family Structure

In this activity, you will need a family picture. Paste it in a short

bond paper. Identify what family structure you have at home.
Write the names of each member of you family below the
picture. In a short paragraph, describe your family. Explain
your family’s social, emotional and spiritual legacies.
(You may or may not do a scrap book, depends on your
preference. )
Activity: Understanding My own
Family Structure

My Family
Make a Genogram and
Trace Certain Physical,
Personality, or Behavioral
Attributes through
Learning Objectives:
 Define genogram
 Appreciate the importance of family
genogram; and
 Make a family genogram and trace
physical, social, emotional or
behavioral attributes
through generations.
Activity: The Three Coded-Column

Directions: Read and analyze the following statements that

describes the different family structures. Identify what family
structures are prescribed by the sentences below. Clue: each
symbol in each item corresponds to the column in the given
choices. Write the letter of the answer in a separate sheet of
Activity: The Three Coded-Column

a. blended a. multi-racial a. adoptive

a. step a. single parent a. immigrant
a. extend a. foster a. migrant
a. conditionally K. nuclear l. gay or
separated lesbian
Activity: The Three Coded-Column

1. A family unity consisting of at most a father, a mother

and a dependent child or children
2. A family consisting of parents and children, along with
grandfathers, grandchildren and others relatives.
3. Two families brought together due to divorce,
separation and remarriage.
4. This can be either a father or a mother who has that sole
responsibility of raising a child or children.
5. A family where one or more of the children has been
Activity: The Three Coded-Column

6. A family that consist of members from two previous

7. A family member separated from the rest of the family
due to employment and military service.
8. A family where one or more of the children is legally a
temporary member of the household. The "temporary" period
may be as short as few days or as long as the child's entire
9. A family where parents have gone to other country as
adults while the children may stay in the country of origin.
10. A family where parents have gone to other country as
adults while the children may stay in the country of origin.
Genogram Defined
 A genogram (pronounced: jen-uh-gram)
is a graphic representation of a family
tree that displays detailed data on
relationships among individuals. A
genogram is a more complex family tree
because it describes not only the family
physical and social relationships but
also the emotional connections and
other family attributes are described.
 Genograms were first developed and
popularized in clinical settings by
Monica MeGoldrick and Randy Gerson
through the publication of a book in
1985. Genograms are now used by
various groups of people in a variety of
fields such as medicine, psychology,
social work, genealogy, genetic
research, and education.
 Also known as McGoldrick-Gerson

 It allows user to visualize hereditary

patterns and psychological factors

that punctuate relationships.
 It can be used to identify repeatative

patterns of behaviors and recognize

hereditary tendencies./
Genogram Symbols

Male Symbol
Female Symbol
Gay Symbol
Lesbian Symbol
Genogram Symbols
Genogram Symbols
Genogram Symbols
Genogram Symbols
How to Draw Diagram: Steps
1. Know your reason for making a genogram to help
you determine the type of family information you
want to indicate
2. Name all the members of your family kinship that
you wanted to include in your genogram.
3. Organize questions to gather facts and figures about
your relatives to be included in the genogram
4. Write down notes how everyone in your family is
5. Solicit information starting with the oldest
generation down the line.
Worded Problem
Directions: Make a family genogram using the situation
below. Use another sheet of paper if needed.

Juan 48 years old, had married Maria (42 years old) since
2000. They were blessed with two children. Fe, (22 years
old) was the eldest and Jose (20 years old) as the youngest
one. However, as time goes by, problems and
misunderstanding of the couple had caused them to
divorce their marriage. Due to the divorced parents, Fe
had decided to get married to Mateo (26 years old) last
2019. They were blessed with twins named Noel and
Noela. Maria then found her long-distance relationship to
Nane, 40-year old lesbian. At present, Jose is living alone
with his favorite pet, Lassie.
Activity 2: Family Genogram
Directions: Make a genogram of your family by using the
symbols that you have learned. Consider the family
physical, social and emotional relationship, and other
family attributes.

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