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Deductive teaching is a traditional approach in which
information about target language and rules are driven
at the beginning of the class and continued with
examples. The principles of this approach are generally
used in the classes where the main target is to teach
grammar structures. The deductive method of teaching
grammar focuses on instruction before practice.
Step 1. A teacher gives an in-
depth explanation of grammatical
concept before students could
encounter the same grammatical
concept in their own writing,
Subject-Verb Agreement

A singular noun requires

singular verb.
Step 2. After the lesson,
students practice what they
have been shown through
worksheets and exercises.
INSTRUCTION: Write C if the sentence uses the correct for of
the verb. If the sentence is ungrammatical, rewrite the sentence
using the correct form of the verb.

1. Bettina dances gracefully.

2. Caren and her friends watches movie together.
3. Rommel sing very well.
4. Shann loves to play online games.
5. Alyssa and Arjie answers the question of the
● Ask the students to write sentences using
correct subject-verb agreement.
● Present a text and ask the students to pick
out 5 sentences that have singular noun
and singular verb and 5 sentences that
have plural noun and plural verb.
This type of teaching has many people rethink such methods,
as more post secondary level students are revealing sub-par
literacy skills in adulthood. Deductive teaching methods
drives many students away from writing because of the
tediousness of rote learning and teacher-centered approaches

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