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Explain that knowing oneself can

make a person accept
his/herstrengths and limitations
and dealing with others better.
How do you perceive
Look at the result of your self-concept
inventory and answer the following
1.In what areas do you consider yourself
strong ( score 14-16),somewhat weak ( score
10-13) or very weak ( below 10).
2.Are there qualities you consider as your
weaknesses but other people consider as
your strength ? What are these? Check
with a partner.
3.How realistic is your self-image?
4.To what extent does it reflect your real
Why is knowing yourself so
• *SELF is the union of elements, namely :
Body ,thoughts, feeling or emotions, and
sensations that constitute the individuality
and identity of a person.
• *the body constitutes your physical
attributes, your health and your posture and
Why is knowing yourself so
• * Your thoughts, the way you think, and how
you perceive things around you affect how you
feel about them and bring about sensations.
• *EMOTIONS & SENSATIONS You experience
prompt you to act and behave the way you do.
The union of these elements make up your
character or personality and essentially
distinguishes you from others.
Imagine yourself looking
into a mirror. What do you
see? Do you see your ideal
self or your actual self?
•IDEAL SELF – is the self that you aspire to be.
•ACTUAL SELF – is the one that you actually
•Ideal self and Actual self two broad
categories of self – concept.
•SELF-CONCEPT refers to awareness of
What is your reaction in this quote?
•“You cannot dream yourself into a
character; you must hammer and
forge yourself one.” ―Henry David
Ask the students about
the lesson they have
gained about the topic.
Be ready in Talent/Variety
Show Presentation about Self-
concept tomorrow.
Thank you

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