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Basic Concepts on Integrating

Technology in Instruction

• Role play on the examples of levels of integration

• Integrating technology with teaching means the
use of learning technologies to introduce,
reinforce, and supplement skills.

• The difference between the classrooms of

exemplary users of technology and technology
users is the way their classes are conducted.
• External manifestations of technology
integration into the instruction:

 there’s a change in the way classes are

traditionally conducted

The quality of instruction is improved to a

higher level
 there is planning by the teacher on the process
of determining how and when technology fits
into the teaching-learning process

the teacher sets instructional strategies to

address specific instructional issues/problems
 the use of technology provides the opening of
opportunities to respond to the instructional

Technology occupies a position in the

instructional process
• Create a grid to differentiate technology-
integrated instruction from the traditional
instructional process.
Traditional Instruction IT – Integrated

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