Tesu Turi

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De Cosma Sara
Țesutul epitelial
Simplu(unistrat -pavimentos:tunica interna a vaselor sangvine si limfatice
ificat) -cubic:mucoasa bronhiolelor
-cilindric ciliat si neciliat:mucoasa tubului digestiv

Pseudostratificat -cilindric ciliat si neciliat:epiteliul traheal

Pluristratificat -pavimentos:keratinizat(epiderma) si nekeratinizat (epiteliul

mucoasei bucale+vaginale+esofag)
-cubic ciliat si neciliat:canalele glandelor exocrine
-se tranzitie:uroteliul(vezica urinara+cail urinare)
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including
icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
Transitional epithelium, Uroteliul
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
Tip endocrin -tipul in cordoane celulare(adenohipofiza, glandele paratiroide)
-tipul follicular(tiroida)
Tip exocrin -simplu(tubular, acinos)
Tip mixt -pancreas

-intra in structura organelor de simt
Suprarenal gland Interstitial endocrine cell
Tip exocrin
Sensory Specialized Epithelium
Tesutul conjunctiv
• Lax: insoteste alte tesuturi; leaga unele organe, hipoderm
• Reticulat: ganglionii limfatici, splina
• Adipos: in jurul unor organe(rinichi, ochi) si subcutanat(hipoderm)
• Fibros: tendoane, ligament, aponevroza
• Elastic: tunica medie a arterelor si venelor
Ţesut conjunctiv lax subţire la nivelul zonei de
implantare intramusculară

Reticular connective tissue

Loose Fibrous Connective Tissue Under Microscope

White adipose tissue

• Cartilaginos: - hialin: cartilaje costale, laringiale, traheale
- elastic: pavilionul urechii, epiglota
- fibros: discurile intervertebrale si meniscurile a
articulare in tendoane, ligamente apronigroza

• Osos: - haversian(compact): diafizele oaselor lungi
- spongios(trabeculr): epifizele oaselor lungi si in
o interiorul celor scurte si late

Fluid - sangele
Ground section of compact bone showing Haversian and
Volkmann's canals H and E stained sample showing trabecular bone with
Tesut muscular
• Striat: muschii scheletici (somatici)
• Neted: visceral si multiunitar (in iris)
• Striat de tip cardiac: miocard

Tesut nervos
• Neuronul – celula nervoasa
• Nevroglia – celula gliala
Skeletal muscle in section Smooth muscle
Stain: H&E. Medium Smooth muscle (textus muscularis levis) consists of individual, spindle-
shaped muscle cells (myocyti) that form the visceral muscles and vascular
muscles. Stain: H&E. Medium and high magnification .
Cardiac muscle fibers are long, branched cells, shaped like
cylinders joined end-to-end, with one or two nuclei located
centrally. The fibers are separated by collagenous tissue that
supports the capillary network of cardiac tissue.

The myofilaments of cardiac muscle are arranged in a similar

pattern to skeletal muscle, resulting in cross-striations. The
fibers are crossed by linear bands called intercalated discs.
These structures have two important roles. Firstly, they provide
attachment points that provides the tissue with a characteristic
branched pattern. Secondly, they allow cardiac muscle tissue to
function as a functional syncytium. Essentially, the contractile
stimuli are propagated from one cell to the next one, resulting in
a synchronous contraction of the entire tissue section. Stain:
H&E. Medium and high magnification.

Cardiac muscle

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